Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hare is My Villain Review of Terrence Fletcher


Hare is My Villain Review of Terrence Fletcher

Now I am going to discuss the character of Terence Fletcher who is the main villain in 2014's Whiplash and explain why he is one of the best villains of 2014 and as well as the most realistic villains of the 2010s. 

Character- Now Terrence Fletcher as character is really intense because he is shown to be a no-nonsense music teacher who will break his students both emotionally and physically to get them to play perfect music even if that means saying a bunch of derogatory and disgusting words to their faces To get them to play perfectly. I think the film does a fantastic job of making Terrence Fletcher really scary because in real life there are music teachers who are just like him who are very strict and don't take nonsense from any of their students and they would raise their voice to get the students to play better and exceed his expectations even if it means swearing in front of them. 

Motivation- Now Terrence Fletcher´s  motivation is very intriguing and very simple because he wants nothing but his students to play perfectly because he wants to win this competition so that's why he uses his student Andrew Niemann to accomplish that mission and he emotionally physically and emotionally breaks him so he can have his class win the competition and he tell him to play the song Whiplash on the drums perfectly. I think the film did a glorious job of giving Terrence Fletcher a really  Incredible and simple motivation because Terrence Fletcher doesn't want to get power, he doesn't want to have money, he doesn't want to kill anybody. All he wants is to have his music class make perfect music so they can win this competition.  

Best Scenes- Now Terrence Fletcher has a lot of incredible and suspenseful moments. But if I had to pick my favorite Seen it will be the scene where Terrence Fletcher says to Andrew Niemann ¨Were you rushing or were you dragging. Not only is it a really nail biting moment but it makes sense because Terrence Fletcher is emotionally torturing him so he could play perfectly so he can win that competition. It is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film and that is all thanks to J.K. Simmons has a powerful and nail biting performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Terrence Fletcher does a lot of bad things in this film. For example he emotionally abused Andrew Niemann  because he wanted to become the perfect drummer so his students could win the contest. He even threatens to drop Andrew Neumann if he doesn't live up to his expectations of becoming a perfect musician. I think the phone does a tremendous job of making Terrence Fletcher evil but also really understandable because well the things that he is doing are really terrible at the same time you do understand where he's coming from because he wants his class to win this music competition. 

Conclusion- Terrence Fletcher Is a really powerful, interesting villain  Because his motivation is very interesting because he doesn't want to kill anybody, he doesn't want money, he doesn't want power, he just wants his students to play perfect music and he'll do anything in his power to achieve that mission. The way he manipulates his students both psychologically and emotionally works extremely well for the character because he Is the type of person that anyone can counter in their everyday lives the scene where he yells at Andrew Newman saying are you rushing or are you dragging it is such a memorable and nail biting scene and it's all thanks to J.K. Simmons's powerful and chilling performance. Also Terrence Fletcher is probably up there with Koba from Dawn of The Planet of The Apes as one of the best villains of 2014. I think he also up there with Dreyfus from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes as one of the most understandable villains of the 2010s. I am going to give Terrence Fletcher a 10/10. 

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