Saturday, November 30, 2024

Here is My Movie Idea For The Wilted Flower


Here is My Movie Idea For The Wilted Flower

So basically would happen is that you have this guy named Oscar Lee and he recently found out that his mother's family passed away so his wife Henrietta wants him to go to the funeral to give his final farewell to his mother and he decided to bring flowers to the funeral to show how much cared for her and along the way he meets this guy named Matt Harper who wants to tag along with him to go to the funeral and the two start to have a really strong bond together and it's up to Oscar Lee and Matt Harper to go to the funeral to so Oscar could pay a beautiful farewell to his mother and that's basically what the story is going to be for this film. 

Now Oscar Lee as a character will show that he had a lot of personal problems because he has to cope with the loss of his mother. He is going through financial troubles struggling to keep his job. So you can tell that he is very unhappy with himself, just once to pay his mother a beautiful farewell. I think the actor can pull off all the beautiful and emotional stuff. Now this is going to be a weird choice but I'm going to go with David  Dastmalchian because he can give some really powerful performances like in the boogeyman 2023 where he played Leicester Billings and that shows he can be a really dramatic actor because Dead that once in a long way breaks down telling Will Harper that he had the one that killed his three kids Just shows that he can pull off dramatic scenes because there could be a really powerful and emotional scene Oscar Lee talk to Matt Harper about his life with his dad and it could be a very effective and beautiful scene.

Now Matt Harper as a character much like Oscar Lee Is the character that is also going through his problems because his son died at the age of 20 and is still coping with the loss of that but also his wife divorced him and he lost his job. Now the actor I am going to pick it is going to be a very entertaining choice because I am going to go with Mark Ruffalo because if you watch him in Zodiac he gives one of the most powerful performances  as Dave Toshi where he and Paul Avery Are arguing and Dave said that he doesn't want to work on the zodiac case anymore. It is a really powerful scene. Also there could be a really powerful moment where Matt Harper tell the Oscar Lee about the day his son died in front of him. It could be a really sad and beautiful moment in the film. Also I think he and David  Dastmalchian will have remarkable chemistry with each other. 

Finally there is Henrietta. Now she's not going to play a big role in this movie but the character of Henrietta is Shown that she really cares about her husband Oscar and just wants him to be happy to give his mother a beautiful farewell. Now the actress that should play her and this is going to be a very interesting choice I'm going to go with Rebecca Hall because she gave a tremendous performance in the movie The Gift as Robyn. Also there could be a really emotional and beautiful moment where she says to her Husband that's the only cared and loved for her and she can hug him and it could be a very powerful and magnificent moment of the film. To be honest I think her and David  Dastmalchian We'll have magnificent chemistry. 

So that is my idea for The Wilted Flower, a very beautiful and emotional film with an interesting concept about a man that's going through grief about the loss of his mother and meaning another guy that is suffering through something similar but the death of his son. The genre would be a drama film The film is rated PG for dramatic moments and mild alcoholic references. The runtime will be 1 Hour and 23 Minutes. 

Friday, November 29, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Afraid


Here is My Movie Review of Afraid

So basically what happened and they have this guy named Curtis And his family and things are going well For them the they decide to by this AI named AIA and at first she seems very nice to the family but soon she start to go down A dark path and it is up Family to try to prevent her from killing them and that's basically what the story is for this movie. This is probably the dumbest story for a movie because this whole AI taking over the world thing has been done to death. We have seen it in I,Robot with Will Smith and that film did it perfectly. Among many other films it's just getting boring at this point it's the same thing.  

The acting in this movie is awful. Most of the actors are just going through the motions just wanting to get this film over and so they can go do something else and ironically there's only one good performance in this entire film. But to be honest this film is probably up there with Atlas as the worst acted films of 2024. 

