Saturday, March 9, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of The White Dragon


Here is My Villain Review of The White Dragon

Now I'm going to discuss The White Dragon who is the secondary villain in the 2022 Peacemaker TV show and discuss what I enjoy about him as the villain.

Origin- Now The White Dragon´s origin is very entertaining because his real name is Auggie Smith who was this racist and terrible person who was the sadistic leader of this group called Aryan Empire who hate different people's races except for their own and they went around killing a lot of minorities so Auggie Smith took up the mantle of The White Dragon and had two kids name Christopher Smith and Keith Smith  Annie told them to fight each other and he told them to kill each other but Christopher Smith accidentally killed an older brother Keith Smith and that is the Auggie Smith´s breaking point and that's why he had such a burning hatred towards his son. I think his origin story is really interesting how he would the leader of this terrible group of people how he had such huge hatred for a son Christopher Smith of what because he killed his older brother and I did the show handled his origin extremely well you understand what where he's coming from and turn them not liking his son. 

Character- Now The White Dragon is one the racist sexist and bigoted characters In the all of the DCEU. He is a cold-hearted bastard. He despises his son with a burning passion because Christopher Smith killed his older brother Keith Christopher. What makes The White Dragon such a very interesting villain is because of the wonderful and terrifying performance from Robert Patrick he does such a terrific make you hate The White Dragon with a burning passion. I still think the show does an excellent job of flushing out The White Dragon as a character you really understand why he hates his son so much; he is a cold-hearted bastard who you just love to hate. 

Motivation- Now The White Dragon´s motivation that he wants to find his son Christopher Smith and kill him because of what he did when he was a kid killing his older brother and he just wants to destroy him he wants to  kill one of his own family members because his other son died and it is probably the darkest villain motivation in the DCEU and the show handles his motivations extremely well Because even though you don't agree of what he's doing you can understand why The White Dragon will go this far to get his vengeance. 

Best Scenes- Now The White Dragon has  a bunch of amazing scenes and all of them are really entertained to watch but if I had to pick my favorite scene with The White Dragon it will be the scene where he Is in his battle armor and he tries to kill Christopher Smith when he is an adult and not only that really dark but it makes sense because the white dragon wants to take all his anger out on his son and brutally massacre and kill him and much more like I said before this is all thanks to the dark and disturbing but wonderful performance by Robert Patrick. 

Evil Deeds- Now The White Dragon has done a lot of bad things he has emotionally abused his son Christopher Smith he lead the gang of KKK members to try to kill his son He has killed multiple minorities He has done a lot of hate crimes and he is just a really terrible and despicable character but the TV show handles his hatefulness extreme well because remember this is the character that is pure evil. 

Conclusion- The White Dragon is the most cold-hearted but yet one of the best villains of 2022 his motivations make a lot of sense because he hates his son Christopher Smith. He wants All his anger out on him and kill him as his possible Robert Patrick gives one of the most disturbing but yet very Incredible villain performances in the DCEU. He is a villain who you just love to hate. I'm going to give The White Dragon a 10/10. 

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