Sunday, March 24, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Infinity Ultron


Here is My Villain Review of Infinity Ultron

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Infinity Ultron who was the main Main Villain in 2021's Marvel's What If…? Season one and explain why he is a lot better than Ultron from 2015's Avenger And of Ultron and explain how he is one of the best villains of Phase 4  of the MCU. 

Origin- Now Infinity Ultron´s Origin is relatively the same to Ultron's origin in Avengers Age of Ultron Tony Stark and Bruce Banner make Ultron from Loki's Scepter but the Vision kill him but in this alternate reality Arnum Zola  manages to save him and he transfer his mind into Vision's body and took it over. I think the show does a better job of giving Ultron a proper origin than how it was depicted in the 2015 film because in that film it was really rushed well in the show tIt takes its time to build up infinite Ultron as is big enormous threat to the University and to be honest it does a fantastic job of dealing that. 

Character- Now Infinity Ultron as character it a lot better than how Ultron was in Avengers of Ultron because their he was way too silly and way too ridiculous to take seriously as the villain but in this show Infinity Ultron is downright terrifying and menacing and he'll do anything his power to destroy the universe. I think the show does a far superior job than the movie in terms of making Ultron into a character because in the movie he was really cheesy and way too silly to take seriously. Well, Infinity Ultron is a lot more dark and sadistic in this show.

Motivation- Now Infinity Ultron´s motivations or relatively similar to Ultron's motivation in the 2015 Avengers Age of Ultron film because in that film he wanted to transfer his mind into visions body and kill off all of humanity and he failed in the film well in the show infinite Ultron actually succeeded taking over visions body and killing off of humanity and I think the show did the better job of giving him more dark end interesting motivation than the movie did. Now the film did it decently but it didn't go all the way with it. 

Best Scenes- Now Infinity Ultron had a lot of Incredible and intense scenes but if I had to pick one. It'll be the scene where Infinite Ultron says I can see everything.¨ There are worlds beyond my own.¨ Worlds that need…me.¨ I'm going to Bring about peace In our time¨ To every corner of the universe.¨ Not only was it really really shocking but it made sense because Infinity Ultron decides that in order to have peace to the universe he needs to kill every single living thing in those Universes is probably the darkest moment of the show. It is all thanks to Ross Marquand´s Incredible and tremendous performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Infinity Ultron has done a lot of bad things in the show for example he He went to every entrance universe and killed people who lived in the University he killed Ego. He battled the watcher and took over the multiverse and took the Infinity Stones away from Killmonger so he can harness the power to himself. I think the show does a tremendous job of making Ultron way more sadistic than the 2015 movie did because he was evil but again he was way too silly and needed to be more serious. 

Conclusion- Infinity Ultron is one of the best villains in the MCU because he is threatening, he has an on-screen presence and that big final battle against him in the watcher is one of the best scenes with the character. Also the show took an MCU villain which I was not a fan of and was very disappointed in but somehow managed to make him  somewhat comic book accurate in terms of him being threatening but it is a different take on the character which I was completely fine with and I think he's one of the darkest Phase 4 for villains in the MCU.  It is all thanks to Ross Marquand ´ s Incredible and spectacular performance. I'm going to give Infinity Ultron a 9/10. 

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