Sunday, October 2, 2022

Here is My Series Finale Review of Regular Show a Regular Final Battle


Here is My Series Finale Review of Regular Show a Regular Final Battle 

So basically what essentially happens is that you have Pops who is hesitant to fight his evil brother Anti-Pops So Mordecai and Rigby and the rest of the Park game decide to help him prepare for his final challenge. And it's up to Pops to defeat his evil brother Anti Pops and save the universe, which is basically what the story is for this series finale. 

The characters in this series finale are phenomenal. Everyone gets to shine in this series finale

Benson in the series finale is probably the best he has ever been throughout the whole series and what I like about Benson in this in this series  he is that he really not that funny he's mostly serious and I'm actually really fine with that because This is a really dark finale so you can't have Benson crack a lot jokes so he has to be serious to make the face and now it work really well as it did. Sam Marin is amazing as Benson in the Series finale he gives 199% work into this performance because usually Sam Marin is really funny  in this role but in the series finale he is really serious  and he does great job of taking it really seriously because this is a series finale and you can't have Benson crack jokes throughout the series finale because if he It would have ruined a lot of emotional scenes and it would have it would ban like age of Ultron in terms of how goofy it would have been if they did it  like that. But luckily they keep it dark but still light-hearted.

Mordecai in the fear finale is also phenomenal. Not only is he more serious but he generally wants to help Pops Take down his evil Brother Anti -Pops and save the universe. Mordecai and Voice by J.G. Quintel  and J.G Quintel in the Sears finale gives 110% effort in his performance much like I said with Benson I actually was fine with Mordecai being serious throughout this entire series finale. It works really well with the storyline. 

Rigby in this series finale is phenomenal much like with Mordecai he is mostly really serious  In this there's finale and it is really tremendous. Usually Rigby will make some funny jokes but in this series finale he really doesn't. He takes it really seriously and it is terrific. Rugby is voiced by William Salyer and he gives 103% effort into his performance and usually Much like I said with Sam Marin as Benson. William Salyer Take the role really seriously because if he voiced Rigby in the series finale and if he had Rigby crack  jokes it would have ruined the emotional moments of the series finale so I'm actually really happy that he did take the role seriously. 

Now the character of Pops in the first few seasons was really happy really joyful and you didn't know much about him but in this series finale and Season 8 You get to learn a lot about pops like where he came from how Mr Mayor raised him his evil brother and he actually had a really tragic backstory and they do it really well in the final season of regular show and the serious finale. pops his voice by Sam Marin and he probably gives 399% of effort into his performance. Usually when Sam Marin voices pops in the series he is really funny really like hardly plays this in the series finale. He takes it really seriously and it is terrific how he does the performance really well and you can tell he is having a blast Voicing Pops in this series finale. Pops says death in the series finale is quite possibly the most sad scene ever in regular show and they built this moment up from   in this series and it does not hold back it is really emotional and  really said to see a beloved character die as he flies into the sun with his evil brother Anti-Pops

However I don't think this serious finale would have been awesome and emotional and tremendous if it wasn't for the villain. Honestly the villain is terrific. Anti Pops is quite possibly the darkest Regular Show villain ever made. He is scary, he is manipulative and it's really awesome to watch him on screen. His voice is done by Robert England and he nailed it in this role. You can tell that Robert Englund is giving 700% effort in his awesome performance. Also the voice that Robert Englund puts on for Anti- Pops is super creepy and really democratic and it works for the series finale. Not to mention Anti-Pops doesn't make any stupid or out of place jokes he is super dark he doesn't ruin the moment with  a crunch worthy joke and Robert England does a tremendous of taking the role extremely seriously. If Anti Pops made a lot of funny jokes It would ruin all the emotional moments and then he´ll be Ultron all over again but luckily He doesn't make any funny jokes whatsoever and he stays true to his character. He is extremely dark. I still think he is up there with Thanos from the Infinity Saga as one of the best villains of the 2010s. Also anti hypothesis death is still the sadness scene in Regular  Show history. 

The directed by J.G Quintel is phenomenal. What I like about his directing is that he really developed Pop's character. He also really made all the regular show characters in the series finale really serious and it was great there were no stupid jokes to ruin the moment and all the characters were in character for the entire serious finale. I think it is really cool how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still love this series finale. The storyline was interesting, the villain was really threatening and really entertaining. Robert England gave a phenomenal performance as Anti Pops and it is really awesome to see all these characters come together for the biggest file battle in regular show history. I give this series finale a 10/10.   

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