Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Oliver Quick


Here is My Villain Review of Oliver Quick

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Oliver Quick who is the main villain in 2023's Saltburn and discuss why he is a very interesting and intelligent villain and one of the few villains who actually succeeded in achieving of what he wanted to do. 

Character- Now Oliver Quick in the month dark and the most disturbing character of the film because at first he starts out really nice he wants to make friendly bond with this student name Felix but in reality he is sadistic and Crazed psychopath who wants the university all to himself and I think the film does they glorious job of making you believe that all real quick in nice but in reality he is very evil and very disturbing. 

Motivation- Now all requests motivation is very interesting and very dark because he wants to kill Felix's whole family so he can have the university all to himself and he actually succeeds in doing that he kills Felix's mother by unplugging her life support system and he kills All the students so he can achieve everything he ever wanted Which means he gets down the university all to himself. I think the film does a terrific job of giving him a very dark and sadistic but interesting motivation because he wants everything to go the way essentially and it does. 

Best Scenes- Now  Oliver Quick has a lot of remarkable and interesting moments but if I had to pick one it'll be the scene where he manipulates Felix's mom in two sleeping with him and not only that really disturbing But it makes sense because he wanted her to sleep with him so by doing that he manipulates him into making her his pretend girlfriend and it is Probably the most shocking moment of the entire film and it is all thanks to Barry Keoghan´s dark and tremendous performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Oliver Quick has done a lot of horrible and disturbing things Such as forcing Felix´s mom to have intercourse with him. Killing her by unplugging her life support. Manipulating Felix into pretending to be his best friend. Killing Felix's whole family and including him so you can get the university all to himself. I think the film did a magnificent job of showing how dark and despicable Oliver Quick is as a character. 

Conclusion- Oliver Quick is a very interesting villain because at first he wants to make friends at the University but in reality he wants to keep it all to himself the scenes when he manipulates Felix into pretending to be a friend or some of the darker and some of the best moments of the entire film. His motivations make a lot since he wants the university all to himself and He actually succeeded in doing that by killing Felix's mother by unplugging her life support system he kills Felix he kills his dad as well. He doesn't feel bad for them because he wanted all of this to happen to them in order so he can succeed and what he was sent out to do. The scene where he manipulates Felix’s mother into having intercourse with him and trying to get her to date him is really disturbing because he has manipulated her into spending time with him and it's all thanks to Barry Keoghan´s Dark and incredible performance. I'm going to give Oliver Quick a 10/10.

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