Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Strays


Here is My Movie Review of Strays

So basically what happens is that you have this dog named Reggie and he believed that he has the best life he loves butterflies he loves going outside but the thing he loves the most it is his owner Doug and he believed that he really likes him too but in reality Doug despises ready everything the day him and his girlfriend got him at the animal shelter so they've been spending a lot of time with each other and so Doug decided in order to get rid of ready he played this game called fetch and fuck where he drives Reggie out of the house and throws  the tennis ball far away so He doesn't have to See him again. But Reggie runs back with the ball and every time he did Doug will say fuck and he had enough of Reggie so he decided to 3 hours away. Just so he doesn't have to to see him again and then Reggie meets the stray dog named bug who tell them that he's a strain now his owner doesn't like him and then he introduces ready to two other dogs named Maggie and Hunter and Maggie explains that she got jealous of another dog so that's why she became astray and Hunter became astray because he He did become a police dog and so they feel bad for Reggie When he realizes that dog never liked him so ready to sign in order to get revenge on Doug he decides to bite his dick off so the other dogs decide to help him go back home and accomplish his mission and love to register you get revenge on dog by biting his wiener off and that's basically what the story is for this film and the way I can summarize this story in this movie is South Park but the characters were dogs and if the characters were voiced by Famous actors one thing this film had in common with South Park is that it has a lot  crude and sexual jokes that show has and it works extremely well. 

The voice acting / acting in this film is perfect. This movie is up there with Renfield Nicholas Hoult as one of the best acted films of 2023. Also this movie is point of view with free guy as one of the best acted films of the 2020s

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Will Ferrell as Reggie. Now this is a really different Will Ferrell performance because usually Will Ferrell is over the top and Yells a lot in his films. But in this film he is a bit more subtle in the role but he is really funny as the character. Now Reggie as a character you really feel bad for because his owner dog treats them like garbage he doesn't even like him and you'll understand why he wants to bite Doug´s  dick off because he cares about that thing more than him. Also Reggie in this film Kai reminds me of Stan  from South Park because he is the responsible One out of the dogs. Probably the best moment with Reggie is where he Introduces himself to bug for the first time and he says oh my name is shit bag and then Bug says What.¨ Then Reggie says ¨Oh it is shot  for dumbass shit bag but sometimes Doug pronounce it fuck nugget and not only was it really funny but it makes sense because Doug really hated him. It is probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jamie Foxx, Will Forte, Randall Park, Isla Fisher

Jamie Foxx voices Bug in this film. I have to say he does a remarkable job as the character. Now Bug as a character is really interesting because he is a stray and he wants to help Reggie get revenge on his owner and not only is he really funny. But you really feel bad for him because he has a kid that he liked named Emma and they spend a lot of time together but one day he accidentally bit her on her ankle so the parents took him to the pound to be Put down so he escaped and from that day forward he never liked humans he referred to become a stray and And that is the last time he ever bonded with a human. Bug in the film really reminds me of Kenny from South Park because they are both really horny they say a lot of dirty things. Probably the best moment with bug is what he tells the other dogs about his backstory. Not only is it really hard breaking but it makes sense because he really loved Emma but ever since he bit her he refused to interact with any humans and it is probably the saddest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Will Ferrell Is terrific. 

Randall Park voices Hunter in the film. I have to say he does a spectacular job as the character. Now Hunter is probably my favorite character in this film because he really cares about Reggie he wants to help him get revenge on Doug and he really reminds me of Butters from South Park because both of them are sort of family friendly because they don't say a lot of dirty words and they both get picked on by other characters because Butters get picked on by Cartman and Hunter gets picked on by Bubsy. Probably the best moment with Hunter is where he finally confesses his love for Maggie because that at first he likes Maggie but he is nervous to ask her if she likes him but at the film goes on they start to love each other and they eventually have intercourse and they hump each other and it's probably the most Swedish moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Will Ferrell is astonishing.

Isla Fisher voices Maggie in the film. I have to say she does a wonderful job as the character. Now Maggie Other character is shown that she really cares about Reggie and wants to help him get revenge on Doug for hit mistreating him and she really reminds me of Wendy from South Park because both of Them Are like the voice of reason toward the characters because Wendy is the smart one the class who always calls Cartman out for being stupid and Maggie does the same thing to the other dogs and both of them really care about the male characters. Probably the best moment with Maggie is where She and the rest of the dogs are yelling at the billboard that showed the mailman and she mentioned that she wants to but the mailman's nuts off and make him watch and not only that really funny but it makes sense because she hates the mailman with a burning passion and it is probably one of the funniest moments of the entire film. 

Will Forte plays Doug In the film I have to say he does a terrific job as the character because the one movie I did see him in was Cloudy With A chance of Meatballs 2  which he voiced the villain Chester V. watch I didn't like him in that movie I felt like he took the role way too seriously he didn't ham it up. But I'm happy to say in this film he goes completely over the top as the character you can tell he's not taking this character seriously he is just owing the role and you can tell Wiil Forte had a lot of fun playing this character just hamming it up the entire time not taking any of it seriously. Now Doug as a character is really interesting because he doesn't like Reggie even know he bought him for his girlfriend he constantly calls radio a bunch of room names but they're actually a reason why he does that is because when Doug with a kid he was made fun of when he was a kid other kids trained him very poorly so you can understand why he takes all his frustration out on Reggie because of the way he was treating other kid. So he is sort of sympathetic in terms of his poor childhood but he still a bad pat owner because he didn't take care of it he just play the game called fetch and fuck just to get Reggie out of his life. He really reminds me of Randy from South Park because both of them like to do drugs and watch dirty things on their computers and pleasure themselves with their favorite toy.¨ Now Doug is a character that is really fun to hate because you want something really bad happened to him and luckily something does happen to him Ready to bits his dick off and his reaction to losing his favorite toy is not only funny but it makes sense because out the only thing he cares about it is probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The rivalry between him and Reggie is perfect. I have to say Doug is up there with Dracula From Renfield as one of the funniest villains of 2023 The chemistry between him and Will Ferrell is tremendous. 

The directing by John Greenbaun Is really incredible because I like about his directing is that he does a fantastic job of tackling the subject of of animal cruelty and in particular how owners mistreat their dog then it actually really sad if you think about because the owner either yells at them or physically abused at the dog and it showed that the person who had the dog and not a really good pet owner and you feel bad for the dogs that have to put up with bad pet owners I'm glad he took it seriously but also made it kind of silly because Reggie believes that the game fetch and fuck is a way that he and Doug bond together but in reality it's just a game that they play together just so doesn't have  to see Reggie ever again he wants him out of his life and I didn't really interesting of how I he did. I also like how he made this movie kind of like South Park but if South Park had a bunch of talking dogs because a lot of the stuff is relatively the same as you see on South Park like a lot of sexual references and a lot of bad language. I think it is  really astonishing how he did that. 

So in conclusion I really enjoyed this film because on top of it being really funny but also It has a lot of sweet and heartwarming moments between Reggie and the rest of the dogs. Now  the storyline is well over the top and silly. It works to this film's benefit because if you think about it. It is like a live action South Park movie just with talking dogs. This is probably up there with Renfield with Nicolas Cage as one of the funniest movies of 2023. I think Doug is up there with Antwan from Free Guy as one of the funniest villains of the 2020s. I have to say if you enjoyed the movie The Kings of Summer with Moises Arias. Then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 10/10. 

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