Thursday, November 30, 2023

25 Movie Characters That Jack Nicholson Was Considered to Play/Voice

 25 Movie Characters That Jack Nicholson Was Considered to Play/Voice

25. Johnny Hooker from The Sting

24. Richard Nixon from Nixon

23. Allie Fox from The Mosquito Cost

22. Father Karras from The Exorcist 1973

21. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of The Lambs

20. Sy Parrish from 1 Hour Photo

19. Michael Corleone from The Godfather Trilogy

18. Willie T Soke from Bad Santa

17. Roy Neary from Close encounters With The Third Kind

16. Jack T Colon from Romancing The Stone

15. Rick Deckard from Blade Runner

14. Gordon Gecko from Wall Street

13. William Foster from Falling Down

12. Aquaman from Aquaman

11. Han Solo from The Star Wars Franchise

10. Indiana Jones from The Indiana Jones Franchise

9. The Terminator from The Terminator Franchise

7. The Grinch from How the Grinch Stole Christmas 2000

6. Lex Luthor from The Superman Franchise

5. Shifu from The Kung Fu Panda Franchise

4. Hades from Hercules

3. Dr Claw from The Inspector Gadget Franchise

2. Don Lino From Shark Tale

1. Falcon from the Stuart Little 2

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

My Ranking All 3 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Phil Ranked from Least Likely Most Likely to Voice Him

 My Ranking  All 3 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Phil Ranked from Least Likely Most Likely to Voice Him

3. John Leguizamo

2. Bill Hader

1. Steve Buscemi

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

My Ranking of All 5 Actors that Were Considered for The Role of E.B. Ranked from at Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Him

 My Ranking of All 5 Actors that Were Considered for The Role of E.B. Ranked from at Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Him

5. Matt Lucas

4. James Corden

3. Eddie Izzard

2. Daniel Radcliffe

1. David Tennant 

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Top 20 Favorite Movies of 2022

 Top 20 Favorite Movies of 2022

20. Raymond and Ray

19. Morbius

18. The Gray Man

17. Uncharted

16. The Adam Project

15. After Yang

14. Guardian of the Galaxy Holiday Special

13. Werewolf By Night

12. The Menu

11. Ambulance

10. Nope

9. The Black Phone

8. The Northman

7. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness

6. Black Panther Wakanda Forever

5. The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

4. Devotion

3. Spirited

2. The Batman

1. Everything Everywhere All At Once

Here is My Movie Review of Devotion


Here is My Movie Review of Devotion 

So basically what happens is that it tells the real life story of Jesse Brown of how he became the very first African American to become a Navy Pilot to fight in the Korean War. That is basically what the story is for the film. 

The acting in this movie is fantastic. I still think everyone gives that they are all and you can tell everyone is having fun in the film. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Jonathan Majors as Jesse Brown. What makes Jesse Brown such an incredible character is that he really wants to prove that he can be the best navy pilot ever and  survive the Korean War. Probably the best moment with Jesse Brown is when he is in the bathroom and having self-doubts and he's worried that he can't fly a Navy plane and not only is it really emotional but it makes sense because he is worried that he'll never accomplish what he set out to do. It is probably the most powerful moment in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Gwen Powell, Christina Jackson Is excellent. 

Glen Powell plays Jesse Brown's best friend Lieutenant Tom Hudner In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. What makes Lieutenant Tom Hudner such a terrific character is that  much like Jesse Brown also wants to survive the Korean War and make it out alive. Probably the best moment with  Lieutenant Tom Hudner is where Where he sees Jesse Brown is crash landing in two the snow and his plane catches on fire he tries desperately to try to get the door open to save his best friend and not only was it really emotional and really tragic But it makes sense because in real life Jesse Brown was killed in the Korean War when his point crashed and Lieutenant Tom Hudner Was  trying to save him because they were best friends. It is probably the saddest moment in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jonathan Majors is astounding. 

Christina Jackson plays Jesse Brown's wife Daisy Brown in the film. I have to say she still does a marvelous job as the character. What makes David Brown such an excellent character Is that you can see it that she doesn't want her husband Jesse to fly the plane into the Korean War because she is worried that she may not ever see him again. Probably the best moment with David Brown is where she finds out that her husband has died in the Korean War. Not Only was it really sad but you can see  how devastated because she finds out that he has passed away. It is probably one of the most beautiful and emotional and one of the more powerful moments in the entire film. The chemistry between her and Jonathan Majors is outstanding. 

The directing by J.D. Dillard Is fantastic because why I walked about him directing is that he gets the life of Jesse Brown really accurately because all the stuff really happened to him back when he was a navy pilot. I also like how he kept this war movie very serious and not shove in so much dumb or forced humor into it. I think it is just magnificent how he did that. 

