Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Here is My Anti-Hero Review of Cable


Here is My Anti-Hero Review of Cable

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Cable who is the main villain turned hero in 2018's Deadpool 2 and I'm going to explain why he is the most tragic character in the X-Men film franchise and one of the best characters of 2018. 

Origin- Now cables origin is really tragic because his real name is Nathan Summers and he was born In the future in counts  wars which had traumatized him he later joined the space force for a short time. But unfortunately he lost his arm and his eye and he had to get cybernetic once to replace his originals. He eventually fell in love with a woman named Aliya And they got married and they had a daughter named Hope who Cable showed the most affection towards because he really cared about her and loved her and vowed to protect her at all cost but unfortunately we Fire Fist Showed up in Cable’s timeline and kills the two right in front of cable so Cable decides to get vengeance on Firefest by traveling back in time to kill him when he is a kid. I need the film Do a terrific job of showing Cable's tragic backstory because he had to lose the one thing he really cared about, which was his wife and daughter to fire first so you can see why he would want to travel back in time to kill him when he was a kid.

Character- Now Cable as a character Is shown to have no nonsense for anything he is very tough and very strong. He also has shown that he has time travel throughout many years by using his time machine to get to different timelines in order to accomplish his mission. he at first is shown to want to kill Deadpool because he is in his way of him completing his mission in killing Fire Fist but eventually the two have to team up to take down the Juggernaut and prevent Firefest of going down a dark path. I think The film does a spectacular job of developing Cable and the character because in the comics he is shown to have no nonsense for anything he is very serious and very tough so I think the film captured his personality extremely well. 

Motivation- Now cables motivation is that he wants to kill fire fist when he is a kid because he knows that he with the one response before the for the death of his wife and daughter help summer that he wants to do everything is power To Keep his family Safe and keep its timeline the way it is But he also wants to help Deadpool take down The Juggernaut and redeem Fire Fist. I think The film does a tremendous job of giving Cable a really powerful and understandable motivation because he wants to prevent the death of his family and he wants to keep his timeline the way it is. He also doesn't want Fire Fist to go on a dark path. 

Best Scenes- Now Cable has a lot of powerful and entertaining moments in the film but if I had to pick my favorite moment with Cable it'll be the scene where Says it to Deadpool because of you know what a grown man with baby balls look like.¨ Not only was it really funny but it makes sense because the juggernaut ripped Deadpool in half and he had to regrow all his parts by healing himself.¨ It is probably the funniest moment of the entire film and it's all thanks to Josh Brolin's powerful and entertaining performance. 

Evil/Good Deeds Now Cable does a lot of bad things in this film like he tried to kill Fire Fist and he tried to Kill Deadpool so he won't ruin his plans. But at the same time he does a lot of good things in this phone like helping Deadpool take down the drug or not and redeem fire fist and he also Tries to save his original timeline so his wife and daughter can be alive in his timeline. I think the film does a glorious job of showing how evil Cable is but also shows that he can redeem himself and does a lot of good things at the same time. 

Conclusion- Cable is a really interesting character because he starts out as a villain trying to kill Deadpool and  Fire Fist to prevent his wife and daughter from being killed. But he also redeems himself to help Deadpool take down the Juggernaut and prevent Fire fist from going down a dark path. Also his backstory is just like how it is in the comic is him losing his arm and one ofHis eyes and having Cybernetic parts to replace the originals. Has motivation is really interesting how  at first he wanted to kill Deadpool to prevent him from stopping him from accomplishing his mission. The scene where Cable mentions That Deadpool has baby balls is not only funny but it makes sense because The Juggernaut ripped him in half and it is probably the most entertaining moment of the entire film and it is all thanks to Josh Brolin's powerful and entertaining performance. I am going to give Cable a 10/10. 

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