John Cho plays Curtis In the film and he's just boring in the film it doesn't feel like he even wants to be here. Most of the film I can tell just sleepwalking through and performance and what is really Disappointing is that this actor gives a tremendous performance in the movie Searching. But here I don't know what is going on with him. It is really obvious that he doesn't give a shit about being in this movie. Also the character of Curtis  Is Bland as fuck because he's just a guy who think AIA Is perfect and there's nothing wrong with it until he realized that she is trying to Trying to kill his family and it's just so stupid i got to say if you'd be done with character of 2024 because people is that this artificial intelligence is not going to go Rogue but what happens when we're on the film well it goes wrong anyway. The scene where  Curtis find out that the artificial intelligence are trying to kill him it's just so fucking stupid because  there is no build up to it. The chemistry between him and Katherine Waterstone, Havana Rose Liu, David Dastmalchian, Lukitat Maxwell is okay. 

Katherine Waterstone plays Curtis´s wife Marcus and her performance is just terrible because she is going through the motions and it feels like she just did this movie for a paycheck Just so she can go do another movie. But the character of Marcus It's terrible because much like your husband at first you believe that AIA is completely fine. She is not doing anything bad but then later on what happens well she starts to figure out that the AI is trying to kill her and her family and it's just so dumb and awful. The scene where she first introduces the AI program to the family just so dumb and feller heavy and not to mention I think she is even more unlikable than Andy's mother in child's Play 2019 because At least with that one it made sense that she was a little stressed out because she had a job and she had a reason to be harsh on her son Andy because she did believe that Chucky was going to kill her. But in this film The mother does not again she doesn't believe that the artificial intelligence is going to kill her. The chemistry between her and John Cho is decent. 

Havana Rose Liu voices AIA In the film and I have to say her performance is probably the worst performance in this movie because it doesn't feel like she's trying sometimes he goes really over the top and sometimes she's just very flat and to be honest her performance is probably up there with Rose Byrne performance in Jexi in terms of giving the worst performance in the film. But the character of AIA It's awful because you know exactly where she's going to go she's going to start out nice and then add the film goes on to turn to become more Sinister and I don't give a shit I legit didn't care about her turn and then by the end she changes which is so stupid and the scene where she goes evil and doesn't make sense because the movie rush to it really quickly and other give me enough time to be developed. The chemistry between her and John Cho is okay.

Lukitat Maxwell Plays Iris In the film and her performance is much like the rest of the actors in the film is awful she just overacts. Now I am aware that this is a new actress so I don't necessarily blame her for giving  a horrible performance. I mostly blind the script but again She is still awful as this character. Now the character of Iris It's just a stereo typical of 17-year-old teenage girl who just bitches about a lot of things she doesn't like the the AI and then she eventually like the end what did she see the air I go Rogue it just is so dumb so stupid and to see what she freaks out that the the AI going to kill her just does not make any sense. The chemistry between her and John Cho is okay.

Now the only actor that gave a good fucking performance in this entire piece of shit of a movie is David Dastmalchian Who plays Lightning in the film because he was the only actor that felt like he was having the most amount fun In the film. Now lightning and the character is the only character I liked in this entire movie because he wasn't as stupid as everybody else because he's actually smart and he's not really the villain but I like how he like this manipulative like Steve Jobs type character he's very intelligent with technology and i think all the scenes are the only Parts of the film I actually liked because all the other scenes are  awful well all of Lightning´s scene are memorable. The chemistry between him and John Cho is surprisingly terrific. I do think those two actors had much better chemistry than everybody else had in the film. 

However as bad as the acting is nothing can compare that to the horrible and I mean horrible directing by Chris Weitz Because he tried to cover the topic of AI but I'll try like I said before that has already been covered multiple times in other movies like I,Robot, Chappie, and Finch But he had the thing those movies handled the subject a lot better than this one. But when he's trying to lean to the more scary stuff of the film particularly the horse stuff that also fails because I kid did not there's nothing scary about this movie nothing because the stuff you saw in the trailer doesn't happen till like the third act most of it is just boring creepy stuff that's not even scary. By the way, The Boogeyman 2023 is a lot more scary because that movie literally opened with The Boogeyman killing a baby in its crib. The film cut away from it but right from the store you can tell that this movie is going to be very scary and it is really disturbing. So overall I think he did a horrible job directing the film. It was really weird and this is the same guy who directed a perfect film that being The Golden Compass so how can he go from that to this horrible film is so weird and bizarre. 

