Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of War Machine


Here is My Movie Review of War Machine 

So basically what happened until the real life story of the war in Afghanistan and you have this guy named Gen. Glen McMahon and  has two navigate him and his trips through the war and try to survive the war In Afghanistan. And that is basically what the story is for the film. The way I can sum up the story is that it  is a more boring version of The Catcher With a Spy. The only difference being is that film was more engaging and entertaining to watch than this boring generic film. 

The acting in this movie is not really good because most of the cast is pretty wasted in the film they don't have a lot to do. 

Brad Pitt plays General Glen McMahon In the film. To be honest he is trying to give a good performance but I'm sorry to say this is probably Brad Pitt's worst performance he has ever done because it just feels like he is bored in the film like he doesn't want to do it. What is really disappointing is that Brad Pitt is a fantastic actor.  I feel like he is miscast because I feel like someone else like J.K Simmons because J.K Simmons as Terrence Fletcher from Whiplash feels like a military soldier and I still think if they cast him in the film would have been a little bit better. Now there is one great moment with General Glen McMahon Edwin he and his troops are celebrating in the bar is probably one of the most memorable scenes because it has the song poker face playing in the background and that is probably the most memorable thing in the entire film.  The chemistry between him and Anthony Hyes, John Magaro, Topher Grace,  and Ben Kingsley is decent. 

Anthony Hyes plays Pete Duckman In the film. I have to say out of all the performances he was really great in the film. Now  Pete Duckman Is the only memorable character in the entire film  because he wants to help  General. Glen McMahon and The rest of the soldiers get  through the war in Afghanistan and survive. But the problem is he is barely in the film. I kind of wish he was the main character throughout the film Instead of Gen. Glen McMahon. Then maybe the film could have been a little bit better. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is decent. 

John Magaro plays Cory Staggart In the film. I have to say he does a decent job as the character. Now the character Corey Staggart Is really forgeable because all he wants to do is to help his leader General. Glen McMahon and the rest of the soldiers survived the war in Afghanistan. Probably the best moment with Corey  Staggart  Is where he tells General Glen McMahon They have to meet Obama and Copenhagen  to talk to him. Not only was it really important but it made sense because he needed to talk to him and get back to Paris. It is probably one of the most memorable moments in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is still okay. 

Topher Grace as an actor I'm not really into  him because I did not like him as Venom in Spider-Man 3 but I have to say his performance as Matt Little is A better performance than he gave in Spider-Man 3. But again Matt Little as a character is just really boring. He's just there to help General Glen McMahon and the rest of the soldiers survived the war in Afghanistan. There are just not many memorable moments for this character. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is good. 

Ben Kingsley plays  President Karzia In the film. I have to say Ben Kingsley is pretty bad in this movie. He is completely wasted as his character and much like what I said with Brad Pitt it is really disappointing because Ben Kingsley is a fantastic actor If you watch him then Shutter Island as  Dr Cowley because in that film he had a lot more to do and he had actually giving a great performance. Also the character of  President Karzia Is just a nothing character because all he is here for is just to give exposition and that's it. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is fine. 

The directing by David Michod Is really bad because I don't know what He want this movie to be does he want this to be a very serious war film about with the war in Afghanistan or did he want this to be a comedy war film with all these forced and dumb jokes I honestly don't know I feel like they should have gotten J.D Dillard Who directed the movie Devotion because I think if he directed this film it would have made the film a lot more better he would have taken the subject way more seriously. 

So in conclusion I still don't like this movie this one of the most boring and one of the worst war films I have ever seen. This is easily in my top 5 worst movies of 2017. This is also in my top 5 worst Netflix  original films. Aside from that one scene in the bar and a couple okay performances there are not many interesting things to recommend in this movie aside from those two things. Also for a movie called War Machine there is not much war in this film as you think there and when there is war it is just kind of tamed and despite the fact the movie is TV MA they don't even push the war violence in the film at all.  I say just skip this movie and go watch Devotion with Jonathan Majors  it goes much faster and it's actually very serious and doesn't force in a lot of dumb jokes and it goes by much faster despite it is 2 hours and 19 minutes it utilizes in runtime very wisely compared to this film which is 2 hours and 2 minutes but it feels like 3 hours and 49 minutes that's how bored I was about watching this swag of a film. I give this movie a 2/10. 

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