Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Magneto


Here is My Villain Review of Magneto

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Magneto who is the secondary villain in 2011’s X-Men First Class and explain why he is the best part of the movie and Why had the most sympathetic X-men movie villain. 

Origin- Now Magneto´s Origin is relatively the same like it was in the very first X-Men film because he was born in a concentration camp he had to watch his whole family and friends be really killed by the Nazis however unlike the original version of his story and this one they have Sebastian Shaw be The one responsible for the death of Magneto´s mother. I had to say the film does a excellent job of Magneto´s tragic backstory involving the death of his mother but I have to say I think making Sebastian Shaw Be the one responsible for the death of  Magneto´s  mother was a strange choice but I think aside from that it is still relatively a very powerful and emotional backstory that the film still takes relatively seriously.    

Character- Now  Magneto´s Character is relatively the same like it was in the first X-Men movie he wants to protect the mutant race he views humans as a threat. I do like how in this film they expand the friendship between him and Charles Xavier. I did think the film does a incredible job of showing the downfall of his character how he went from sort of good to bad  I think the film did a pretty decent job of making Erik Lehncher / Magneto Third the hero as well as the villain of the story because he believes he is doing the right thing but he is going about a very dark that way away. 

Motivation- Now Magneto´s Motivation is relatively the same because He wants to make me intense the dominant race because he believed that his kind that being the mutants are being discriminated against and mistreated by the humans and the film does give me another motivation which I think is relatively interesting and that is he wants to prevent on Sebastian Shaw for killing his mother right in front of him and to be honest you do get his motivation he had to watch his mother getting killed in front of him in by Sebastian Shaw. He wants mutants to be the dominant race. I think the film did an excellent job of giving  Magneto a very tragic and understandable motivation.

Best Scenes- Now  Magneto  has a lot of powerful and emotional scenes. Now if I had to pick my favorite scene with Magneto where is fighting back against the military by picking up the missiles and throwing them right back at the ships but unfortunately he owns two ways to stop one of the military officers who actually shoots Charles in the back and not only is it really sad and emotional but if you think about  Magneto he blames himself for not stopping the bullet from hitting Charles in the back which caused him to lose his ability to walk and Ended all thanks to Michael Fassbender's powerful and beautiful performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Magneto does a lot of evil things in this film. For example he turned against his old childhood friend Charles Xavier. He killed Sebastian Shaw. He tries to kill all the humans of the mutants can be the dominant race. Now Magneto Does a lot of awful things In the film at the same time you do understand where he's coming from he wants revenge on Sebastian Shaw for killing his mother in front of him he wants the Mutants to be the dominant race because humans are super prejudice and racist toward them because of what they can do in terms of having power and having unique features that they were born with. Now  Magneto strongly believes that he's doing the right thing. He has good intentions but the way he is doing all that he is doing in a dark and horrific way. I think the film Did a terrific job of showing off how evil but also how understandable Magneto is as the character.

Conclusion- Magneto is Is a villain that you can feel bad for because he had to watch his mother be killed by Sebastian Shaw right in front of them his motivation of making the mutants the dominant race works very well because he believed humans are mistreating mutants and just discriminating against them to because of the way that they act in the way that they were born. Although Magneto's no turn it actually very interesting and Actually it works in the film because well he is evil at the beginning you see him bonding with his best friend Charles Xavier but at the film goes on specifically the part where Charles loses his ability to walk he does become more revenge driven and more evil and I did the film handled that relatively well The scene where he blamed himself for Charles Getting shot in the back And getting paralyzed other thought is a very powerful and emotional theme because he had to watch his best friend become paralyzed right in front of him in the hands of the humans and it did all thanks to Michael Fassbender's tragic and powerful performance. I enjoyed this interpretation of Magneto. I mostly prefer how Magneto was done in the first X-Men film played tremendously by Ian McKellen. I think that one is more memorable. But there is stuff I enjoy about this interpretation of Magneto like his friendship with Charles is the strongest aspect of his character and in the entire character arc is the best part of the entire film. I'm going to give Magneto a 7/10.

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