So in conclusion this is still one of my all-time favorite war movies. Glen Powell and Jonathan Majors work really well together. The bonding they have in the film is one of the strongest aspects of the entire film. It's kind of a shame that this movie flew under the radar for a lot of people because if a lot of people went to go see this movie or watch it then I bet a lot of people would put it on their best list of 2022 if they watched it on the day it premiered in the theaters. This is easily in my top 10 favorite movies of 2022. Also this is definitely in my top 10 favorite movies of the 2020s. Also this is definitely in my top 10 most underrated movies of all time. If you enjoy the movie Oppenheimer with Cillian Murphy then I'm sure you'll like this one. I did this movie a 10/10. 

My Ranking of All 7 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of The Jester Ranked from Least likely to Most Likely to Voice Him.

 My Ranking of All 7 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of the Jester Ranked from Least likely to Most Likely to Voice Him. 

7. Hugh Laurie

6. Neil Patrick Harris

5. Nathan Lane

4. Bill Hader 

3. Hugh Jackman

2. Sam Rockwell

1.Steve Carell

Thursday, November 23, 2023

My Ranking of All 20 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Green Lantern Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Play Him

 My Ranking of All 20 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Green Lantern Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Play Him

20. Common
19. Jared Leto
18. Eddie Murphy
17. Jack Black
16. Justin Timberlake
15. Matthew McConaughey

14. Josh Brolin

13. Brian Austin Green

12. Ewan McGregor

11. Timothy Olyphant

10. Tom Cruise

9. Channing Tatum

8. Chris Pine

7. Henry Cavill

6. Bradley Cooper

5. John Hamm

4. Sam Worthington

3.  Bruce Campbell

2. Ryan Gosling

1. Nathan Fillion

Top 10 Marvel Characters That Chiwetel Ejiofor Could Play/Voice

 Top 10 Marvel Characters That Chiwetel Ejiofor Could Play/ Voice

10. Brainiac

9. Green Lantern 

8. Nightmare

7. Kang The Conqueror

6. Black Mask

5. Lex Luthor 

4. Electro

3. Mr Freeze

2. Galactus

1, Magneto

Here is My Special Review of Regular Show The Thanksgiving Special


Here is My Special Review of Regular Show the Thanksgiving Special

So basically what happens  it is  Thanksgiving And Mordecai and Rigby are  playing Football in the house but they accidentally throw it into the kitchen and end up destroying all the things giving food and Benson gets really mad so in order to fix this they have to go to Place called Jimmy's Farm to enter in this Thanksgiving song cost test to win a tradition in order to fix Thanksgiving and then you have this guy named Rich Buckner who wants Once the production become they have a golden wishbone and he wishes that he can have Thanksgiving old to himself and stuff to Mordecai and Rigby to Get the tradeken back and they can save Thanksgiving and that is basically what the story of the special is. 

Mordecai in the special is actually very  interesting especially because he feels bad for what he and  Rugby have done and they really want to fix Thanksgiving. Probably the best moment with Mordecai is where Get the call from Thomas who tell them that the families flight might not make it and just the  Sadness On his face me that he might not able to see their families on Thanksgiving and not only is it really emotional but it makes sense because he is worried that no anyone is going to show up for Thanksgiving it's probably the saddest moment in this entire special. 

Rigby in the special is probably one of the standout characters because much like Mordecai he also feels guilty of what he and Mordecai did so he wants to fix Thanksgiving. Probably The best moment with Rigby is where he and Mark I send that song about being thankful for what you have on Thanksgiving and in the song they say it's not about stuffing or gravy but about being The people who care about you and not only is it really emotional but it makes sense because Thanksgiving is all about spending time with the people that you love and it is probably one of the most powerful moments in the entire special. 

Benson in the special I got to say I actually like how he's more serious than time around because you can understand why he is mad at Mordecai and Rigby because they really thanksgiving for everybody but eventually he decides to help them anyway and probably the best moment with Benson is where he hear the song he says I forgive you.” Not only was it really powerful but it makes sense because he forgives them for what they did in the beginning of the special. But then he wants to help them save Thanksgiving. It is probably the strongest moment in the entire special. Now once again Sam Marin absolutely nails it in the role. 

Skips In this special he is really awesome  because much like the rest of the characters he wants to help Mordecai Rigby save Thanksgiving. Probably the best moment with gifts is where he and pops and Benson are trying to outrun these Native Americans who want to steal their turkey and not only was it a really awesome car chase scene. But it makes sense because they need the turkey for Thanksgiving well the Native Americans wanted it from themselves. 

Now the Native American aren't really bad in the special they just want the turkey for themselves but eventually they do decide to team up with the rest of the characters to Save Thanksgiving. The best action sequence with them is during the file battle where they are attacking Rich Buckner´s blimp to help get the tradition back. 

