Thursday, August 22, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Kang The Conqueror


Here is My Villain Review of Kang The Conqueror

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Kang The Conqueror Who is the main villain of 2023´s Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania And explain Why he is the best part of the film and as well as one of the best villains of 2023 but also the why I think They over hype him up and rush him into the MCU. 

Origin- Now Kang The Conqueror´s origin is really interesting because his real name is Victor Timely and he hails from the 31st century  and he was really smart and intelligent scientist and he was Why the members of the council of Kangs which is an organization run by a bunch of Multiverse variants of him But unfortunately he was banished down to the Quantum Realm And there he befriended Hope's mother Janet Van Dyne. So Kang Makes Janet Van Dyne a deal if he helps her with his time machine he can send her home But as she touched the machine she Predicted That he would get out of the Quantum Realm and kill millions of people and destroy countless universes across the Multiverse so she decides to trap him in there and ever since then Kang was stuck down there for a very long time and he built his own Citadel which is his giant Fortress. I think the Film does a Terrific job of developing Kang´s backstory with his connection to Hope's mother Janet Van Dyne Who was the original Wasp Who is also stuck there 30 years. 

Character- Now Kang The The Conqueror as a character Is really dark and Has the ability to manipulate others to help him Because he Make the same deal with Scott Lang/Ant-Man If he help them Build his time machine he can get Ant-Man and his family out of the Quantum Realm But he can also be very deceitful because he tricked Ant-Man to get him the multiverse engine core to power the machine so he can Get out of the quantum Realm  and kill million the people in Destroy count with universes in the Multiverse he also is shown to not give a shit about Darren cross because he Shoves  him against the wall when he interrupts him. This causes Darren  Cross to redeem himself and turn against his former master. I think the film does an excellent job of showing how cruel and King the Conquer is as a villain because he does it really care about anything he just wants to get out of the Quantum Realm so he can Get revenge on the council of Kangs and kill them and destroy the Multiverse. But I think they made Kang a bit pathetic just because he gets taken out by a bunch of ants and it kind of made him a little silly as a result. 

Motivation- Now Kang The Conqueror´s Motivation is Very interesting because He wants to get out of the Quantum Realm and get  revenge on The council of Kangs and destroy the Multiverse. So in order to do that he decided to Blackmail Ant-Man and threaten to kill him And his daughter Cassie if he doesn't help him fix his time machine. I think the film does a Terrific job of giving Kang A really dark but really Interesting motivation for how he wants to get out of the  Quantum Realm and by doing that he decides to manipulate Ant-Man into helping him fix his time machine So he can destroy the Multiverse. 

Best Scenes- Now Kang The Conqueror has a lot of awesome and intense moments.  But if I had to pick my favorite Moment with Kang The Conqueror It will be the scene where  he says ¨You will bring me what I need or I will kill your daughter in front of you.¨ Then make you live that moment in time over and over again.¨ Until you beg me to kill you ¨Do we have an understanding.¨ because Can the Conqueror Is telling Ant-Man if he doesn't Help him build his time machine he will kill Cassie in front of him and put Ant-Man in an endless loop so he can witness that horrible moment over and over again until he begs Kang to kill him. It is all thanks to Jonathan Major´s tremendous and nail biting performance.

Evil Deeds- Now Kang The Conqueror has done a lot of horrible things In the film. For example he Black males Ant-Man to help him rebuild his time machine and if he doesn't help him he will kill his daughter right in front of him. He has killed a lot of people throughout the Multiverse. He treats Darren Cross like garbage If he doesn't follow his orders. He also kidnaps Ant-Man´s daughter Cassie  in his Citadel. He tells Darren Cross to kill Ant-Man's daughter Cassie. I think the film does a perfect job of showing off how evil and despicable Kang The Conqueror is as a villain. 

Conclusion- Kang The Conqueror is a really interesting villain because his motivation is really dark but really awesome how he wants to get out of the quantum realm and kill all the other variants and conquer the Multiverse and in order to do that he manipulates Ant-Man into help him fix his time machine. The monologue that Kang says Is not only really dark. But it makes sense because if Ant-Man doesn't help him he will kill Cassie in front of him and make him live that moment anytime loop until he begs him to kill him. It is all thanks to Jonathan majors powerful and nail biting performance. Now with all this awesome things I am saying about King The Conqueror He does have some problems for example I think they over hyped him by make him this big Thanos level threat but in reality he just gets being up by Ants I think that was the weakest part of the character how he did get taken out by ants but the second half of the final battle when he's battling Ant-Man in his citadel and almost killed them is Interesting climax and it makes up for the over the top first half of the climax. I also think that they should have waited and put Kang the Conqueror in a different movie like in a Fantastic Four Film or a Doctor Strange film. But other than those little problems I do think Kang The Conqueror is a really fun villain in the MCU. I ´am going to give Kang the Conqueror a 7/10. 

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