Thursday, April 25, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of War for The Planet of The Apes


Here is my Movie Review of  War for The Planet of The Apes

So basically what happens is that takes place after the second movie left off you have Caesar battling the military and after that he spends time with his family but unfortunately this guy named the colonel killed his whole family And he does and feather decides to get revenge on him and along the way they pretend this little girl who they named Nova and they soon get captured by the colonel and it's up to see their two take down the colonel and escape from the prison and that's basically what the story is for this film. I have to say I like the story in the first film I love the story in the second movie but I have to say out of all of them this has the best story Because it actually proceeds to do the reign of this time it makes him a question his true intentions as a leader and questions if humans can really be trusted. 

I have to say out of all the movies this one had the best acting out of all of them Because I can tell everyone is playing there hard and effort into giving these powerful and emotional performances. 

Now for this being Andy  Serkis´s third and final performance as Caesar. I have to say he really knocked it out of the park as this character. Now the character of Caesar actually goes on an even more powerful and emotional character arc he did in the first two movies because in this film he asked to find a way to take down The Colonel and escape from the prison. Probably the best moment with Caesar is where he Is leading his team Into battle against the colonel and not only is it very powerful but it made sense because the colonel was responsible for the death of his whole family and that is why he wants vengeance on him for that reason. It is probably the most suspenseful scene of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Karin Konova, Amiah Miller, Toby Kebbell, and Woody Harrelson Is extortion. 

Karin Konova plays Caesar's best friend Maurice. In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. Now the character of Maurice is very entertained because just like in the last movie he is Caesar's best friend who wants to help him get revenge on The Colonel for killing their family and help him break out of the prison. Probably the best moment with Maurice is when he is saying his final goodbyes to see their because he is slowly dying and not only was it really sad but it makes since Koba killed Caesar and got shot with a crossbow in the arrow that killed him. It is probably the saddest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Andy Serkis Is remarkable. 

Amiah Miller Plays Nova in the film. I have to say she does a fantastic job as this character. What makes Nova such a tremendous character is that right from the start she really cares about Caesar and And the rest of the apes and wants to help them take down The Colonel and escape from the prison. Probably the best moment with Nova is where she first meets Maurice and the rest of the apes and not only with it really powerful but it makes sense because you can tell that she really cares about them and it's probably the sweetest moment of the entire film the chemistry between her and Andy Serkis Is wonderful. 

Now Toby Kebbel comes back as Koba In the film. I have to say even though he's not in the film a lot he still does an excellent job as the character. Now Koba in the film is relatively the same as he was in the second film he still hates either with a burning pattern for trusting humans over apes. Probably the best moment with Koba is when he mentions To Caesar that he has failed his kind and not only was it really dark but it made sense because Caesar was trusting some of the humans over the apes. And it's probably the most nail-biting moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Andy Serkis is perfect. 

Now when it comes to the villains In These films I really enjoyed a lot of them. I liked Steve Jacobs from the first film. I really loved Dreyfus from the second film along with  Koba. This film is no different because I absolutely love The Colonel as a villain because Woody Harrelson gives one of the darkest and one of the scariest performances of the entire film and it works very well. Now Unlike Dreyfus From the second film where you felt really sorry towards him because of the loss of his family. The Colonel is a self-centered dick head because his motivation he wants to kill all of the apes and have the humans role the world and his motivation is really interesting because he believes he's doing the right thing he says that The Apes have taken over and he wants to fix the problem by killing them but could actually doing it in a horrific way probably the best moment with the Colonel is wearing he put the gun to see their head and threads to kill him in the rest of the ace if they don't do their jobs and not only is it very dark but you could view it as slavery because he is enslaving the apes to do what he wants them to do. Also The Colonel is a character that you just love to hate because you really want this asshole to meet his fucking end and he does by killing himself he is so crazy that he puts a gun to his head and pulled the trigger which kills him. The rivalry between him and Caesar is Magnificent. The chemistry between him and Andy Serkis is exquisite. I think the Colonel is up there with Colonel Richard Strickland from The Shape of Water as one of the best zones of 2017.

Now much like what I said in my Dawn of The Planet of the Apes review the best thing about this movie is Matt Reeves Because what I love about him directing is that he really gives this trilogy a beautiful and emotional ending because Caesar Had his say goodbye to his entire ape team because he was dying and he also made it to give seether a very powerful and awesome Character ark because in this movie he's seeking revenge on The Colonel for the death of his whole family. I think it is really beautiful how he did that. 

So in conclusion. I loved every minute of the story and action sequences of all the characters but the best character in the film is Caesar because he goes through a beautiful and powerful character arc. The music was amazing because it made the emotional stuff way more heartbreaking and powerful. Also The Colonel as a villain is probably my second favorite villain in the Trilogy. My favorite villain is still Dreyfus from Dawn of The Planet of the Apes. I have to say this is probably Favorite one in the entire trilogy because it had such a beautiful and satisfying ending. This is one of the best movies of 2017. It is easily in my top 10 Best movies of that year. I recommend that you watch all these films before you watch Kingdom of Planet of the Apes because it'll be really fun to rewatch them and it'll be easier for people to understand the newest one I give this movie a 10/10.

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