Now the villain Richard Buckner is probably the only bad thing in this entire special he's just a very generic greedy businessman  who just wants Thanksgiving all to himself You not give a reason why he does wants it because he's rich and the only memorable part is where he dies although I will say J.G Quintel does a really great job voicing him. I will admit he is a pretty accurate depiction of Trump because both of them are very greedy and selfish. Also the way he dies is really funny. but he is a very bland and really boring Regular Show villain. 

The directing by J.G Quintell is really incredible because why I like about his directing that he does a excellent job of giving a powerful and emotional message about what Thanksgiving is all about It's not about the food it's about spending time with the people you care about and I still think he does a tremendous job with that. 

So in conclusion this is still one of the most powerful and emotional specials That regular show has ever done. I like how this special focused moron is emotional. Rather than comedy there are some funny moments. but the strongest aspect of this whole special is the emotional core of it. The Thanksgiving song is one of the best songs that Regular Show have ever made. The message in that song is very powerful. I highly recommend  it is a fantastic regular show special to watch especially around Thanksgiving. I give this special a 10/10.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of War Machine


Here is My Movie Review of War Machine 

So basically what happened until the real life story of the war in Afghanistan and you have this guy named Gen. Glen McMahon and  has two navigate him and his trips through the war and try to survive the war In Afghanistan. And that is basically what the story is for the film. The way I can sum up the story is that it  is a more boring version of The Catcher With a Spy. The only difference being is that film was more engaging and entertaining to watch than this boring generic film. 

The acting in this movie is not really good because most of the cast is pretty wasted in the film they don't have a lot to do. 

Brad Pitt plays General Glen McMahon In the film. To be honest he is trying to give a good performance but I'm sorry to say this is probably Brad Pitt's worst performance he has ever done because it just feels like he is bored in the film like he doesn't want to do it. What is really disappointing is that Brad Pitt is a fantastic actor.  I feel like he is miscast because I feel like someone else like J.K Simmons because J.K Simmons as Terrence Fletcher from Whiplash feels like a military soldier and I still think if they cast him in the film would have been a little bit better. Now there is one great moment with General Glen McMahon Edwin he and his troops are celebrating in the bar is probably one of the most memorable scenes because it has the song poker face playing in the background and that is probably the most memorable thing in the entire film.  The chemistry between him and Anthony Hyes, John Magaro, Topher Grace,  and Ben Kingsley is decent. 

Anthony Hyes plays Pete Duckman In the film. I have to say out of all the performances he was really great in the film. Now  Pete Duckman Is the only memorable character in the entire film  because he wants to help  General. Glen McMahon and The rest of the soldiers get  through the war in Afghanistan and survive. But the problem is he is barely in the film. I kind of wish he was the main character throughout the film Instead of Gen. Glen McMahon. Then maybe the film could have been a little bit better. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is decent. 

John Magaro plays Cory Staggart In the film. I have to say he does a decent job as the character. Now the character Corey Staggart Is really forgeable because all he wants to do is to help his leader General. Glen McMahon and the rest of the soldiers survived the war in Afghanistan. Probably the best moment with Corey  Staggart  Is where he tells General Glen McMahon They have to meet Obama and Copenhagen  to talk to him. Not only was it really important but it made sense because he needed to talk to him and get back to Paris. It is probably one of the most memorable moments in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is still okay. 

Topher Grace as an actor I'm not really into  him because I did not like him as Venom in Spider-Man 3 but I have to say his performance as Matt Little is A better performance than he gave in Spider-Man 3. But again Matt Little as a character is just really boring. He's just there to help General Glen McMahon and the rest of the soldiers survived the war in Afghanistan. There are just not many memorable moments for this character. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is good. 

Ben Kingsley plays  President Karzia In the film. I have to say Ben Kingsley is pretty bad in this movie. He is completely wasted as his character and much like what I said with Brad Pitt it is really disappointing because Ben Kingsley is a fantastic actor If you watch him then Shutter Island as  Dr Cowley because in that film he had a lot more to do and he had actually giving a great performance. Also the character of  President Karzia Is just a nothing character because all he is here for is just to give exposition and that's it. The chemistry between him and Brad Pitt is fine. 

The directing by David Michod Is really bad because I don't know what He want this movie to be does he want this to be a very serious war film about with the war in Afghanistan or did he want this to be a comedy war film with all these forced and dumb jokes I honestly don't know I feel like they should have gotten J.D Dillard Who directed the movie Devotion because I think if he directed this film it would have made the film a lot more better he would have taken the subject way more seriously. 

