Saturday, December 28, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Joker Folie À Deux


Here is My Movie Review of Joker Folie À  Deux 

Now this is going to be a really interesting review because I'm going to explain why this movie Is one of the worst movies of 2024 and why it is a big middle finger to the first film. 

So basically what happens is that it takes place after the first Joker left off you have Arthur Fleck in Arkham Asylum and he is just living a miserable life there but then he gets questioned by the people who work there and they're asking him is the Joker one of his second personalities and then he meets Harley Quinn and then he gets put on trial for the best stuff he's done and he has to figure out if he's guilty Or anything for all the crime that he's committed and that's  what the story for this movie is. This has got to be one of the dumbest fucking storylines of 2024 because what is so interesting about Arthur Fleck going to court to be on trial for all the crimes that he's committed to fall in love with Harley Quinn I'll tell you fucking nothing because it is so boring and so awful. To be honest to quote Terrence Fletcher Whiplash the story was dragging. 

Now the acting this movie is really bad because they're just going through the motions I mean there are points where they are trying to give good performances despite the horrendous material that they're given but unfortunately I'm going to say this is probably up there with Madam Web as one of the worst acted films of 2024. 

Now let's talk about Joaquin Phoenix who plays Arthur Fleck In the film. Now in the first movie I thought he did a tremendous job with his performance. To be honest he still does a tremendous job as Arthur Fleck acting wise. But sing wise  holy fucking shit he cannot sing to save as life he is awful because he  goes way to over the top with the singing because it feels like he's trying to be  Hugh Jackman from The Greatest Showman the difference being that Hugh Jackman can sing. But Joaquin Phoenix can't sing at all. Now the character of Arthur Flack is awful because throughout this movie he says that oh I was never the Joker, the Joker is just one of my personalities and that completely ruins the character because the whole point of the first Joker movie is that it was the fall of Arthur and the rise of Joker. But in this movie it is the fall of Joker in the rise of Arthur Which was just so weird and stupid. The scene when he makes out with Harley Quinn was just so dumb and did not make any sense and he doesn't even treat her like shit he doesn't hit her he doesn't throw out of a window he treats her way too nice and that's not how Joker should act towards her to be physically and emotionally abusive towards Harley Quinn. Also this scene was so bad I literally said I when I was watching this are you going to talk or fuck each other i'm not in a kid that's really what I said after I watched that scene. It is probably the dumbest fucking scene in In the entire film. The chemistry between him and Lady Gaga, Harry Lawtey,  Is decent. 

Now let's talk about the fact that I was very suspicious about Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. Well I got to say she Is terrible as this character Because it just feels like she just rated from the script and not even trying. Now Harley Quinn and a character Is nothing but a woman who want to fuck Arthur Fleck that that's all she wants to do with him is to have sex and live a happy life with Arthur Fleck  and that's it that is all her character is. The scenes where she and Arthur Fleck are dancing was painful to watch in fact it was a million times dumber than the dance sequence in the Marvels. With Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, and Iman Vellani. Yeah I am not joking they actually topped that in terms of stupidity. To be honest i actually did not hate the dance sequence in the Marvels because that was short and very entertaining to watch. But the dancing in this movie they go on for a long time to the point it's just fucking filler. It is probably the cringiest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Joaquin Phoenix Is okay. 

However the worst performance in this entire fucking piece of shit of a movie is Harry Lawtey as Harvey Dent because he is so miscast he is too young to play this character Harvey Dent is supposed to be 40 years old and this guy looks like a fucking 15-year-old. Also his performance is so monotone and boring that I literally almost fell asleep whenever he was on screen. That's how uninteresting his performance was. To be honest I think this is the worst actor who has ever played Harvey Dent because as bad as Tommy Lee Jones Was as Harvey Dent in Batman Forever at least he was the right age as the character and he had potential to play a good Harvey Dent/Two-Face he just had a really horrible script but to be honest I think this guy is so much worse to the point that it really makes the Tommy Lee Jones one look like Aaron Eckhart's Two-Face from the Dark Knight in comparison that bad he was as this character.  But the character of Harvey Dent is is terrible because he is not interesting at all because all he does is collecting Arthur of if he'd the joker or he just some random crazy psycho who just came up with the idea of becoming Joker it is so uninteresting and he's just he's not entertaining to watch because at least with Aaron Eckhart he was exactly like Harvey Dent because he got his face messed up he became Two-Face he want revenge on the Joker for killing Rachel and that one with a lot more developed than this one. The scene where Harvey Dent talks to Arthur and questions him if he's really the Joker is so fucking stupid it is borderline filler because nothing happens in that entire courtroom case. It is probably the most boring scene of the entire film.

