Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of Three Thousand Years of Longing


Here is My Movie Review of Three Thousand Years of Longing

So basically what happens is that you have this Woman named Dr Alithea Binnie who is an architect and one day she goes to the marketplace and she finds a bottle and brings it back to her hotel room. Then she opens The bottle to find out there is  genie inside and he tells her His past  life of how he was trapped in multiple bottles and tells Dr Alithea Binnie to make three wishes to set him free and is up to Dr Alithea  Binnie to make the three wishes and set the genie she  free and that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is really excellent and from the majority of the film it basically has two main actors as the main focus and they both do a steroid job as the characters. 

Tilda Swinton plays Dr Alithea Binnie  In the film. I have to say she does a terrific job as the character. What makes Dr Alithea Binnie  such an interesting character is that she really wants to free The Djinn from his bottle. Probably the best moment with Dr Alithea Binnie Is when she first meets the Djinn and she teaches him how to speak English Only was it really powerful but it made sense because he mostly spoke in Turkish because he was from Istanbul Turkey. It is probably the strongest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Idris Elba is amazing. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Idris Elba as The Djinn. What makes The Djinn such a sympathetic character is that you really feel bad for me because all he wants to do is to be free of being stuck in a bottle. Probably the best Scene with The Djinn Is when he tells  Dr Alithea Binnie  about his entire backstory of how he Just wanted to be set free from each bottle that he was in. It is probably the most powerful moment in the entire film. The romance between him and  Dr Alithea Binnie is also really entertaining because you can tell that she really cares about him.  This is probably Idris Elba's best performance he had ever done. The chemistry between him and Tilda Swinton is fantastic. 

The directing by George Miller is really interesting because what I like about his directing is that he does a really great job of tackling the subject of Just wanted to be free because in real life there are people who are in a really bad place in their lives and just want to have a free and normal life and I think it is really incredible how he did that.

So in conclusion I really enjoyed this movie because the message is very emotional because in order to find your happiness you can figure out what makes you happy. I also like the storyline of Dr Alithea Binnie learning about The Djinn ´ s backstory. Also the bonding between Dr Alithea Binnie and The Djinn is probably the strongest aspect of the film. Also Tilda Swinton and Idris Elba playoff each other tremendously they have such amazing chemistry together in the film. I still think this is up there with Ambulance as one of the most underrated films of 2022. Also this movie is up there with french as one of the most underrated films of the 2020s. I still think more people should watch this film especially if you like the movie Beast which also stars Idris Elba. I give this movie a 10/10.

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