Saturday, December 17, 2022

10 More Movies That I Would Like to do a Retrospective Review on for my Podcast

 10 More Movies That I Would Like to do a Retrospective Review on for my Podcast

10. Jack the Giant Slayer 

9. Chappie 

8. Fantastic 4 1994

7. Tron

6. Tron Legacy 

5. Doctor Strange

4. The Lion King 2019

3. Avengers Age of Ultron

2. Thor 

1. Logan


  1. I'm a huge fan of Tron and would welcome an entire podcast devoted to the classic film.

    1. I agree with you Lou that Tron is a really entertaining sci-fi movie.It'll be great to do a retrospective review on our podcast as well as talking about the sequel Tron Legacy from 2010.


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  Here is My Villain Review of The Lizard Now I'm going to discuss the character of the lizard who in the mainland 2012´s The Amazing Sp...