Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Eddie


Here is My Villain Review of Eddie

Now I'm going to explain the character of any who is one of the supporting villains in 1993´s Deadfall and explain why he is the best part of the entire film as one of the most over the top and hilarious movie villains. 

Character- Now Eddie as a character is so weird and crazy because he has this weird obsession with Joker cards he enjoys killing people he yells a lot and he wants everything to go the way he wants it to be and I think the film does a  fantastic job of just making Eddie crazy and very funny.

Motivation- Now Eddie's motivation Is relatively simple: he wants to help Mike Donan Mom off and get the money for himself. I think the film does a decent job of giving Eddie a very simple motivation. 

Best Scenes- Now Eddie had a lot of over the top and a lot of memorable scenes and you could argue the entire film is one giant scene for Eddie. If I had to pick my favorite moment with any of the scene where he Send it to the main mobster Show me the fucking card and not only is it really funny but it makes sense because he's just yelling at the guy to show him the Joker card and  it is all thanks to Nicolas Cages´s over the top and hand me performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Eddie Does a lot of bad things he threatens to kill the mob boss by holding him at gunpoint he kills a lot of people. He also tries to kill his friend Mike Donan by burning him with gasoline. I think the phone to the decent job is just showing how crazy and unstable he is at the character. 

Conclusion- Eddie is without a doubt one of the weirdest and one of the most over-the-top movies going to that just makes him so entertained to watch he his personality is so over the top and silly he had the weird obsession with Joker cards and he yells a lot he's swears a lot  he killed a lot of people he wants money he just steals the entire film The scene where he says to the mob boss ¨Show me the fucking card is not only really funny but probably one of the most unintentionally funny moments of the film because it's about to take it seriously but because of how old the top and he is in that scene it just comes off as a laughable and entertaining. It is all fixed to Nicholas Cage´s over the top and hammy performance. I am going to give Eddie a 10/10.  

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