So in conclusion I hated this movie. The storyline was so dumb all it was was just AI taking it over the world. It's not interesting. It's the same boring shit that Hollywood keeps using in their movies and it does not work anymore. All the performances are bad, especially John Cho who is just really boring in this movie. It feels like he's just doing this film for a paycheck and not giving a shit about what he's doing. AIA as a character which is so boring you know exactly where she's going to go in the last half of the film. The only actor that was actually good in this movie was David Dastmalchian  as Lightning. He was the only actor that was having fun in this film and also the character was, believe it or not, the best character in the film because he wasn't stupid like everyone else and all the scenes were memorable. But as good as he is, he only made the film 2% enjoyable. But The other 98% is shit. I think this movie is up there with Atlas as  the worst films of 2024. This movie is also up there with infinite as one of the worst films of the 2020s. I just say skip this movie, go watch Chappie is a way better movie than this piece of shit. I give this movie a 1/10. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of The Boogeyman


Here is My Villain Review of The Boogeyman

Now I'm going to discuss the boogeyman who is the main villain of 2023’s The Boogeyman and explain why he is one of the most underrated Villains of 2023 and as well as  the scariest villains of the 2020s. 

Origin- Now The Boogeyman is similar to Joker because both characters are shrouded in mystery. Now Rita Billings does mention to Sadie Harper it is this dark entity that likes to torture and scaring children and kill the family because the last time it did that it killed the Billings family by killing the baby and killing the two other kids Because it attaches to the feeling because Leicester Billings´s wife was dead. I think the film did a terrific job of giving The Boogeyman a origin but also keeping it shrouded in mystery. 

Character- Now The Boogeyman as a character is shown to be very terrifying and really intelligent because it plays mind games with its victims by talking to them by imitating their voices. It enjoys torturing and killing children. I think the film does a terrific job of developing The Boogeyman as a villain. 

Motivation- Now the boogeyman's motivation is really interesting because wanted to kill the Billings family and it succeeded in killing all the kids because it prayed on l Lester's depression of his dead wife so that's why it tortured that family. It also wanted to kill the Harper family because of the will to cope with the loss of his dead wife and decided to pray on his family and tried to kill them off. I think the film does a tremendous job of giving The Boogeyman a really dark and Sinister motivation. 

Best Scenes- Now The Boogeyman has a lot of  terrifying and spine tingling scenes. But if I have to pick my favorite moment with The Boogeyman it would be the  scene where it Imitates Sawyer Harper´s Older sister´s voice and not only is it very disturbing but it just shows how far The Boogeyman will go to kill the whole family. It is all thanks to Daniel Hangen´s terrifying and tremendous performance. 

Evil Deeds- The Boogeyman has done a lot of terrible things such as trying to kill the Harper Family. It also manipulates Sawyer Harper by imitating her sister's voice, scares her  so he can kill her. It  also stalks the family. I think the film The Glorious job of showing how evil in scary The Boogeyman is as a villain. 

Conclusion- The Boogeyman is a fantastic villain Because it'll stop at nothing to get what it wants  in terms of Torture and killing more families. The backstory is really interesting as it doesn't show everything about The Boogeyman. But it shows a little bit just so you can get an idea of what its possible origins could be. It´s motivation is also really interesting how he wants to hunt and torture random family so it can kill them. The scene where the Boogeyman Mimics  Sawyer Harper´s Older sisters voice  is not only really scary but just shows how far it would go to torture and kill the Harper family and it is all thanks to  Daniel Hangen´s terrifying and tremendous. I think The Boogeyman is up there with Sarah from Cobweb as one of the most underrated villains of 2023. I'm going to give The Boogeyman a 10/10.

