Sunday, March 24, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Kro

 Here is My Villain Review of Kro

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Kro Who is the secondary villain in 2021's Eternals and explain why he is the most boring and one of the most generic villains in the MCU and one of the worst part of the film. 

Origin-  Now Kro´s Origin is just so bland and so uninteresting because it is implied that he was made by the celestials and he wanted to conquer earth and that's it that's his whole origin and you know I said that Dar-Benn origin from The Marvels was stupid I take it back because as much as I found her origin bland at least it had some interesting things about it with Kro there's nothing interesting about his ordinance story In fact I'm going to say this he had the worst villain origin story out of all the MCU villains. Also the film doesn't do a great job of a developing his origin story of whatsoever is just so bland and so nothing into nothing orange story.

Character- Honestly what character Kro as a character is just a generic alien conquer there's nothing interesting about him he's just a very bland alien He is up there with The Supreme Intelligence as one of the most boring MCU characters. The film does an awful job of giving Kro character development or like lack thereof because there is no character with this villain He said the generic piece of shit alien conqueror.

Motivation- Honestly what motivation Kro’s Motivation is so cliche it's so stupid and under this he just wants to conquer the universe. That's it he is just a generic alien conquer with no good motivation. In fact I'm going to say that he  has the worst motivation out of any MCU villain.  So the film also doesn't do a great job of giving him an awesome villain motivation, the same thing as the villains in the first Avengers film, the Chachari. Kro just wants to conquer the Universe and that is it. 

Best Scenes- To be honest Kro has no good scenes because they are  all bad except for when he dies that us the only thing I can remember about him in the way that he gets killed off and his death is well memorable it's still very stupid because the film does Jack shit to give him awesome moments like M.O.D.O.K from Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania who had way better and heck even more funny moments than Kro because he had a lot more screen time and they developed him with Kro they didn't develop him at all. 

Evil Deeds- To be honest I can't remember Jack shit of what evil Kro does in the film The only thing I can remember is that Kro killed Gilgamesh and he tried to kill the Eternals. That's it, that's all the evil stuff I can remember him doing in the film because again the film does not do a great job of making him evil. He's just bland and forgettable. 

Conclusion- Kro Is one of the worst MCU villains because he is so bland. He doesn't have an interesting motivation and the actor who voiced him was Bill Skarsgard and he is a great actor but in this I felt like he was just sleepwalking throughout his performance. All of his scenes are so forgettable his motivations are cliche and predictable. The only thing I enjoyed was the way that he died but even that was still stupid because it wasn't a memorable villain death. To be honest I think M.O.D.O.K ´ s death from Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania was more memorable because it was funny and he had a chance to redeem himself.  I'm going to give Kro 1/10.

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