Saturday, April 8, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of Infinite


Here is My Movie Review of Infinite

So basically you have this guy named Evan McCauley Who has schizophrenia and he has been recruited By the Infinites to take down this person named Bathurst 2020 Who wants to retrieve this egg to destroy all life on Earth and it is up to Evan McCauley to take down Bathurst 2020 and save the world and that is basically what the story is for the movie. The storyline in this movie is so messy. It is just like Spider-Man 3 but I think it's even worse than Spider-Man 3 because Spider-Man 3 had one good storyline in the entire film and that was  The sub plot with Sandman trying to get money to save his dying daughter. I'm going to say that this movie is just as messy as Batman versus Superman Dawn of Justice In terms of having a messy storyline. 

The acting in this movie is terrible Because nobody in this film is giving a really good performance they either are really over the top or they are just sleepwalking they are their performances. Also this movie is probably up there Music as well the worst acted films of 2021


Mark Wahlberg plays  Evan McCauley. I have to say he is really bad in this movie because his performance is so dull and he doesn't express any emotion. Also the character of Evan McCauley I don't really care for because the movie tried to make you feel sympathy towards him because he has  schizophrenia yet but the thing in the movie barely focuses on that and only focuses on it only in the beginning of the film. Also If your main character had a medical condition it needs to be focused on but in this movie doesn't understand it because if you look at Jerry from the voices they clearly show him having that condition because he throws his pills in the garbage disposal when the cat and dog start to talk to him. Also in the film this shows in a flashback that Jerry was abused by his dad and  that's why he had the mental illness.The film discussed it extremely well. Probably the most filler scene in the film is when Bathurst 2020 Is Interrogating Evan McCauley and it just goes on for way too long. Fun fact actor Chris Evans was considered plays Evan McCauley. The chemistry between him and Jason Mantzoukas, Sophin Cookson,  and Chiwetel Ejiofor Is decent. 

 Now When it comes Jason Mantzoukas I'm not really a fan of him I just think he's a really boring actor and I did not like him in regular show the movie of Mr Ross but I got to say his performance as Artisan In this movie is probably Up there with his performance as Mr Ross as one of his worst performances I have seen. But in this movie I just found him annoying because the character of Artisan is just there to be funny and communicate and I did not find him funny at all.  They try to make him like Ant-Man but the only difference being that Paul Rudd was more funny Ant Man and I actually laughed at all the jokes  in the Ant-Man films. But with that character I just didn't find him funny whatsoever. The chemistry between him and Mark Wahlberg is okay. 

Sophin Cookson plays Nora Brightman. I have to say her performance is really flat and  it just feels like she is sleepwalking through the movie. Although the character of Nora Brightman all she's here to do is to give Evan McCauley Just exposition of what the infants do. Also all the exposition  that she delivered in the movie are probably the most boring scenes in the entire film. Also the romance between her and Evan McCauley  Is really dumb and really boring to watch. To be honest I cared more about the romance between Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne in the Ant-Man movies because they actually build up their relationship in the first film. The chemistry between her and Mark Wahlberg is good. 

 However the absolute worst performance I'm sorry to say Chiwetel Ejiofor Is awful in this movie and what's really disappointing is that Chiwetel Ejiofor Is a fantastic actor because if you watch the Doctor Strange movies or 12 Years of A Slaves you can tell that he can really act. But his performance as the character of Bathurst 2020 is so over the top and cringe worthy that you cannot take it seriously. I'm going to say this is Chiwetel Ejiofor´s worst performance he has ever done.  Also Bathurst 2020´s motivations are so cliche and unmemorable he wants to find this egg so he can kill all life in the universe. It just comes off as a lazy retread of Thanos´s motivation in the Infinity Saga because at least with Thanos you understood why he did the things that he did. Well in this film I just don't really care for his motivation. The chemistry between him and Mark Wahlberg is decent. 

The worst thing about this movie is the runtime because the runtime is 1 hour and 46 minutes but to be honest it felt more like 9 hours and 25 minutes because of how slow and boring and uninteresting the film was. Also If you think Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania is a boring film. At least that film had good things in it. Well this movie has virtually no good things in it whatsoever.

Now the directing by Antoine Fuqua Is really bad because I don't know what he wanted to be do you want it to be an action film or do you want it to be intense drama about Schizophrenia I just don't get what he is trying to do most of the stuff in the film make don't make a sentence either it's like the schizophrenia stuff is just there they don't really explore it in the film very much at all and what's really disappointing that this is the director I really like he made such really awesome films like Training Day Southpaw, The Guilty, and Emancipaton which are all really powerful and very entertaining films but this I got this is his worst film he has ever directed.

So in conclusion this the worst films of 2021 the storyline is just so confusing to the point that you just get lost and you just don't understand what's going on all the acting is terrible Mark Wahlberg is not even trying to give a great performance. Chiwetel Ejiofor is giving head worst performance he had ever given his dress going completely over the top and just overacted to the point that it feels like she was cast in Batman and Robin that's how bad his performance is in the film The acting is terrible. The only thing about the film I like is that the poster looks cool and all the actors had great chemistry together. I say just skip it and go watch Prisoners of The Ghost Land with Nicolas Cage and the story it actually really interesting and the film goes by really fast and the acting is more entertaining to watch and if not pointed this mess of a film I give this film a 1/10.

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