Here is My Movie Review of The Boogeyman 2023


Here is My Movie Review of The Boogeyman 2023

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Will Harper who is a therapist who is coping with the Lost of his wife so he decides to visit this guy named Lester Billings He told them that they're this entity called The Boogeyman that prayed on people who are coping with the Lost of something and it haunts and scares children. So one night his youngest daughter Sawyer Harper here's where noises coming from a room so she tell their older sister Sadie Harper that there's something in there but she does it really believer until she starts hearing scary voices and she realized that that The Boogeyman is in their house trying to kill them so it's up to well Harper and his kids to conquer their fears and kill The Boogeyman and that is basically what the story is for this film. Now the storyline this movie is exactly how it is in the short story by Stephen King will Harper's wife  is trying to come with the lost of her and he hear the voice of the Boogeyman and everything that power to survive and I have to say this is a perfect Stephen King adaptation because it gets a lot of things from the short story right. 

Now the acting in this movie is terrific because there's not many actors in this movie there's only 8 In this movie. But I have to say all of them still give really powerful and suspenseful performances. 

Chris Messina plays Will Harper in the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. Now Will Harper as a character is perfect because he is exactly how he is in the short story. He is still coping with the loss of his wife, he has to take care of his two kids and he has to overcome his grave by battling The Boogeyman to protect his family. The scene where Will Harper Is talking to Lester Billings is really accurate to the short story because the exact same thing happened: he is talking about what happened with his family with the Boogeyman. It is probably the most  Important moment of the film because it also foreshadows events that would happen later on in the film such as him by the way against The Boogeyman to protect his two daughters. The chemistry between him and Sophie Thatcher, Vivien Lyra Blair, David Dastmalchian, and Michael Bekemier Is perfect.

David Dastmalchian plays Lester Billings in the film. Even though he doesn't play a big role in this movie I have to say he still does a terrific job as the character.  Now Lester Billings Also as a character is just like how he is in the short story because he killed his three kids, his wife died and he started to go crazy so he visited Will Harper as his therapist to try help him out With his problems. The scene where Lester Billings mentions this too his therapist Will Harper is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film because it is exactly how he is in the short story  mentions that he is  the one responsible for the death of his three kids and that's why he started to go crazy. It is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Chris Messina Is perfect. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Vivien Lyra Blair as Sawyer Harper Because she does such a tremendous job of giving a really powerful and emotional performance and even scenes where Sawyer Harper is supposed to be really scared she also managed to pull that off really well. Also the fact that this actress is only 10 years old just shows that she had a really bright future ahead of her as an actress. Now the character of Sawyer Harper is really terrific because She knows that The Boogeyman is lurking under her bed and she wants her older sister Sadie Harper To help her get rid of the monster and protect her family. The scene where Sawyer Harper Here's the boogeyman is not only really scary but it makes sense because she thought her older sister Sadie Harper was just messing with her. It is probably one of the most terrifying moments of the entire film and that is due to the awesome end creeping music that plays throughout this entire scene. The chemistry between her and Chris Messina Is outstanding.

Sophie Thatcher plays Sawyer Harper's older sister Sadie Harper in the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. Now the character of Sadie Harper is just like how she is in the short story. She shows that she really cares about her youngest sister Sawyer Harper and how she wants to help her conquer her fears of the boogeyman and protect her family. The scene where Sadie Harper sees The Boogeyman  and it tries to kill it's probably the most disturbing and nail biting scene of the entire film because in the short story the exact same thing happens Sadie Harper sees The Boogeyman and it tries to kill her. The chemistry between him and Chris Messina Is remarkable. 

 Daniel Hagen Voices The Boogeyman in the film. I have to say he still does it spectacular job as this character he gives probably the scariest performance in the entire film. Now the character of The Boogeyman is really accurate to the short story because it likes to prey on children and scare them to death to the point that they would eventually eat them.  Also The Boogeyman's backstory is actually very interesting because it killed the Billings family and it only tortured a family that experiences tragedy then it goes after them. So that's why it went after Will Harper ´ s family because his wife died. The scene where The Boogeyman attacks the Harper family is not only the scariest moment of the entire film but it just shows how far the Boogeyman will go to psychologically break them and torment them and then eventually kill them. It is probably the most spine tingling scene of the entire film. The Boogeyman is probably up there with Dracula from Renfield as one of the best villains of 2023. The Rivalry between it and the harpers is magnificent because it wants to haunt and torture them and then eventually kill them. The chemistry between him and Chris Messina Is exquisite. 

