Saturday, September 7, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Kilgrave


Here is My Villain Review of Kilgrave

Now I am going to discuss the character of Kilgrave who is the main villain in 2015's Netflix's Jessica Jones and explain why he is one of the most Disturbing and one of the vial and one of the most entertaining villains in MCU. 

Origin- Now Kilgrave's origin is actually really disturbing because when Kilgrave was a kid his real name was Zebediah kilgrave His parents Experiment on him by giving him spinal tap surgery and he Didn't like it and he told them to stop and they're listened and then he Figured out that he had the power to control people And as you got older he became obsessed with Jessica Jones and stocked and followed her and then he eventually forced her to sleep with him which means he raped her and had her Undone  his control.  I think the show did a terrific job of giving Kilgrave a really dark and disturbing orange. The story is a little bit different From the one he had in the comics but in terms of his The wakey guys powers was identical from the comics. 

Character- Now Kilgrave add a character probably the most vinyl and one of them are disgusting villains in the MCU because he enjoyed raping and controlling Jessica Jones tell her What to do he also enjoys killing people or having people to kill each other. He also is obsessed with Jessica Jones to the point that he'll stalk and follow her wherever she goes. I think the show did a tremendous job on making you hate Kilgrave because of what he does to the people and Jessica Jones. 

Motivation- Now  Kilgrave´s motivation is really disturbing but really interesting because his motivation is that he wants to get a lot of people under his control but he really wants he wants have Jessica Jones Be by his side and dealing with every he wants to do because he is obsessed with her and doesn't want her to leave his side. Tell me Auntie does succeed temporarily by having Jessica Jones be his servant and follow his orders until she had enough and killed him by breaking his neck. I think the show did a Glorious Job and  gave Kilgrave a really disturbing but really interesting motivation because he wants to control Jessica Jones for the rest of her life. 

Best Scene- Now Kilgrave had a lot of Memorable and disturbing scenes To the point that you can actually put the entire first season A hole because he is the main villain of season 1 of the show. But if I had to pick my favorite moment with kilgrave it'll be the scene where he says to Jessica Jones “We there a lot more than just touch hands.¨ What part of staying at five star hotels. Eating in the best places.¨ Doing whatever the hell you wanted is rape?¨ That's not what I was trying to¨ and again how am I´m How I´m supposed to know I never know I never know if people are doing what I want when I tell them to.¨ Kilgrave You  have no idea do you I have the panstickly choose every word I say I once told a man to go screw himself can you even imagine.¨I hate that word.¨ do you see do you see What they put me through.¨ Not Was it really disturbing but it makes sense because Kilgrave Is telling Jessica Jones that they had a good time together but she views it as sexual abuse and torture.¨ It is all thanks to David Tenant´s intense and disturbing performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Kilgrave Had done a lot of awful things in the show like he emotionally and physically abused Jessica by rapping her multiple times he also Mind controlled Luke Cage to get him to kill her. He also told a girl to jump off the roof and kill herself. He also stalked and harassed Jessica Jones. I think the show did a great job of making Kilgrave as cruel and disgusting as possible because in  reality there are guys who sexually abuse women and it's very disgusting and Unforgivable. 

Conclusion- Kilgrave Is a really dark and Incredible villain because it's backstory it's really dark how he was experimented on As a child. His obsession with Jessica Jones is really disturbing and really creepy but it works Because he'd essentially obsessed her to the point that he'll fall and harass her and control her as much as possible because he wants her to be his obedient puppet. His motivation of controlling people works really well and that is accurate to the comics because in the comic books Kilgrave did the same thing  and he does in the show. Also The monologue he given to Jessica Jones is not only really dark and disturbing but makes sense because he views him sexually abusing her as fun and in his words that the way they bond together even though Jessica Jones doesn't like him at all and it's all thanks to David Tennant's haunting and nail biting performance. Also Kilgrave is up there with Cassandra Nova from Deadpool and Wolverine as one of my favorite villains of the MCU. I am going to give Kilgrave a 10/10. 

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