Sunday, July 14, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of The Invisible Man 1933


Here is My Movie Review of The Invisible Man 1933

So basically what happens is that you have the scientist named Dr Jack Griffin and he made this serum that can turn them invisible But unfortunately he can't go back to his normal human self so he decides to find a way to cure himself So in order to accomplish that he decides to terrorize the people in the town and kill a couple of them to show that he is having fun causing all this panic and chaos and Then you have his girlfriend named Flora Cranley Who is worried about him she misses things his beautiful human face And then you'll have his friend named Dr Arthur Camp who is forced to Go along with him with his evil plans but it doesn't want to and doctor Jack Griffin threatened to kill him if he doesn't help him find a care and it's up to your doctor Jack Griffin too find a care and undo the problem that he brought on to himself and that's basically what the story is for this film now the storyline in this movie is actually really disturbing but really interesting because it focuses on guy who has problems and he wants to fix the problem that being the serum he made that he accidentally experimented himself with that turned him invisible and he want to fix it and the film Does a fantastic job telling there's really intense but really interesting story. 

Now the acting this movie is really incredible because this film came out in 1933 and all of the acting is surprisingly really terrific. Even when you go back and rewatch this film today the performances still hold up. 

However the actor that stole the entire film in Claude Rains as Dr Jack Griffin aka The Invisible Man because he is so over the top and unstable in the performance but there are points In the film where he comes off really creepy whatever he talks to Dr Arthur Kemp. Now  Dr Jack Griffin aka The Invisible Man As a character because he wants to find a way to undo the experiment he did on himself which caused him to becoming visible he wants to go back to his normally human form and the thing that he does in this movie go from kind of silly to pre disturbing because there are points where he just causes a lot of mysterious like stealing a little kids bike or pushing over a baby stroller but there is a scene and it's the best scene in the film where he Decides to derail a train and kill 104 people that were on the train and he viewes it as pure comedy he thinks it's funny to watch people die and not only that really disturbing but it makes sense because it shows just how unstable and crazy Dr Jack Griffin AKA The Invisible Man is as a villain. The chemistry between him and Glordia Stuart, William Harrigan, E.E. Clive Is still remarkable. 

Glordia Stuart plays Dr Jack Griffin/The Invisible Man ́s girlfriend Flora Cranley In the film. I have to say she still does an excellent job as the character. Now the character of  Flora Cranley Is incredible because you really feel bad for because she just wants her boyfriend Dr Jack Griffin/The Invisible Man to go back to normal and there's a lot of really interesting scenes with them and they work extremely well. Probably the best moment with Flora Cranley Is where she finally sees her husband's face but he's dead and she gives him a tearful goodbye and not only that really powerful and emotional but it makes sense because deep down she really cared about Dr Jack Griffin /The Invisible Man It is probably the most heartbreaking moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Claude Rains is astounding. 

William Harrigan Plays Dr Arthur Kemp In the film. I have to say he still does a stellar job as the character. Now Dr Arthur Kemp Are the character is really interesting because he doesn't want to work for Dr Jack Griffin / The Invisible Man he just wants to be left alone but he is forced to help him find a cure to turn him back into a normal human and the scenes involving the to goes from funny to pray scary because this scene is probably one of the best moments with Dr Arthur Kemp and it's where they're sitting in his house and Dr Jack Reference / invisible man threads to kill him if he doesn't help him and not only that really it has been shows how mentally unstable and crazy Dr Jack Griffin/ The Invisible Man is as a villain. The chemistry between him and Claude Rains Is still perfect. 

E.E. Clive plays Police Constable Jaffers In the film. I have to say he still does a  spectacular job as the character. Now Police Constable Jaffers as a character is really remarkable because he wants to stop Dr. Jack Griffin /The Invisible Man from Killing more people and Causing chaos in the town. Probably the best moment with Police Constable Jaffers Is where he and the rest Of the people in the town are trying to catch Dr Jack Griffin/The Invisible Man not only that they really Incredible and interesting moment by make sense because he wants to stop him from killing more people and call the more problems in the in their town. It is probably the most intense and entertaining moment throughout the entire film.  The chemistry between him and Claude Rains Is astounding. 

The directing by James White Is perfect because what I like About him directing that he does a tremendous job of adapting the book To the big screen because in the book and the same thing happens because Dr Jack Griffin makes a serum he accidentally injects himself with it which causes him to go invisible and he decided to go on a killing spree and causes a lot of problems throughout the town. I also like how he wanted to cast Claude Rains for the part because he had the perfect choice to play the Invisible Man. I think it is really tremendous of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really like this film because  despite it being made in 1933 the film still holds up because of its brilliant cinematography of the youth of black and white all the performances stand out a lot although Dr Jack Griffin /The Invisible Man in one of the best villains in film history you can tell that Claude Rains   had a lot of fun playing this character. Although this is still in my top five favorite horror movies of all time, it is definitely in my top five, maybe even top 30 favorite films of all time. It is that perfect of a movie. I have to say if you enjoy the Invisible Man 2020 with Elizabeth Moss then I'm sure you're going to like this film as well. I give this movie a 10/10.

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