Sunday, November 24, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Night Swim


Here is My Movie Review of Night Swim

So basically what happens that you have the Waller family and they are moving into their new house With a swimming pool in the first everything is going great for them until they know that there's something evil lurking in the swimming pool so they had to do everything in their power to figure out what is and put stop to it. Dented up to the Waller family to avoid being killed by the creature In the swimming pool and that's basically what the story is for this film. Now the storyline in this movie I have to say it is a really interesting concept of a possessed swimming pool and I think  the film did an excellent job adapting that sort of prominence until a future length film.

Now a lot of people say that the acting in this movie is not that good but to be perfectly honest I think the actors give really incredible and Powerful performances. To be honest I don't think this movie is the worst acted film of 2024 that will go to Madam web because that film nobody is giving a good performance at all well in this film the actors are having fun in this film. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Wyatt Russell as Ray Waller because he gives such an incredible and entertaining performance in the film. Now the character Ray Walter is actually very entertained because this is a guy that's been through a lot. He used to be a former baseball Player who had to retire due to him having MS. Then he decided to move his family to a new house in the swimming pool and now he has to deal with a demonic creature that lives in the swimming pool. He has to do everything in his power to protect his family from the creature. The scene where Ray Waller gets possessed by the pool creature is not only really horrifying but it makes sense because it is a sense we're taking control of him and it is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film because the creature wants to take control of the whole family. It is probably the most chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Kerry Condon, Amelie Hoeferle, and Gavin Warren Is terrific. 

Kerry Condon Plays Ray Waller’s wife Eve Waller In the film. I have to say she still does a remarkable job as the character. Now Eve Waller as a character is really incredible because she wants to figure out what is Going on with the pool and try to figure out if there is a demonic presence lurking in the water. The scene where Eve Waller Save her husband Ray waller game possessed by the pool creature is not only really disturbing and very creepy but it makes sense because the creature wants to torture and kill the family as much as possible. It is probably the most chilling moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Wyatt Russell Is excellent. 

Gavin Warren plays Ray Waller´s son Elliott Waller In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character.  Now the character of Elliott Waller  Is really incredible because he wants to figure out what is lurking in the swimming pool and protect his family from it. The scene where Elliott Waller gets attacked The creature is not only really creepy but foreshadows the events that will happen later on with the creature possessing Elliott´s dad. It is probably the most important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Wyatt Russell is still wonderful. 

Amelie Hoeferle plays Ray Waller´s Daughter Izzy Waller In the film. I have to say she still does a remarkable job as the character. Now the character of Izzy Waller Is really incredible because much like the rest of her family she wants to know what is lurking In the swimming pool and trying to prevent it from killing her and her family. The scene where Izzy Waller Is swimming and she gets grabbed by the creature and not only are they really showing the scene but you can tell how scared and petrified she is because the creature that said we're trying to drown her to death in the swimming pool. It is probably the creepiest and most spine tingling scene of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Wyatt Russell  Is perfect. 

Now the creature in this movie is really interesting because not much is known about its origin. The most that we do get is that it possessed a young girl named Rebecca Summers and ever since then it has a tendency of taking people and possessing them. The scene where the Creature Possesses Ray Waller is probably Disturbing moment of the film because it wants to possess Ray Waller so it can have him kill his family and it's probably the most shocking and creepy moment of the entire film. Altso the CGI for the creature is actually really Incredible and the design is actually very disturbing and has a skull  face with black hair. I think the creature is Probably up there with Knox from Roadhouse 2024 as one of the most underrated villains of 2024. 

Now the directing by Bryce McGuire Is really interesting because for this being his directorial debut I have to say he still does a terrific job of directing the film because what I like about his directing is that he takes this really interesting concept of a family buying a house and having to deal with a possess swimming pool which sounds really boring on paper but somehow you makes it both chilling and really entertain because The family that we're following in the film is going through a lot Ray is not able to play baseball that much anymore because of his MS and Eve Waller want to figure out what is going on with the pole and trying to figure out what is calling all these Paranormal hauntings. I think it is really terrific of how he did that. I am looking forward to seeing what he's going to direct next in the future. 

So in conclusion I don't think this movie is as bad as a lot of people say it is to be out there far worse movies of this 2024 like Mouse Trap and Imaginary those films are even more unwatchable than this one. Also to be honest I still enjoyed this movie. The concept of a possessed swimming pool is actually really interesting and the film does explore that concept really well. Also Wyatt Russell gives probably his best performance as Ray Waller. Also the creature is probably up there with Skar King from Godzilla X Kong New Empire as one must underrated villains of the 2020s. I think more people should give this movie a chance before calling it one of the worst films of 2024. I highly recommend people to watch this film especially if you like Abigail with Dan Stevens. Then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 8/10. 

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