Now the directing by Rob Savage Is perfect because what I like about his directing that he did a excellent job following the short story perfectly into the storyline and characters because the exact same thing happened in the short story The Harper family is being haunted by The Boogeyman and they had to find a way to try and stop it. But I  like how he is able to build up The Boogeyman as this dark and evil threat because he does not Immediately show it in the beginning; the only thing you see of it in the beginning is its arm. But you mostly hear the dark scary and intense voice and then by the third act he finally gets to see it and it is worth The hype that the movie has been leading. I think it's really remarkable how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed this movie because the storyline was very scary but very interesting because it actually got everything from the short story right above the Harper family trying to overcome their fears and take down The Boogeyman and survive. Also the standout performance is Vivien Lyra Blair who gives such a brilliant job as Sawyer Harper. Also The Boogeyman is probably up there with Cassandra Nova from Deadpool and Wolverine is one of the best villains of the 2020s. I think this is up there with 1922 as one of the best Stephen King film adaptations. I think this is probably up there with Cobweb as one of the most underrated films of 2023. I think this film is also off there with Love & Monsters with Dylan O'Brien as one of the most underrated films of the 2020s. Also even though David Dastmalchian Is not in the film a whole lot he still gives a really powerful and spectacular performance as Lester Billings. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like The Black Phone with Ethan Hawke. Then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 80/10. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Top 13 Actors Who Reddit Being in The MCU

 Top 13 Actors Who Reddit Being in The MCU 

13. Gwyneth Paltrow

12. Hugo Weaving

11. Anthony Hopkins

10. Natalie Portman

9. Terrence Howard

8. Christopher Eccleston

7. Mickey Rourke

6. Idris Elba

5. Jude Law 

4. Christian Bale

3. Dave Batista

2. Scarlett Johansson

1. Tilda Swinton

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of LongLegs


Here is My Movie Review of LongLegs

So basically you have this woman named Agent Lee Harker and she did this FBI detective who is on this case to search this mysterious Serial killer who call himself long legs and she is trying to figure out if he is the one that's responsible for all these mysterious deaths that have been occurring around her town and she and her partner Agent Carter And together they must team up to figure out if long legs is the person behind all of it. That is basically what the story is for this film. I have to say the storyline is tremendous because it really reminds me of the movie Zodiac from 2007 because that film has to deal with a group of detectives to try and figure out who is behind all these murders and all these cryptic letters and in this movie it's exactly Thor the same thing you have a group of detectives trying to figure out who the killer is who keeps saying them to disturbing and cryptic letters. 

Now the acting In the film. I have to say this is probably the best acting of 2024 because all these actors are giving powerful and intense performances. This movie is probably up there with Deadpool and Wolverine at one of the best acted films of 2024.

Miika Monroe plays Agent Lee Harker In the film. I have to say she still does a tremendous job in this film Because she gives one of the most powerful  performances. She's essentially playing a character that's going through a lot of trauma in her life because she has to figure out who this serial killer is and why Him going on killing spray. Now the character of Agent Lee Harker Is brilliant because She wants to figure out who is causing all these murders and wants to prove that she can solve the case. The scene where the little girl ask agent Lee Harker if being FBI agent is scary is not only a really powerful scene but it is really accurate to real life because being an FBI agent is really scary because they had to investigate all these dead bodies and figure out who is behind all of them. It is probably the most suspenseful and the most realistic scene of the entire film and in terms of getting what an FBI agent does in real life. The chemistry between her and Blair Underwood, Alice Witt, and Nicolas Cage Is magnificent. 

