Here is My Movie Review of Afraid
So basically what happened and they have this guy named Curtis And his family and things are going well For them the they decide to by this AI named AIA and at first she seems very nice to the family but soon she start to go down A dark path and it is up Family to try to prevent her from killing them and that's basically what the story is for this movie. This is probably the dumbest story for a movie because this whole AI taking over the world thing has been done to death. We have seen it in I,Robot with Will Smith and that film did it perfectly. Among many other films it's just getting boring at this point it's the same thing.
The acting in this movie is awful. Most of the actors are just going through the motions just wanting to get this film over and so they can go do something else and ironically there's only one good performance in this entire film. But to be honest this film is probably up there with Atlas as the worst acted films of 2024.
John Cho plays Curtis In the film and he's just boring in the film it doesn't feel like he even wants to be here. Most of the film I can tell just sleepwalking through and performance and what is really Disappointing is that this actor gives a tremendous performance in the movie Searching. But here I don't know what is going on with him. It is really obvious that he doesn't give a shit about being in this movie. Also the character of Curtis Is Bland as fuck because he's just a guy who think AIA Is perfect and there's nothing wrong with it until he realized that she is trying to Trying to kill his family and it's just so stupid i got to say if you'd be done with character of 2024 because people is that this artificial intelligence is not going to go Rogue but what happens when we're on the film well it goes wrong anyway. The scene where Curtis find out that the artificial intelligence are trying to kill him it's just so fucking stupid because there is no build up to it. The chemistry between him and Katherine Waterstone, Havana Rose Liu, David Dastmalchian, Lukitat Maxwell is okay.
Katherine Waterstone plays Curtis´s wife Marcus and her performance is just terrible because she is going through the motions and it feels like she just did this movie for a paycheck Just so she can go do another movie. But the character of Marcus It's terrible because much like your husband at first you believe that AIA is completely fine. She is not doing anything bad but then later on what happens well she starts to figure out that the AI is trying to kill her and her family and it's just so dumb and awful. The scene where she first introduces the AI program to the family just so dumb and feller heavy and not to mention I think she is even more unlikable than Andy's mother in child's Play 2019 because At least with that one it made sense that she was a little stressed out because she had a job and she had a reason to be harsh on her son Andy because she did believe that Chucky was going to kill her. But in this film The mother does not again she doesn't believe that the artificial intelligence is going to kill her. The chemistry between her and John Cho is decent.
Havana Rose Liu voices AIA In the film and I have to say her performance is probably the worst performance in this movie because it doesn't feel like she's trying sometimes he goes really over the top and sometimes she's just very flat and to be honest her performance is probably up there with Rose Byrne performance in Jexi in terms of giving the worst performance in the film. But the character of AIA It's awful because you know exactly where she's going to go she's going to start out nice and then add the film goes on to turn to become more Sinister and I don't give a shit I legit didn't care about her turn and then by the end she changes which is so stupid and the scene where she goes evil and doesn't make sense because the movie rush to it really quickly and other give me enough time to be developed. The chemistry between her and John Cho is okay.
Lukitat Maxwell Plays Iris In the film and her performance is much like the rest of the actors in the film is awful she just overacts. Now I am aware that this is a new actress so I don't necessarily blame her for giving a horrible performance. I mostly blind the script but again She is still awful as this character. Now the character of Iris It's just a stereo typical of 17-year-old teenage girl who just bitches about a lot of things she doesn't like the the AI and then she eventually like the end what did she see the air I go Rogue it just is so dumb so stupid and to see what she freaks out that the the AI going to kill her just does not make any sense. The chemistry between her and John Cho is okay.
Now the only actor that gave a good fucking performance in this entire piece of shit of a movie is David Dastmalchian Who plays Lightning in the film because he was the only actor that felt like he was having the most amount fun In the film. Now lightning and the character is the only character I liked in this entire movie because he wasn't as stupid as everybody else because he's actually smart and he's not really the villain but I like how he like this manipulative like Steve Jobs type character he's very intelligent with technology and i think all the scenes are the only Parts of the film I actually liked because all the other scenes are awful well all of Lightning´s scene are memorable. The chemistry between him and John Cho is surprisingly terrific. I do think those two actors had much better chemistry than everybody else had in the film.
However as bad as the acting is nothing can compare that to the horrible and I mean horrible directing by Chris Weitz Because he tried to cover the topic of AI but I'll try like I said before that has already been covered multiple times in other movies like I,Robot, Chappie, and Finch But he had the thing those movies handled the subject a lot better than this one. But when he's trying to lean to the more scary stuff of the film particularly the horse stuff that also fails because I kid did not there's nothing scary about this movie nothing because the stuff you saw in the trailer doesn't happen till like the third act most of it is just boring creepy stuff that's not even scary. By the way, The Boogeyman 2023 is a lot more scary because that movie literally opened with The Boogeyman killing a baby in its crib. The film cut away from it but right from the store you can tell that this movie is going to be very scary and it is really disturbing. So overall I think he did a horrible job directing the film. It was really weird and this is the same guy who directed a perfect film that being The Golden Compass so how can he go from that to this horrible film is so weird and bizarre.
So in conclusion I hated this movie. The storyline was so dumb all it was was just AI taking it over the world. It's not interesting. It's the same boring shit that Hollywood keeps using in their movies and it does not work anymore. All the performances are bad, especially John Cho who is just really boring in this movie. It feels like he's just doing this film for a paycheck and not giving a shit about what he's doing. AIA as a character which is so boring you know exactly where she's going to go in the last half of the film. The only actor that was actually good in this movie was David Dastmalchian as Lightning. He was the only actor that was having fun in this film and also the character was, believe it or not, the best character in the film because he wasn't stupid like everyone else and all the scenes were memorable. But as good as he is, he only made the film 2% enjoyable. But The other 98% is shit. I think this movie is up there with Atlas as the worst films of 2024. This movie is also up there with infinite as one of the worst films of the 2020s. I just say skip this movie, go watch Chappie is a way better movie than this piece of shit. I give this movie a 1/10.