Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Here is Our Movie Idea Bottle


Here is Our Movie Idea Bottle

So basically the plot of the film is that you have this guy named Erik Kingsley and he works in this bottle store. Then he meets this woman named Samantha Haley and she is looking for a bottle and she tells Erik Kingsley that she needs one for a centerpiece in her kitchen because Thanksgiving is coming up in a month. So he agrees to help Samantha Haley to find the perfect one and then they find this Giant bottle and they decide to take a look at it but then they accidentally go inside of it and due to the store closing they are stuck in the bottle and they have to  get out of it before Thanksgiving. That will be basically what the story for the film. 

Now the acting is going to be really interesting because There are going to be a few actress with Mary going to be focused around two of them.

For Erik Kingsley I'm actually going to go with Keanu Reeves because In To The Bone he played this really nice doctor named Dr William Beckham who really cared about Eillen because he wanted to help her deal with her struggle with anorexia. I can see a moment where Erik Kingsley tries to come to Samantha Haley by telling her that everything is okay and tells her to take a deep breath. 

For Samantha Haley I'm going with Awkwafina because she can play a really concerned character like when she played Billi in The Farewell where she had to not tell her family that her grandmother was dying of cancer. But on the one hand she could be really funny like when she was Mina In Breaking News in Yuba County where she played this really crazy mobster who wanted to prove to her dad that she is intimidating. There could be a really funny scene where Erik Kingsley tells her to relax and she tell him don't tell me to relax I'm under a lot of stress you fucker. But on the one hand you can feel bad for her because she wants to get home in time to see her family for Thanksgiving. I think her and Keanu Reeves will work really well together. 

Now Samantha Haley ´ s Dad is going to be named Harold Haley and he is going to be playing by Jude Law. Now Harold Haley is not going to be in the film a whole lot He's only going to be in the beginning and in the end of the film.

Samantha Haley ´s mother is named Susanna Haley And she is going to be played by Salma Hayek and much like Jude Law she's mostly going to be in the beginning and in the end of the film

This movie will be an A24 comedy drama film. The run time will be 1 and 36 mins. The rating for the film will be rated R for strong language and crude humor. The end credit song should be Crazy. Also this movie could be like Locke where the film is set in one location. That being the store and in the giant bottle. 

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