Blair Underwood plays agent Carter in the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character because he is playing a character that is very serious and he does a fantastic job of taking the role extremely seriously. Now the character of Agent Carter is incredible because he wants to helpe  Agent Lee Harker track down LongLegs and get him to confess that he was the one that killed those people. The scene where Agent Carter is reading the letters of long legs and trying to figure out   What long legs is going to do next and not only it is really creepy and really disturbing. But it makes sense because he wants to figure out what long legs are going to do to his victims next.  It is probably the chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Miika Monroe is outstanding. 

Alice Witt plays Agent Lee Harker´s Mother Ruth Harker In the film. I have to say she still does a excellent job at the character because she is playing a then under stressed because she doesn't want her daughter to be killed by Long Legs but also she wants too help Her daughter to figure out if he was the one that went to responsible for the death of all those people he has killed. Now the character of Ruth Harker Is really terrific because she wants to help LongLegs protect her daughter from the devil and doesn't want her to go to hell. But on top of that she is also sort of unstable because he likes to horde a bunch of stuff. She is very overly religious. She finished her  Plan to kill Agent Carter. The scene where Ruth Harker  where she asked her daughter if she says her prayers and not only is it a really chilling seeing but it makes sense because she is very religious and wants our daughter to say her prayers every single day But then they mentioned that prayers don't really solve her problems in the sense that she believed that if people pray to God nothing will happen. It is probably the most chilling and disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Miika Monroe Is wonderful. 

Now let's talk about Nicolas Cage. He is a terrific actor in fact he is up there with Paul Rudd as one of my favorite actors of all time. I like him in a lot of movies like Ranfield, Prisoners of The Ghostland and Color Out of Space. Also even if a movie is really bad he still gives an entertaining performance like in the movie Deadfall that movie is terrible but he is the best part of the entire movie because he's just overreacting and just having fun and the character Eddie. But I have to say in this film Nicolas Cage probably gives one of the best and one of the most terrifying performances has ever given as LongLegs because I am not even kidding there's a moment where Nicolas Cage creeps me out in this film. But he still gives a really  creepy but brilliant performance in the film. Now the character with LongLegs is not only one of the most disturbing characters in the film but probably was the scariest villain of 2024 because this guy does a lot of killing and he likes to sing. He enjoys praying to the devil so essentially he is a sadist.  Also LongLegs´s villain motivation is actually very disturbing because his motivation is that he wants to kill everyone so he can go to hell to be honest almost succeeds in completing his mission until he dies. The scene were LongLegs get interrogated by the FBI is probably my favorite scene but I'm not going to lie the part In that scene where he cracks his face open on the table still creeps me out because you'll think that when he cracks his head open he will die but no his face is all bloody and he has completely fine and he doesn't seem to care that he is hurt It just shows how creepy and unstable he Is. The rivalry between him and  Agent Lee Harker Fantastic because he is essentially playing my games trying to get her allies to kill her and it is probably one of the best rivalries of 2024. The chemistry between him and Miika Monroe Is glorious. 

Now let's talk about Oz Perkins because prior to this movie I only saw one other film that he directed that was Gretel and Hansel and get that tremendous job directing that film because he essentially put a whore tank on Hansel and Gretel the fairy tale where they go to the witch's house and the witch tries to eat them. But I have to say I think this is his best directed film because what I love about directing that he kind of structured this in three parts because part one is about Long Legs sending  letters  to the detectives and part two in the about his way of manipulating people in part 3 is the last part where Agent Lee Harkin get finds out that he was the one who killed all the people so she gets her revenge by kill him. I also like how he He made this film like Zodiac in a way because you have  FBI detectives reading d much like the detectives did in the movie Zodiac but the difference being is that the serial killer that they're hunting in this film is made up while in zodiac it was a real Life serial killer killer but I like how he takes that idea and put his own spin on it by making LongLegs the killer. I think it was really terrific how he did that. I am so looking forward to seeing how he's going to direct the movie  The Monkey in 2025.

