Sunday, May 5, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Sarah


Here is My Villain Review of Sarah

Now I'm going to explain the character of Sarah who is the main villain in 2023´s Cobweb and Explain why she's such an interesting and very tragic and emotional villain. 

Origin- Now Sarah's origin is Really tragic because she was first born child of Mark and Carol But unfortunately there were front by her because she was deformed and she was a monster so they locked her behind the wall so she'll never come out again And ever since then her hair has been never cut in her nails have been growing very long and I did the phone do they fantastic job of giving Sarah a tragic story because she was shunned away by her parents because of the way that she looked because she was deformed and she looked like a monster. 

Character- Now Sarah at the character is very entertained because she starts off so I'm nice because she bonds with her younger brother Peter and they start to talk to each other but add the film going on she becomes more freaky and unstable and she starts to lash out with violent tendencies trying to kill Peter and kill anyone who gets in her way and I think the film did a wonderful job showing off how creepy she is but also kind of sympathetic at the same time because you do feel bad for it because of what she had to go through and she was younger. 

Motivation- Now Sarah's motivation is very interesting because she essentially wants to stay with her younger brother  Peter and spend time with him but she also wants Peter to kill his parents by poisoning them with rat poison. She also wants to haunt Peter for forcing her out of the hole I think the film that they going to stop at giving Sarah a very dark but understandable motivation because she wants to have Peter kill his parents because they didn't like her because she was deformed and other than she was unloved by her parents Mark and Carol. 


 Best Scenes- Now Sarah has a lot of intense and memorable moments. But if I had to pick my favorite one it'll be the scene where She told Peter to To kill his parents and not only was it really Really disturbing but it made sense because she wanted Peter to help her get revenge on Mark and Carol for not loving her because of the way that she was looked And it is all thanks to Deborah Wilson's spine chilling and powerful performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Sarah does a lot of evil things in this movie like she Tell the younger brother Peter to kill both of their parents she kills a group of teenagers who trade Peter like garbage She haunts and tortures Peter for laying her out of the hole. No well there's actions are very disturbing messed up At the same time though you do understand what she's coming from She wants to revenge on her parents for not loving her because of the way she looked she wants to have her younger brother Peter all too herself so they can spend time together and I need the phone today Marvelous showing off how creepy and very disturbing Sarah is. 

Conclusion- Sarah is one of the most disturbing but very tragic villains because she was unloved by her parents and her origin story is one of the most tragic villain origin stories of 2023 her motivation is very interesting. I also like how They build her up in the film and then we finally see her It comes off there is suspenseful and very disturbing and I think the film to the great job of making her sympathetic the scene where she talks to Peter and tell them to kill their parents is what the darkest moments of the entire film and it is all thanks to Debra Winston´s Nail biting and intense performance. I'm going to give Sarah a 10/10.


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