Thursday, August 22, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Surtur


Here is My Villain Review of Surtur

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Surtur who is  the secondary villain in  2017's Thor Ragnarok and explain why he is one of the most disappointing and underwhelming villains in the MCU as one of the many MCU villains that had a lot of potential and was just completely wasted. 

Origin- Now Surtur´s Origin isn't really explained a whole lot but it's implied that he was born in Musphelheim and ruled it for a millennium. He was soon be confronted by Thor's dad Odin and the two will battle and he was banished back where he came from ever since then sooner has been going to come back to Asgard and destroy it by Causing Ragnarok to happen and his crown was resting and being powered by the eternal flame. I think the film does an  okay job of telling Surtur origin story but much like Ultron from Avengers Age of Ultron.  Now Surtur had a lot of potential in the film  but unfortunately the film didn't really show his entire origin from the comics. 

Character- Now Surtur In the comics is one of the most Scariest and one of the most terrifying villains in Marvel Comics Now there should be really interesting for the film but instead they decide to make Surtur into a joke they have him say a lot of silly things and that's not really the character from the comics and It kind of took away his intimidation presence and fear factor. Now the design of Surtur is perfect; he looks exactly how he is in the comic books. But overall I don ´ t think the film does a great job of developing Surtur as a villain. They just took one of the Scariest villains in Thor's rogues gallery and just made him into a really jokey and cartoonist villain. To be honest I think he certainly suffered the same problem as Gorr The God Buncher did in Thor Love and Thunder because they put these really dark and intimidating Marvel villains and they put them into a really goofy MCU comedy film.

Motivation- Surtur´s motivation is really interesting because he wants to cause the rock which is the destruction of Asgard and to be perfectly Honest. I think his motivation makes sense because he wants to fulfill his destiny of accomplishing that. I think the film did a decent job of giving Surtur a really interesting motivation. But again I think it would have been better if they put him in Thor the Dark World because that film is perfectly in tone of what Surtur needs to be. Also because that film had a terrible villain and that being Malakath. 

Best Scenes- to be honest doesn't really have many scenes and that's really disappointing because he's supposed to be a really big villain in the film but he doesn't really do much but if I had to pick I guess my favorite scene there will be the scene where he is attacking  Asgard and he has facing off against Hela. Not only was it a very memorable scene of the character because he wanted to cause Ragnarok the destruction of Asgard and he actually succeeded. Now Surtur is voiced by Lex Luthor himself Clancy Brown and I have to say he does a decent job of giving  Surtur some personality and his performance is probably the most memorable thing about this character. But having said that I think he was a decent choice in concept but I think because of the movie he just took his performance and made it silly. To be honest I think if Clancy Brown voiced Surtur in Thor The Dark World he would have given one of the best MCU Villain performances but unfortunately he is just decent as the villain. 

Evil Deeds- To be honest Surtur Doesn't really do much evilness throughout the film because he's not in it that much. Aside from killing Hela and destroying Asgard I can't think of any more evil stuff that he does in the film. Again much like I said before they stuck him in Thor: The Dark World I think he could have done a lot more evil stuff in that film. I didn't think the film does an okay job of showing how destructive and evil the villain Surtur is. But we need more scenes of him destroying more realms. 

Conclusion- Surtur Is a very disappointing villain because he had a lot of potential being one of the best MCU villains in Phase 3 but they just get a lot of stuff wrong they make him really silly I thought In the films big climatic battle Surtur does become more intimidating but I felt like he needed to be a lot more like his comic book counterpart. Now as for the design of Surtur it is perfect there's nothing wrong with his design it is completely accurate of how he is in the comic books. Now the scene where he destroys Asgard is really interesting and Clancy Brown does do a decent job of voicing Surtur but again I feel like they should have put him in Thor The Dark World because I feel like if he would have had a much bigger on screen presence and had a lot of awesome and badass action sequences against Thor and Loki but they put him in this film which is more of a MCU comedy film It kind of took away Surtur´s Intimidating presence end fear factor. As much as I wanted to like Surtur as a villain. I'm unfortunately going to have to give Surtur a 4/10. 

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