So in conclusion I still really enjoy this film because the storyline revolves around Agent Lee Harker hunting down long legs trying to bring him to jail and make him confess that he was the one that killed those people. Also Nicolas Cage probably gives his best performance of 2024. This is easily up there with Deadpool and Wolverine as one of my favorite films of 2024. Also this is  going to be in my top five favorite films of 2024. I think LongLegs is up there with Cassandra Nova From Deadpool and Wolverine as one of the Best villains of 2024. I also still think that LongLegs is up there with Sarah from Cobweb as one of the best villains of the 2020s. Also this movie is still in my top three favorite Nicolas Cage films. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like the movie Zodiac with Jake Gyllenhaal. Then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Top 15 Things I Don't Want In My Avengers 2000s Trilogy.

 Top 15 Things I Don't Want In My Avengers 2000s Trilogy. 

15. I Don't Want Any Characters To Be Gender Swapped.

14.  I Don't Want The Trilogy To Be A Mess. 

13. I Don't Want Kang to Be In This Trilogy. 

12. I Don't Want A Love Triangle In This Trilogy. 

11. I Don't Want Ultron To Be Over The Top. 

10. I Don't Want This Trilogy To Have Too Many Characters. 

9. I Don't Want The Mandarin To Crack Any Jokes. 

8. I Don't Want This Trilogy To Retail Spider-Man Orange Story.  

7. I Don't Want The Quantum Realm To Be In This Trilogy.

6. I Don't Want Nightmare To Be Under Utilized. 

5. I Don't Want Any Forced or Stupid Jokes. 

4. I Don't Want The Jokes To Ruin a Serious Moment in The Trilogy. 

3. I Don't Want The Hulk To Be Family Friendly. 

2. I Don't Want Any Filler Moments In The Trilogy

1. I Do Not Want Dr Doom To Show His Face Or Be Funny.

Top 15 Things I Want To See In My Avengers 2000s Trilogy.

 Top 15 Things I Want To See In My Avengers 2000s Trilogy.

15. I Want Klaw to Be The One Responsible For The Death of Black Panthers Father. 

14. I Want Ghost Rider to Be Serious Just Like His Comic Counterpart. 

13. I Want Bucky Barnes To Have PTSD Flashbacks of Him Becoming The Winter Soldier. 

12. I Want Drax to be Smart Like His Comic Counterpart. 

12. I Want Thor to Be Serious Just Like He Was In The First Thor Film. 

11. I Want Gorr The God Butcher´s Origin Story Like How It Is In The Comics. 

10. I want Shang Chi´s Origin to Be Just Like The One In The Film. 

9.  I Want Vision And  The Scarlet Wench to Have A Relationship Just Like Their MCU Counterparts. 

8. I want Ant-Man And The Wasp To Have Their Relationship Just Like In The MCU. 

7. I Want Silver Surfer To Be Just Like How He Was In Fantastic Four Rise of The Silver Surfer. 

6. I Want This Trilogy To Have Higher Sticks. 

5. I Want Ultron To Be Scary Just Like How He Is In The Comics.

5. I Want M.O.D.O.K To Just Like His Comic Counterpart. 

4. I Want Hulk To Be Tragic. 

3. I Want Nightmare to Have A Lot of Scary Scenes. 

2. I Want This Trilogy To Be Like Phase 1 of The MCU. 

1. I Want Dr Doom  kill a couple Avengers to show how evil and Dark he is like his Comic Counterpart.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Night Swim


Here is My Movie Review of Night Swim

So basically what happens that you have the Waller family and they are moving into their new house With a swimming pool in the first everything is going great for them until they know that there's something evil lurking in the swimming pool so they had to do everything in their power to figure out what is and put stop to it. Dented up to the Waller family to avoid being killed by the creature In the swimming pool and that's basically what the story is for this film. Now the storyline in this movie I have to say it is a really interesting concept of a possessed swimming pool and I think  the film did an excellent job adapting that sort of prominence until a future length film.

