Thursday, June 8, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of The Northman


Here is My Movie Review of The Northman

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named Amleth and when he was a kid he and his dad were ambushed by the guy named Fjolnir The Brotherless and his dad Sacrifice himself to save him and years later Amleth wants to get revenge on Fjolnir The Brotherless for killing his father is up to Amleth To get revenge on Fjolnir The Brotherless and avenging his father's death and that is basically what the story is for this movie. I have to say the storyline this movie is one of the most powerful storylines of 2022 because we're essentially falling a guy wanting Vengeance on his uncle for killing his dad and the way the film executes it is so terrific and amazing and this is probably up there with the storyline in Everything Everywhere All At Once as we're the best storylines of the 2020s. Also this feels like a rated R Thor film because in this film Amleth is a very brave and tough Warrior who will kill anyone in his way.

The acting in this movie is fantastic. I still think everyone gives it their all, even actors who don't play big roles in the movie are still really entertaining. This movie is probably up there with Everything Everywhere All At Once as One as the best acted films of 2022 Because much like that film all the actors are doing a terrific job in this film with there performances.

However the absolute big stand out of the entire film  is Alexander Skarsgard as  Amleth. Now the character of Amleth Is really tragic but really interesting you really feel bad him because as kid had to watch his father die in front of him and you can understand why he wants to take revenge on Fjolnir The Brotherless because he count his father right in front of him. The scene with Amleth goes to the gates of hell to confronts Fjolnir The Brotherless and get revenge on him for killing his father not only was it really suspenseful but it makes sense because he wants vengeance on him for what he did to him when he was a kid. It is probably the darkest moment in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Nicole Kidman, Anya Taylor-Joy,  and Claes Bang Is still terrific. 

   Willem Dafoe plays Heimir The Fool In the film. I have to say he still does a remarkable job as the character. Now Heimir The Fool Is not in the film a whole lot but for what he does have he is still a really terrific character. Probably the best thing with Heimir The Fool is where he is training Amleth To be a great viking warrior and no it was it really intense but it made sense because Amleth Need to learn how to be one of the toughest Viking Warriors to avenge his father's death from an evil brother Fjolnir The Brotherless It is probably the most powerful scene in the film. The chemistry between him and Oscar Novak Is incredible.

Ethan Hawke is not in the film a whole lot but for what he does have he is still entertaining as the character of King Aurvandil War- Raven. Now the character of King Aurvandil War- Raven Is really interesting because he really cares about son but he also has done some really fucked up shit like he forced Queen Gudrun To have intercourse with her so they can have a kid so he essentially Sexually abused her against her will he wanted to protect his kingdom he is also a disgusting piece of shit who you don't really root for because of all the bad things that he's done but you do find them really interesting. The scene where King Aurvandil War- Raven sacrifices himself to save his son the most saddest moment of the entire film because his son had to watch him die.

Anya Taylor-Joy plays Olga of the Birch Forest In the film. I have to say out of all of the performances she is probably my favorite one in the entire film. Now the character of Olga of the Birch Forest Is tremendous because Out of all the characters she is probably my favorite one in the entire film because she generally cares about Amleth because she is worried that he might get hurt if he goes up against Fjolnir The Brotherless Because he might die while battling him evil brother. This is probably Anya Taylor Joy ´ s best performance that she has ever given in her career. The scene where Olga of the Birch Forest Birth meets Amleth For the first time it is a really important thing because that's up her and Amleth´s relationship in the film it is probably one of the most powerful and incredible moments of the entire film and both characters have tremendous chemistry with one another. The chemistry between her and Alexander Skarsgard is still remarkable. 

Nicole Kidman plays Queen Gudrun In the film. I have to say she does a spectacular job as the character.  Now Queen Gudrun as villain is incredible because at first she seems very nice to her son Amleth. But then once she revealed why she had his brother Fjolnir The Brotherless killed King Aurvandil War- Raven because  she wanted to marry him and have a son But the thing was is that she did not want to have it but the King forced her to have it against her will so he sexually abused her and that is why she wanted The king to be killed because of that reason and you can completely understand why she wants the king to die because you do feel bad for her. But you don't really feel bad for it because of all the bad stuff she has done. The scene where Queen Gudrun Tells her son Amleth That she wanted to came to die because he forced her to have a child with him and it is probably the most messed up but really awesome twist reveal Of 2022 because she was sexually abused by the king so you got to buy her hiring Amleth´s I'm going to kill the king. It just probably the most shocking scene of the entire film I still think Queen Gudrun Is up there with The Grabber from the Black Phone as one of the best villains of 2022. The rivalry between her and her son Almeth Is still awesome. 

Claes Bang Plays Almeth’s Uncle Fjolnir The Brotherless in the film. I have to say he does a marvelous job as the character. Now Fjolnir The Brotherless As a character is probably one of the most vial characters of the entire film because he wants to kill His nephew Almeth and he actually succeeds but they both die at the Gates of hell The scene where Fjolnir The Brotherless Is Is when he kills Almeth’s dad King Aurvandil War-Rave because he wanted to obey his mother Queen Gudrem's Orders it is probably the Best villain introduction scenes of 2022. It is probably the most shocking and disturbing moment of the entire film because it shows how evil and Despicable Fjolnir The Brotherless Is as a villain.

The directing  by Robert Edgars Is really incredible because this is the same director who directed the lighthouse from 2019 and I really enjoyed his directing for that film. I have to say this is probably his best directed film i have seen because what I love about his directing that he does a very dark and brutal time of how Vikings were because In real life were very violent and really scary so I am happy that he Captured they that dark time perfectly but I also like how he developed every single character in the film Particularly with Amleth Because when he is a kid he had to watch his father die but I have the film goes on his starts to learn what lied to become a brave and badass like a warrior warm Revenge on his uncle for a killing his father he also starts to fall in love with Olga Of The Birch Forest. I think it did really terrific of how he did that.

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed this film because the storyline revolving around Amleth warren Revenge on his uncle Fjolnir The Brotherless for the death of his father King Aurvandil War- Raven. It is probably one of the best storylines of 2022 because the idea of Amleth getting revenge on his uncle for Killian's father had a lot of potential in the film executed perfectly. Olga of the Birch Forest is my favorite character in the film because she really cares about Amleth and doesn't want him to be killed by his uncle so the scene where she begged him not to go it's probably most heartbreaking seems of the entire film. Also she has played tremendously by Anya Taylor Joy and this is probably one of our best performances that she has ever given in a career. Also her and Alexander Skarsgard play off each other magnificently they had such perfect and wonderful chemistry with each other. This is probably up there with everything everywhere all at once with Ke Huy Quan That's why my favorite films of 2022. Also Queen Gudrun is a tremendous villain because she has such a powerful and understandable villain motivation. I think she is still up there with the Riddler from the Batman and one of the best villains of 2022. I also think that she is up there with Cassandra Nova from Deadpool and Wolverine as one of the best villains of the 2020s. I highly recommend you watch the stone especially if you enjoy the Lighthouse which is also directed by Robert Edgars. Then I'm sure you're going to love this film as well. I give this movie a 90/10.

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