Saturday, January 1, 2022

Here is My Tv Show Review of Hawkey

 Here is my Tv Show Review of Hawkey

    So basically what happens is that it takes place After Avenger Endgame left off And you have Clint Barton And he still grieving over the lost of Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow Then you have Kate Bishop Who wants  Clint Barton to train her to become an Avenger and they both must team up to take down Echo, Wilson Fisk/Kingpin That is basically what the story is for this show. 

    The acting in the show is really kind of average.

    Jeremy Renner as Clint Bartion/Hawkeye. I still think he does a fantastic job as the character. Now the character of Clint Barton/Hawkeye Is mix because there is some stuff I like about him in this show like him trying to cope with the loss of his best friend Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow. Also I like how he cares for his daughter Kate Bishop. But again he's just not a really popular character to hold his own show and he doesn't really grieve over Natasha Romanoff /Black Widow's death a whole lot I think it would've been better if it was just him trying to get over the lost of his best friend.

    Haley Steinfeld plays Kate Bishop/Hawkeye in this show. I have to say she does a decent job as the character. Now other character Kate Bishop / Hawkeye were mixed There were some moments that I enjoyed her like her bond with Clint Bartion/Hawkeye. The scene where she was fighting Kingpin was an okay action sequence. But there were some points in this show where she was kind of annoying because she did talk a lot and cracked a lot of really weird and kind of dumb jokes. Also to be honest the bonding she shares with Clint Barton doesn't hold a candle to the bonding that Scott lang and Cassie have in the Ant-Man movies. I think she was in okay character.

    Francis Pugh plays Yelena Belova In this show and much like what I said in my Black Widow Review I still think She does a decent job as the character. Now as a character she is okay with in this show she had a pretty good and reasonable motivation because she wants revenge on Clint Barton / Hawkeye for not saving her sister and letting her die. But to be honest I don't think it was necessary to have her in here because she was just here to set up her role in the Thunderbolts movie.

Vera Farmiga plays Kate´s mother Eleanor Bishop In this show. I have to say she doesn't really do a great job as the character she is trying with the material she's given She really is. But as villain Eleanor Bishop is probably the most forgettable MCU Phase 4 villain all she does is that she assists the track suit mafia in their crime sprays. That is all that she does and also Eleanor Bishop is so forgettable that I actually forgot she's even a MCU character That's how forgettable she was as she was as a villain.

Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez/Echo. I still think she does a great job as this character. I like how even though she doesn't talk she still uses sign language. I still think that it is really cool how they did that. I still think she is a great secondary villain. I'm looking forward to seeing her in her own Disney Plus series. 

    Vincent Denafrio reprises his role as Kingpin for this show. I have to say he does a fantastic job and I think of all the performances he was the best. But the show makes him into a joke villain and that's not what Kingpin is supposed to be he's supposed to be this vicious and intimidating but for some strange reason he wears Hawaiian clothing and it just seems really dumb and silly and also there is a moment where he gets hit by a car and somehow he's able to blow up the car and survive which doesn't make any sense because Kingpin is not a mutant.

    So in conclusion well I don't think this is a bad Disney plus Marvel show It is probably the most boring because nothing really happens It's not as boring as secret invasion because I think that this show is pretty terrible in turns the pacing. This just feels like it was just made just because Hawkeye needed a show about him. Now there is some stuff I like about this show For example I like how it takes place around Christmas time. Also I did think the actors do try their best with the material that is given. But to be honest I don't think Hawkeye was the right character to have his own show because it would have been better to have a show revolve around the Celestials because that way the show can explore their history and their motivations i think that would have been a much better choice. I give this show a 4/10. 

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