Saturday, February 10, 2024

Here is My Character Analysis of Thanos


Here is My Character Analysis of Thanos

Now Thanos Very first MCU appearance within 2012 the Avengers. Now Thanos  in the film is a very effective setup character when you see him at the Post credit scene and he is looking at the camera hinting that he is going to be the big villain of the MCU. Now for this being Thanos first MCU appearance It is a very effective villain debut and the end of Phase 1. Now in this movie Thanos is played by Damion Poitier And he still does a terrific job as the character but he doesn't say anything. He just uses his Body language to communicate by looking at the audience with his eyes. 

Now Thanos’s next MCU appearance would be in 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy. Now in this film Thanos had a small role in the film. He tells Nebula to kill Gamora and make him proud and tells Ronan that he is a failure and  sines on his chair and gives exposition and it's very effective exposition. Now for this being Dana says second MCU appearance it is a very effective appearance because it sets them up Even further as the big villain that the Avengers would eventually go up against Now in this movie Thanos is not played by Damion Poitier Instead he is played by Josh Brolin and he was the best actor to play the character Because even when he has a small role as the character he still comes off as chilling and scary and he just does a spectacular job as the character. 

Now Thanos’s  next MCU appearance is in 2015's Avengers Age of Ultron. Now you only see Thanos at the end of the film where he says “fine I'll do it myself and he wears the Infinity Gauntlet. Now this being Thanos Third and MCU appearance It is reallyInteresting because it Builds up Thanos as a big threat that the Avengers would eventually take down and much like what I said before he is played tremendously by Josh Brolin. 

Now Thanos Fourth MCU appearance would be in the critically acclaimed tremendous movie known as 2018 Avengers Infinity War. Now unlike his other three appearances where Thanos was more of a setup character. In this movie Thanos  is the main villain throughout the entire film Now his motivation is to find all six and fanstone and harness the power to wipe out half of all life in the universe so he can keep the universe inbalance and he succeeds he win against the avengers because Thor tries to aim for his head and fails and he says you should have gone for the head any snaps his fingers and in an instance have of the Avengers get dusted away and he wins and he is actually a very big threat throughout the entire movie you feel his presences throughout the film and he does not crack any stupid jokes he is very serious throughout the entire movie Other there are points where you do feel bad for them because they're the one in order to get the soul stone he had to sacrifice his daughter good morning today and as he is throwing her off the quest you can seeThat he doesn't want to but he wants to accomplish his goals so he has to and as he is dealing it you can see some tears rolling down his face because he had the sacrifice the one thing he really cared about that being his own daughter Gamora and it is one of the most powerful and emotional scenes of the entire MCU and that is thanks to Josh Brolin's outstanding and beautiful performance as the character. Now for this being Thnos is Fourth appearance in the MCU. It is his best appearance because he had the big  villain throughout the entire film.

Now Thanos’s fifth and final MCU appearance is in 2019's Avengers Endgame. Now in this movie Dana's dad died at the beginning of the movie when Thor chops off his head. But Thanos from 2014 decides to follows the Avengers to arrive in 2023 and his motivation is to harness all of the Infinity Stones so he can wipe out half of all life in the universe Now even though Thanos doesn't play a big role in the film he is still very threatening and very scary because he wants to wipe out all life in the universe and he still has an on-screen presence and like I said multiple times is thanks to Josh Brolin's masterpiece of a performance as the character. 

So in conclusion I had a lot of fun doing this.  It was very interesting and very incredible to go through the character Of Thanos going from his very first MCU debut to his very last MCU appearance in 2019's Avenger End Game. It was also really fun to discuss Josh Brolin's iconic performance and how he made Thanos one of the most outstanding villain performances of all time. It was also interesting to discuss the evolution of Thanos from 2012 all the way up to 2019. Also out of all of that character Analysis so far this one's probably my favorite Out of the ones that I have done. 

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