But the thing that pisses me off about this movie is the directing by Todd Phillips because he directed the first Joker and I love that movie. It is a really powerful and entertaining Drama  film Of someone going down a dark path and he directed that movie perfectly. But with this I don't know what the fuck he wanted to do he red cons a lot of stuff in this movie saying that the Joker wasn't really Joker was just Arthur pretended to be something he wasn't and you all know how he made this movie into a musical he said and I'm not the Joker. he said I had a dream about it i'm not even fucking around that's how he literally came up with the idea of  Arthur singing in this movie and it being  a musical. Also he got everything wrong about the Joker and Harley Quinn's relationship to be honest I don't know why it is so hard to make Joker treat Harley Quinn like shit but apparently this movie wants Arthur Fleck to be nice to her and that's not what the Joker does again he treats her like fucking shit. But I guess Arthur Flack has to be like Sponge bob, being really nice to people. Even though he fucking killed a lot of people in these movies. So overall I think he did awful job directing this movie so he essentially said put a chicken in it and make it fucking lame. Well to be Honest. If we wanted to make a terrible Joker movie congratulations he already fucking did that. 

So In conclusion I fucking hated this movie because it red con a lot of stuff from the first movie. The storyline was absolute shit because it was just a boring court trial with some horrible dance sequences. The only and I mean the only fucking positive thing I have to say about this fucking piece of shit is that Joaquin Phoenix was tremendous as Arthur Fleck acting wise. But Singing wise no he was fucking awful when we had to do the singing. Also again he can't sing to save his fucking life. Also I will admit. The Cinematography was terrific. It was just as good as the first movie´s cinematography. Lady Gaga was not a good Harley Quinn. Harvey Dent was awful he didn't do anything he was boring as fuck. Also The scenes where she and Arthur Fleck are dancing was painful to watch in fact it was a million times dumber than the dance sequence in the Marvels. With Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, and Iman Vellani. Yeah I am not joking they actually topped that in terms of stupidity. To be honest i actually did not hate the dance sequence in the Marvels because that was short and very entertaining to watch. But the dancing in this film we're so bad and so stupid that it completely ruined this film. That's how bad the dancing scenes were in this film. If I made the top 30 worst films I've ever seen in my life this would definitely be in the top three. That's how bad this film is. Also this is not just the worst comic book film ever but I think it's worse than Batman and Robin because at least that film there was one thing I enjoyed in that film and that was the doctor Jason Woodrow played by The Riddler himself John Glover. With this movie that's almost nothing positive about this movie. To be honest I would rather watch all the worst superhero movies. Like Ghost Rider, Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance, Ant-Man And The Wasp Quantum Mania, Green Lantern 2011, Justice League, Suicide Squad, Eternals, X3 X-Men The Last Stand, X-Men Apocalypse, Constantine 2005, Hulk 2003, Captain Marvel, X-Men Origins Wolverine, Captain America 1990, Doctor Strange 1970, The Marvels, Even the superhero movie that I deemed one of the worst movies that I've ever seen Batman versus Superman Dawn of Justice I would rather watch that 89 times than to ever watch this film again. Not to mention this movie is so bad that it literally makes Jonah Hex look like Iron Man in comparison. That's how bad this movie is. Also this movie is up there with It Ends With Us as the worst films of 2024. You know even The fucking Marvel´s Inhumans show it's way more better than this fucking piece of shit because it has better acting, better costumes look better and the characters that actually comic book accurate compared to these dumbass characters in this film. Also this movie is up there with infinite as one of the worst films of the 2020s. Seriously I can go on and on about why I hate this movie but in the end I'll leave you with this worst sequel ever. I give this movie a -3/10. With the honorary fuck you to Todd Phillips.

So that's kind of it for the review I could have left it like that it gave him the movie a -3/10. But let's talk about the fucking ending  Holy fucking shit that ending was fucking stupid as hell so Arthur Flack tells everybody that he is not the Joker he's just some random guy who pretended to be something that he's not and some random guy goes up to him and stabbed him and then and Arthur is dying you see the guy blurred out cutting his lip open and apparently that is the real Joker in this universe Which does not make any sense at all because in the first movie Arthur Fleck was about to be the Joker but apparently this film he is not he just some random guy pretending to be the Joker. This is the worst ending of 2024. I guess this movie was right you get what you fucking deserve because of how bad it was.  


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