Monday, July 25, 2022

Here is My Movie Review of Man of Steel


Here is My Movie Review of Man of Steel 

So basically what happened is that it tells the orange story of Superman and he has to take down General Zod and that is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is not terrible it's just not as entertaining because it feels like most of the performances are just not really entertaining because I feel like they're doing this for a paycheck and not having any fun in the film.

Henry Cavill plays Superman In the film I still think he does a average job as this character. The problem with his Superman is that he doesn't emote or smile. Also having Superman kill is so dumb because I expect that behavior from the Punisher. Probably the most laughable scene is where Superman kills General Zod and he screams no it is probably one of the most intentionally funny scenes in this movie.  I think it's more laughable than Charles Xavier's death from X3 X-Men the Last Stand because at least with that movie it tried to make it emotional It just needed a better directing and better writing. But with this in the moment they try to make you take seriously but you really can't because of Henry Cavill just screaming his head off and it just becomes unintentionally funny as the result.

Also I will admit the other good performance with Laurens Fishburne as Perry White Because much like with Russell Crowe I also felt like he was the other actor that giving the most amount of effort in the film and much like I said about Russell Crowe it felt like he was the one that I'm having the most amount of fun in this movie. Also the character is pretty comic book  Because in the comics he He works at the daily plant the newspaper business in Metropolis so that is comic book accurate. 

Russell Crowe plays Jor-El. In this film. I will admit out of all the performances he did he gave the best performance in the film because he is giving slightly more of an effort in the film than the rest of the actors. But have said that I do think this is one Russell Crows weaker performances Because it's just feel like he's going through the motions now I will admit out of the actors he's the one that's having the most fun in this movie. Now the character of Jor-El is just kind of boring because he is supposed to be like this fourth goes that constantly talks to Clark Kent/Superman about how to use his power then how to become a hero and a just comes off as very filler heavy. The chemistry between him and henry Cavill is decent.

Michael Shannon as General Zod. I still think he does an awful job as this character. I just think he's way too over the top and way too cheesy to take seriously. A lot of people say that he is the best DCEU villain but I'm going to say this I think he's the most overrated DCEU. Here is my unpopular opinion. I think Maxwell Lord from Wonder Woman 1984 is a way better villain than General Zod. Also his design is really stupid It feels like he tries to look like Ironmonger from the first Iron Man. Also General Zod is not supposed to wear a robotic suit, what he's supposed to be wearing is a robe like in Superman II Also his motivation is way too similar to Magneto from the first X-Men movie because both of them think they're doing good in their own eyes but they're really doing bad. The only difference being That magneto was an awesome villain and General Zod is not. I just feel like the Terrence Stamp one from Superman II is way better because He was way more entertaining and less cheesy and over. I feel really bad for Michael Shannon I think he should have played someone else like Lex Luthor. But no they wasted him and that really sucked because he is a great actor. If you have seen him in the movie The Shape of Water he plays an awesome villain named Colonel Richard Strickland and that is his best performance. Well him as General Zod is probably his worst performance he has ever done. The rivalry between him and Superman is just really dumb and not believable whatsoever. No I would say this Michael Shannon's performance as General Zod is a masterpiece compared to Jesse Eisenberg's performance as Lex Luthor in Batman versus Superman Dawn of Justice .Fun fact actors like Viggo Moretsen, Daniel Day-Lewis, Michael Shannon, Jude Law, Christopher Lee, Edgar Ramirez were all considered to play General Zod. 

The directing by Zack Snyder Is really interested because well his directly and not as bad as it is in Batman versus Superman dawn of Justice I still think he know they really bad job direct in the film because he makes Superman into a psychopath and Superman should never kill unless it's an altered Universe then that makes sense but just having Superman this depressed and unhappy character It done doesn't make sense and I feel like him giving General Zod A very similar backstory too Magneto like his motivation having you feel bad for him they really make sense because I think Magnetos backstory with a lot more interesting than General Zod´s motivation Was not very interesting in this film. So overall I think you did a play subpart job directing this film.

 So in conclusion well I don't hate this film I will admit it's just kind of dull Because nothing much happens throughout the film and most of the acting is just not entertaining how many cowboys just really boring and Superman. Michael Shannon it's just overacting his head off as General Zod and I get a lot of people really like this film before me but my opinion I didn't think it is really bad and just really cheesy and over the top. I will admit the only actor that I felt gave a decent performance was Russell Crowe and Jar El but the character of Jar El is just so boring and just completely uninteresting he's just there to give expedition. Also Lawrence Fishbourn also gave a really entertaining performance at Perry White so he and brother Crow were pretty much the only two actors that actually gave someone good performances in the film. But overall I say it just skipped this movie just go watch the original Superman film or go watch going to the Galaxy which are they much better film it is a lot more lighthearted it had a much better villain and it's just overall more entertaining than this film. I give this movie a 5/10.

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