Thursday, November 23, 2023

Here is My Special Review of Regular Show The Thanksgiving Special


Here is My Special Review of Regular Show the Thanksgiving Special

So basically what happens  it is  Thanksgiving And Mordecai and Rigby are  playing Football in the house but they accidentally throw it into the kitchen and end up destroying all the things giving food and Benson gets really mad so in order to fix this they have to go to Place called Jimmy's Farm to enter in this Thanksgiving song cost test to win a tradition in order to fix Thanksgiving and then you have this guy named Rich Buckner who wants Once the production become they have a golden wishbone and he wishes that he can have Thanksgiving old to himself and stuff to Mordecai and Rigby to Get the tradeken back and they can save Thanksgiving and that is basically what the story of the special is. 

Mordecai in the special is actually very  interesting especially because he feels bad for what he and  Rugby have done and they really want to fix Thanksgiving. Probably the best moment with Mordecai is where Get the call from Thomas who tell them that the families flight might not make it and just the  Sadness On his face me that he might not able to see their families on Thanksgiving and not only is it really emotional but it makes sense because he is worried that no anyone is going to show up for Thanksgiving it's probably the saddest moment in this entire special. 

Rigby in the special is probably one of the standout characters because much like Mordecai he also feels guilty of what he and Mordecai did so he wants to fix Thanksgiving. Probably The best moment with Rigby is where he and Mark I send that song about being thankful for what you have on Thanksgiving and in the song they say it's not about stuffing or gravy but about being The people who care about you and not only is it really emotional but it makes sense because Thanksgiving is all about spending time with the people that you love and it is probably one of the most powerful moments in the entire special. 

Benson in the special I got to say I actually like how he's more serious than time around because you can understand why he is mad at Mordecai and Rigby because they really thanksgiving for everybody but eventually he decides to help them anyway and probably the best moment with Benson is where he hear the song he says I forgive you.” Not only was it really powerful but it makes sense because he forgives them for what they did in the beginning of the special. But then he wants to help them save Thanksgiving. It is probably the strongest moment in the entire special. Now once again Sam Marin absolutely nails it in the role. 

Skips In this special he is really awesome  because much like the rest of the characters he wants to help Mordecai Rigby save Thanksgiving. Probably the best moment with gifts is where he and pops and Benson are trying to outrun these Native Americans who want to steal their turkey and not only was it a really awesome car chase scene. But it makes sense because they need the turkey for Thanksgiving well the Native Americans wanted it from themselves. 

Now the Native American aren't really bad in the special they just want the turkey for themselves but eventually they do decide to team up with the rest of the characters to Save Thanksgiving. The best action sequence with them is during the file battle where they are attacking Rich Buckner´s blimp to help get the tradition back. 

Now the villain Richard Buckner is probably the only bad thing in this entire special he's just a very generic greedy businessman  who just wants Thanksgiving all to himself You not give a reason why he does wants it because he's rich and the only memorable part is where he dies although I will say J.G Quintel does a really great job voicing him. I will admit he is a pretty accurate depiction of Trump because both of them are very greedy and selfish. Also the way he dies is really funny. but he is a very bland and really boring Regular Show villain. 

The directing by J.G Quintell is really incredible because why I like about his directing that he does a excellent job of giving a powerful and emotional message about what Thanksgiving is all about It's not about the food it's about spending time with the people you care about and I still think he does a tremendous job with that. 

So in conclusion this is still one of the most powerful and emotional specials That regular show has ever done. I like how this special focused moron is emotional. Rather than comedy there are some funny moments. but the strongest aspect of this whole special is the emotional core of it. The Thanksgiving song is one of the best songs that Regular Show have ever made. The message in that song is very powerful. I highly recommend  it is a fantastic regular show special to watch especially around Thanksgiving. I give this special a 10/10.

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