Friday, August 4, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of CuddleBear.AVI


Here is My Movie Review of Cuddle Bear.AVI

So basically what happenes is that  you  have this girl named Chloe and she likes to vlog with her 3DS however she has an abusive dad named Shawn who constantly yells at her and misses treats her. So to escape she drew these  imaginary characters and her notebook to escape her bad home life. So it's up to Chloe to survive her bad home life and try to make the best of it and that's basically what the story is for the film. 

Now the acting in this movie is still really great and the film only focuses on three characters for the majority of the film. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Laura Pirkey as Chloe. What makes Chloe such an incredible and sympathetic character is that you really feel bad for because she has a really bad home life because her mom is nice to her. But her dad garbage by yelling at her and abusing her.  Probably The best scene with Chloe is She shows her mother the drawing and not only was it really emotional but it made sense because her mother is the only one in her family that cares about her. Is it probably the most touching moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Leonardo Pastro, Luciana Pastro Is still terrific. 

 Leonardo Pastro Plays Chloe's dad Shawn In the film. I have to say he still does a terrific job as the character. Now the character of Shawn Is a monster because all he does is yell at Chloe when she's late for school he comes home really drunk he emotionally and physically beats his daughter Chloe with a belt. Probably the darkest moment with Shawn is where he yelled at Chloe in the car because she is late and not only was it really disturbing but it made sense because he had to drive her to school and go to work. It is probably the darkest moment of the entire film. Also Shawn Is the character that you just love to hate and you really want something  terrible happened to him  and something bad happens when one of Chloe's imaginary friends named Commander Cuddle Bear comes to life and kills them in the bathroom. The chemistry between him and Laura Pirkey Is fantastic. 

Luciana Pastro Plays Chloe's mother In the film. I have to say she still does a remarkable job as the character. Now Chloe's mom is the complete opposite of her dad because unlike her  Shawn who abuses her. Her mother actually cared and loves her. Probably the best moment with Chloe's mom is where she and Chloe are watching the movie and they are bonding together and not only was it really emotional but it makes sense because she's the only one that actually cares for her daughter unlike her husband who costs do we miss treats her. The chemistry between her and Luciana Pastro Is still amazing. 

The directing by Leonardo Pastro Is really interesting because of why I like about him directing that he does an excellent job of tackling the subject of being in a bad home life and what's really sad that there are some kids who have alcoholic mothers or alcoholic dads who take their anger out on the kid by  either yell or physically beats them. I don't feel like how he took the subject matter very seriously because this is a subject matter that cannot be joked  around with because it can actually be really scary and messed up because some kids actually don't feel safe when they're in their house and they feel more safe when they're at school or someone else away from their homes. I think it is really incredible how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoy the film. I enjoy the character Chloe because you feel really bad for her because she has such a terrible home life with her abusive dad Shawn. Also the emotional scenes that she has with her mother are probably the strongest moments in the film. I also like how it tackles the subject of domestic abuse very maturely and doesn't make any jokes about it. I also like how it is not like an A24 film. But in some ways it is kind of like an A24 film because it his a really sympathetic character. With a very simple story. I still think it is one the best movies of 2023. I still think more people should watch this movie especially if you like movies that tackle serious subject matters like Spotlight with Mark Ruffalo. I give this movie a 10/10. 

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