So in conclusion I still don't like this movie this one of the most boring and one of the worst war films I have ever seen. This is easily in my top 5 worst movies of 2017. This is also in my top 5 worst Netflix  original films. Aside from that one scene in the bar and a couple okay performances there are not many interesting things to recommend in this movie aside from those two things. Also for a movie called War Machine there is not much war in this film as you think there and when there is war it is just kind of tamed and despite the fact the movie is TV MA they don't even push the war violence in the film at all.  I say just skip this movie and go watch Devotion with Jonathan Majors  it goes much faster and it's actually very serious and doesn't force in a lot of dumb jokes and it goes by much faster despite it is 2 hours and 19 minutes it utilizes in runtime very wisely compared to this film which is 2 hours and 2 minutes but it feels like 3 hours and 49 minutes that's how bored I was about watching this swag of a film. I give this movie a 2/10. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How Do I Rate Movies and TV Shows That I Review?


How Do I Rate Movies and TV Shows That I Review?

Now the way I rate a movie or TV show in my reviews is a Is a score of a 0 or a 10

Now a 0/10 means that the film or TV show has no redeeming qualities except the chemistry between the actors It has very bad CGI bad performances and overall they have awful character moments. Now this is a Rating that I use very rarely unless the film or TV show is so bad like for example Knight of the Zodiac is one of the worst movies of 2023 and that movie had no redeeming qualities whatsoever so that's why I gave that movie a 0/10.

Now a 1/10 means it has one redeeming quality: the rest of the TV show or movie is unwatchable or completely garbage. Like for example X-Men Apocalypse is a very awful and boring movie but the saving grace of that film is Michael Fassbender as Magneto. Or it can be a movie that is so bad that it's actually funny like Deadfall because that film is really awful but Nicolas Cage is so entertaining as Eddie that it gets a 10/10 in terms of being so bad that it's so good. 

Now a 2/10 means if a movie or TV show is still awful but it has some  good things in it or if there Is a standout or memorable performance in the film. Like for example quest for Camelot is a really boring and uninteresting anime film but the most memorable thing in that film is Gary Oldman´s performance as Ruber because he was the one actor that actually managed to entertain me throughout the whole film. 

Now a 3/10 Means if a movie or TV show is bad or you enjoy just forgettable But it has some good things in it like Voyagers  is a movie that is so boring and so forgettable but the best thing of that entire movie is that  the actors do have great chemistry and they were giving good performances they were just under utilized. 

Now a four 4/ 10 means if a movie or TV show is still bad but has a lot of good things in it but the film or TV show is still not really good. Like for example Velvet Buzzsaw in the movie that I really wanted to like and it had a lot of great qualities in the film like for example Jake Gyllenhaal  still does an excellent job as Morf Vandwait. Also the horror stuff in the film was really excellent. Also the acting was pretty great for the most part.  But unfortunately, the thing that ruined the film was the social commentary so I found it extremely underwhelming and disappointing because I really wanted to like it.

Now a 5/10 means if a movie or TV show has more good qualities. Like for example Black Widow is a very fordable and mediocre MCU movie but the best thing about that film was David Harbour as The Red Guardian because he gave the best performance in the film and he actually entertained me throughout the entire movie. He was funny and very Interesting as a character. All the action sequences were decent but in the end the film could have been a lot better. 

 Now 6/10 Means if the TV show or movie is just average like for example ARQ in the movie that was decent. But it had good acting but it is a movie that I would never want to watch again because it disturbed me way too much. 

Now a 7/10 means if the film or TV show was pretty good for the most part Like for example The Amazing Spider-Man Now it's not as good as the MCU Spider-Man trilogy but it was those movies that I don't think it is that bad. I still think Andrew Garfield played a pretty great Spider-Man. Also the best thing in that movie is Rhys Ifans as Dr Curt Connors/The Lizard. 

Now a 8/10 Means that if a movie or TV show is really great and have a lot of good things in it like for example Birds of Prey is a really great movie because it is really fun and entertaining and Mary Elizabeth Winston as the Huntress is my favorite performance in the film. but the only problem in the film is Ewan McGregor as Black Mask because I still think of all the actors he gave the worst performance in the film. 

Now a 9/10 means that if a film or TV show is nearly perfect like for example Logan is a perfect end to the character of Logan / Wolverine has a lot of awesome emotional moments but it is a little too depressing to rewatch. But still an awesome film that ends Logan's character. 

Now finally there is 10/10 this means a movie or TV show has no flaws it is perfect and very entertaining to watch. There are a lot of examples that I can Explain But I'll just explain one: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is one of the best endings to the Guardians of the Galaxy. It has terrific acting, really powerful and emotional stuff with Rocket Raccoon. It also had a very fun  villain that you just love to hate in the form The High Evolutionary.  It also has a few funny moments as well. 

So this was really fun to do. It would be really fun to discuss how I rate the movies in my review. It was fun explaining what the ratings actually mean for each review. It was also fun to mention what redeeming qualities are in some of the bad movies that I have seen. 

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