Monday, July 8, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Aldridge Killian


Here is My Villain Review of Aldridge Killian

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Aldridge Killian who was the main villain in 2013's Iron Man 3 and explain Why he is one of the most boring and forgettable MCU villains of all time. 

Origin- Now the one thing I will give Aldridge Killian credit for this his origin is actually very interesting because he was born with all these Physical disabilities that he wanted to overcome so in order to accomplish that he decided to make this virus that can cure anything and he called it the extremist  and well it is a decent  the film does absolutely nothing with it so well the idea is interesting execution it completely fails. So overall I didn't think the film doesn't do a good job telling Aldridge Killian´s organs and concept but the film again doesn't really do anything with that whatsoever. 

Character- Honestly what character Aldridge County said they dumber and more bland copy of Syndrome from The Incredibles because both of them idolize their hero they get ignored so they turn illness and that is basically Aldridge Killian´s character for the whole film Just a very bland and annoying character who Try to say that he can be the smartest person on Earth when clearly not so the film does a terrible job of developing Aldridge Killian as a villain. 

Motivation- To be honest Aldridge Killian's motivation is so dumb and it's one of the dumbest villain motivations in the MCU because the whole reason why he wants to kill Tony Stark / Iron Man is that Tony Stark / Iron Man ignored them and didn't pay attention to him and I'm not even kidding that is his whole motivation and it's just a lazy rip off to Syndrome's motivation in the Incredibles but the difference here is that in that movie it makes sense because he wanted to be Mr. Incredible psychic but he turned him down and that's why he turned bad. But in this film it doesn't make sense because it's completely dumb and it's just lazy and doesn't make any sense. I think the film did a terrible job of giving Aldridge Killian. 

Best Scenes- To be honest Aldridge Killian doesn't really have many good scenes because most of it is just boring exposition but if I had to pick one moment I guess I'll have to be the final battle against him and Tony Stark and only because it's a really great action sequence in the film. but the problem is there is a one-line dialogue that Aldridge Killian says that is the dumbest line in the MCU and that line is you wanted The Mandarin well you're looking right at him I am the Mandarin and not only that really stupid because it was just there to say that he is the Twist villain because the film wanted a shocking reveal that he was the villain all along came out nowhere with no buildup and the scene where he dies was also memorable his death is the most memorable thing about the character. I think the film did´t do a great job of giving Aldridge Killian memorable or awesome scenes aside from that final battle. 

Evil Deeds- To be honest Aldrich Killian doesn't really do anything that evil he tried to kill Tony Stark / Iron Man he tries to kill the president of the United States get killed on live TV he kidnaps Pepper Pots and try to experiment on her. But to be honest I think villains like Syndrome from The Incredibles and Magneto from X-Men were much more evil because they did way more evil things than Aldridge Killian did in the film because those two characters were much more developed and they were a lot more memorable and villains than older Killian was in this film.

Conclusion- Aldridge killing is probably up there with Kro from Eternals as one of the most boring and one of the worst MCU villains because he's essentially a nothing character because he's just a lazy carbon copy of Syndrome from The Incredibles assigned from his origin story and his death and the final battle between him and Iron Man there's not much things that I enjoyed about the character. Also Guy Pierce In this film I gotta say it feels like he's very bored in this film and just felt like he did this just for a paycheck and in concept Of Guy Pearce being in the MCU should be really fun. But they give him a very terrible and very boring villain to play. The execution feels extremely flat. Not to mention Aldridge Killian was so bad that Shang Chi literally made fun of him when Xu Wenwu says that this random person stole his name and he called himself the Mandarin and he says the name is actually a name of a particular Chinese food that is Mandarin chicken.  He has a very boring and really bad motivation. The path he goes down is so predictable you know that Aldridge killing is going to be the villain and that is the whole reason why he is one of the worst villains in the MCU. I'm going to give Aldridge Killian 2/10. 

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