Saturday, December 21, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Capone


Here is My Movie Review of Capone

So basically what happens is that it tells the real life story of The most evil gangster of all time that being Al Capone of how he was diagnosed with  dementia and how he had all these medical problems so he had to retire and spend time with his family and that's basically what the story is for this film and to be like it is so laughably dumb because you'll think a movie about al Capone would be interesting but it is really not because the film all it focuses on is Al Capone either Doing drugs or spending time with his family or just being weird and that's it that is the entire story. 

The acting in this movie is so bad because Everybody is so over the top and they just give really bad performances when some ways it is sort of hilarious because of how stupid the acting is in the film and to be honest it is right up there with Deadfall with Nicholas Cage as one of the Best and worst acted films of all time. 

Now let's talk about Tom Hardy. Now he is a really tremendous actor. He has proven that he can give really awesome performances like in the Dark Knight Rises or in Bronson. But in this film he probably gives the worst performance he had ever given in his career because he's playing Al Capone because he's supposed to put on an Italian accent but it doesn't work because it is so weird and out of place to the point   he sounds like Danny DeVito's penguin from batman Returns and it is so horrible but at the same time you can't help but laugh at it because of how over the top and silly it is to the point that's actually so bad that's good. Now Al Capone in this movie is supposed to be this famous criminal mastermind who has killed a lot of people in real life but in this movie he does weird things he soils his pants he watches The Wizard of Oz it is so laughably terrible to the point that it's actually really funny. The scene where Al Capone is talking to his therapist and then he quacks like a duck is so laughably bad to the point that it's actually one of the most unintentionally funny moments in the entire film.  The chemistry between him and Linda Carmelani, Matt Dillon, Al  Sapienza Is decent.

Linda Carmelani plays Al Capone's wife Mae Capone. In the film, her performance much like Tom Hardy's is also really bad because she is also over the top and cheesy butt for some reason is so bad that it's actually really entertaining. Now the character Mia Capone really weird cares for the Bower husband but at the same time she screams at him because she thinks he is going crazy and he might kill someone. The thing where Mia Capone had an argument with her husband and she slaps him in the face it just so laughably bad because the movie expect you to take that moment see if we but you did camp because she's just overreacting and  screaming a lot and it'll just one of the most unintentionally for a moments of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Tom Hardy is decent. 

Now let's talk about Matt Dillon. Now he is a really tremendous actor because he has given some really awesome and terrific performances like in The Outsiders, Asteroid City, and Rumble Fish. But much like Tom Hardy this is probably Matt Dillons worth film he has ever done and his performance and Al Capone's right hand man Johnny is so laughably bad to the point that it's actually hilarious to watch. Now Johnny as a character based off of his real life counterpart he was Al Capone's right hand man he helped him commit all these criminal acts and murders. The scene where Johnny is Al Capone and here arguing with him is supposed to be a serious moment but the stuff that Johnny says to him is so laughable stupid that it comes off as funny. It is probably one of the most unintentionally funny moments of the entire film.  The chemistry between him and Tom Hardy is decent.

 Al  Sapienza  Plays  Al Capone’s Son Ralph Capone And his performance much like the rest of the performances in the film is also really bad because he just overacts and Says a lot of weird things in the movie but the performance is so horrible to the point that it is unintentionally funny. Now Ralph Capone is based off of his real life counterpart he helped his dad kill a lot of people and did all crimes with him. The scene where Ralph component is stabbing this random guy in a courtroom it's supposed to be a very disturbing scene but but it is so laughably terrible to the point that you can't help but laugh it because it's about to be this serious moment. But due to Ralph Capone just screaming it almost comes off as a comedic moment in the film and it's probably one of the most unintentionally funny moments of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Tom Hardy is okay. 

But the worst thing in this movie is the directing by Josh Trank because aside from Chronicle which that is his only good film that he directed everything else that this guy has directed is garbage because fantastic Four 2015 is the worst film he had ever directed everyone has talked about how terrible his directing is how he got screwed over by the studio. But with this film he tells the real life story of Al Capone but for some reason he makes it more like a comedy because This is supposed to be in intense drama film but when he makes Al Capone do stuff like shit is pants or watching The Wizard of Oz or screaming at his wife you really can't take this movie seriously so you did a laughably bad job directing because she doesn't make this into a comedy and not a drama film and considering this was his third attempt of directing a film and he had not direct a film since 2020 which was the year the film came out that just showed that he's not a really good director. 

So in conclusion this movie was awful the storyline was really terrible because It was trying to tell the story of one of the most dangerous criminals in the world that being Al Capone and it did not do a good job because It doesn't take itself seriously at all because it does try but actually fails because this is supposed to be a drama film but everything's so laughably bad to the point that it's actually funny I actually makes this into a comedy film. Tom Hardy gives one of his worst performances that he's ever done, that being Al Capone. But for some weird reason it's terrible but it comes off as more funny because he just does a lot of weird things. The voice that Tom Hardy puts on is so laughably bad to the point that he sounds like The penguin from Batman Returns. The scene where Al Capone quacks like a duck is so laughably bad to the point that's one of the most unintentionally funny moments of the entire film. This is right up there with Unhinged With Russell Crowe as one of the best worst films of 2020. This movie is also up there with Deadfall as one of the best worst films ever made. Now to be honest objectively this is a 0/10 because the storyline is so terrible all the performances are garbage. But because everything in this movie is awful it actually comes off as a movie that is so awful and so stupid that you can actually laugh at and have a good time and I had a lot of fun with this movie because of how stupid and ridiculous it was. Also if you really like movies that are so bad that they're good like Speed 2 Cruise control with Willem Dafoe. I give this movie a 20/10. 

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