Saturday, October 23, 2021

Here in My Movie Review of Okja

 Here is my review of okja. 

 So basically what happens is that you have this girl Mija named who raises a Super Pig named Okja And she really likes her and then you have this guy named Dr Johnny Will Cox who comes to the farm and mentions to Mija that Okja is really healthy so she believes that he can take care of it but in reality he was pretending to be nice just so he works with Nancy and trying to kill the super pig for money and it's up to Mija to rescue and being reunited with her and that's basically what the story is for this film.

    The acting in this movie is marvelous because I can tell that all the actors were having fun as their characters. This is probably up there with The Fundamentals of Caring in terms of one of the best acting performances in the Netflix original film.

Now for this being An Seo Hyun's very first movie she starred in. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as Mija. What makes Mija such a remarkable character that all she wanted to do is to be reunited with her super pig Okja and she'll do everything in her power to accomplish that mission. probably the best moment with Mija Is where she rescues Okja from the Slaughterhouse and not only was really emotional but it made sense because she didn't want to watch her pig die in front of her and you can tell how happy she was to be reunited with her. It is probably the most powerful and beautiful scene in the entire film. The chemistry between her and Tilda Swinton, Paul Dano, and Jake Gyllenhaal is fantastic.

Tilda Swinton plays Nancy Mirando In the film. I have to say she still does a terrific job as the character. What makes Nancy Mirando Such an excellent villain is that she starts off really nice but in reality she wants to kill Okja to sell It for money. Probably the best scene with Nancy Mirando is mentions to Mija That she wants to kill Okja Feed her to other people and not only was it really dark but it made sense because he says people on travel around the world spending money on silver pink meat to eat It is probably the most disturbing scene of the entire film. The chemistry between her and An Seo Hyun as Mija is really outstanding


    Paul Dano plays Jay In the film. I have to say he still does an excellent job as the character. What makes Jay such a terrific character is that he wants to do is to help Mija protect Okja. Probably the best moment with Jay is that what he means Mija I mentioned store that her That he is a animal lover and not only was it really emotional but it makes sense because he basically rescues captured animals and bring them back to the wild He's Is a animal rights activists It is probably the strongest moment in the film. Fun fact actor Paul Dano will later go on to play The Riddler in The Batman in 2022. The chemistry between him and An Seo Hyun is really excellent

    However the absolute standout of the movie is Jake Gyllenhaal as Dr. Johnny Will Cox. What makes Dr Johnny Will Cox Such a great villain is that in the beginning of the movie you think he is really nice but in reality he wants to use Okja for money. Probably the best Moment with Dr. Johnny Will Cox Is were he apologizes to Mija For being so grumpy when he went to the farm and not only was it Interesting but it made sense because here they television presenter and And in real life if you're are television presenter It can be very stressful. It is probably the most powerful moment in the film. I can tell that Jake Gyllenhaal was having fun as the character. The chemistry between him and Seo An Seo Hyun is marvelous. I think Dr Johnny Wilcox is probably one of the best villains of 2017. Fun fact Jake Gyllenhaal would eventually go on to play Mysterio from Spider-Man Far from Home in 2019.

    The directing by Bong Joon-Ho Is astonishing Because of why I like about her directing is that she does a great job of having social commentary about how greed and money can corrupt people to do bad things and what's really disturbing that there are people who would kill animals from money and sell it to people to make more money for themselves and I still think It is really interesting of how she did that.  

    So in conclusion i still really enjoyed the film. I still think the storyline is really powerful and really emotional because it is about Mija wanting to be reunited with her super pig Okja. Also I think this is one of the most powerful and really emotional Netflix original films. Probably my favorite character is Dr Johnny Will Cox because he just comes off really nice but also really self-centered and loves attention and Jake Gyllenhaal just nailed it in the role and he's probably up there with ego from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 as one of the best villains of 2017. I also like how this film has a really great social commentary about how greed can corrupt people. I think if you enjoy Mute with Paul Rudd then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this film an 8/10.


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