Now a lot of people say that the acting in this movie is not that good but to be perfectly honest I think the actors give really incredible and Powerful performances. To be honest I don't think this movie is the worst acted film of 2024 that will go to Madam web because that film nobody is giving a good performance at all well in this film the actors are having fun in this film. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Wyatt Russell as Ray Waller because he gives such an incredible and entertaining performance in the film. Now the character Ray Walter is actually very entertained because this is a guy that's been through a lot. He used to be a former baseball Player who had to retire due to him having MS. Then he decided to move his family to a new house in the swimming pool and now he has to deal with a demonic creature that lives in the swimming pool. He has to do everything in his power to protect his family from the creature. The scene where Ray Waller gets possessed by the pool creature is not only really horrifying but it makes sense because it is a sense we're taking control of him and it is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film because the creature wants to take control of the whole family. It is probably the most chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Kerry Condon, Amelie Hoeferle, and Gavin Warren Is terrific. 

Kerry Condon Plays Ray Waller’s wife Eve Waller In the film. I have to say she still does a remarkable job as the character. Now Eve Waller as a character is really incredible because she wants to figure out what is Going on with the pool and try to figure out if there is a demonic presence lurking in the water. The scene where Eve Waller Save her husband Ray waller game possessed by the pool creature is not only really disturbing and very creepy but it makes sense because the creature wants to torture and kill the family as much as possible. It is probably the most chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Wyatt Russell Is excellent. 

Gavin Warren plays Ray Waller´s son Elliott Waller In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character.  Now the character of Elliott Waller  Is really incredible because he wants to figure out what is lurking in the swimming pool and protect his family from it. The scene where Elliott Waller gets attacked The creature is not only really creepy but foreshadows the events that will happen later on with the creature possessing Elliott´s dad. It is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Wyatt Russell is still wonderful. 

Amelie Hoeferle plays Ray Waller´s Daughter Izzy Waller In the film. I have to say she still does a remarkable job as the character. Now the character of Izzy Waller Is really incredible because much like the rest of her family she wants to know what is lurking In the swimming pool and trying to prevent it from killing her and her family. The scene where Izzy Waller Is swimming and she gets grabbed by the creature and not only are they really showing the scene but you can tell how scared and petrified she is because the creature that said we're trying to drown her to death in the swimming pool. It is probably the creepiest and most spine tingling scene of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Wyatt Russell  Is perfect. 

Now the creature in this movie is really interesting because not much is known about its origin. The most that we do get is that it possessed a young girl named Rebecca Summers and ever since then it has a tendency of taking people and possessing them. The scene where the Creature Possesses Ray Waller is probably Disturbing moment of the film because it wants to possess Ray Waller so it can have him kill his family and it's probably the most shocking and creepy moment of the entire film. Altso the CGI for the creature is actually really Incredible and the design is actually very disturbing and has a skull  face with black hair. I think the creature is Probably up there with Knox from Roadhouse 2024 as one of the most underrated villains of 2024. 

Now the directing by Bryce McGuire Is really interesting because for this being his directorial debut I have to say he still does a terrific job of directing the film because what I like about his directing is that he takes this really interesting concept of a family buying a house and having to deal with a possess swimming pool which sounds really boring on paper but somehow you makes it both chilling and really entertain because The family that we're following in the film is going through a lot Ray is not able to play baseball that much anymore because of his MS and Eve Waller want to figure out what is going on with the pole and trying to figure out what is calling all these Paranormal hauntings. I think it is really terrific of how he did that. I am looking forward to seeing what he's going to direct next in the future. 

So in conclusion I don't think this movie is as bad as a lot of people say it is to be out there far worse movies of this 2024 like Mouse Trap and Imaginary those films are even more unwatchable than this one. Also to be honest I still enjoyed this movie. The concept of a possessed swimming pool is actually really interesting and the film does explore that concept really well. Also Wyatt Russell gives probably his best performance as Ray Waller. Also the creature is probably up there with Skar King from Godzilla X Kong New Empire as one must underrated villains of the 2020s. I think more people should give this movie a chance before calling it one of the worst films of 2024. I highly recommend people to watch this film especially if you like Abigail with Dan Stevens. Then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 8/10. 

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