Friday, May 10, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Poison


Here is My Movie Review of Poison

So basically what happens is that you have this guy Wood  find out that Harry is dying due to a snake that bit him. So he enlists the help of Dr  Ganderbal  to help Harry from a deadly snake bite and that is basically what the story is for the film. I have to say well  the Storyline is simple. It is actually really interesting because it's focusing on  Wood and what's he helps his friend Harry become cured from a snake bite. 

The acting in this film is still really awesome because  They are all giving awesome and terrific performances. 

Dev Patel plays the wood in the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. What makes Wood such an incredible character that can really want to help his friend Harry Get carries from a snake bite. Probably the best moment with wood is where she tells Harry that he will call Dr. Ganderbai  and not only was it really dark but it makes sense because Harry was slowly dying by the snake bite. It is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Benedict Cumberbatch, Ben Kingsley is still excellent. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Benedict Cumberbatch as Harry. What makes Harry such an emotional and wonderful character is that you really feel bad for him because he is dying of the snake's bite and he desperately wants  Dr. Ganderbai   to cure  him and save his life. Probably the best moment with Harry is when he says to Woods that he is dying and not only with it a very sad and beautiful moment but it made sense because the snake's venom was slowly going into his bloodstream slowly killing his body and probably the most powerful and nail biting scene of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Dev Patel is terrific. 

Ben Kingsley plays  Dr. Ganderbai In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. What makes Dr. Ganderbai such an incredible character is that he really wants to cure Harry of his deadly snake bite. Probably the best moment with  Dr. Ganderbai  Is where he meets Harry and tell them that he is going to kill his snake. Not only was it powerful but it made sense because Harry was slowly dying of the snake bite and he needed help to be saved from his deadly snake bite. It is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Dev Patel is wonderful. 

The directed by West Anderson is really interesting because mowed the time where he directs movies there really funny and light-hearted but this for this song he directs it really seriouslyI And it works surprisingly really well because in this film the character of Harry is dying of a snakebite and what's really scary that it really there are people who actually have almost died from venomous snakes because of how dangerous the snake is.  I like how he took it very seriously and I like how he also develops the relationship between one and Harry because they really care about each other and he doesn't want to lose his best friend and I think it is really wonderful and really spectacular of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoy the film. The storyline was very simple yet very Engaging to follow.  The performances from both Dev Patel and Benedict Cumberbatch are tremendous because they play off each other Surprisingly very well. Now out of all the West Anderson short films this one is probably my favorite one out of all of them and it is probably one of my favorite films of 2023 and this in my top 20 favorite films of that year. Also this movie is up there with Renfield with Nicolas Cage and one of the most underrated films of 2023. I think this is up there with Tetris as one of the most underrated films of the 2020s. I think more people should watch this film especially if you enjoy Argyle with Sam Rockwell then you'll definitely enjoy this one. I give this film a 10/10. 

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