Saturday, June 4, 2022

Top 15 Reasons Why Captain Marvel is The most forgettable Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie

 Top 15 Reasons Why Captain Marvel is The most forgettable Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie 

15. It wasted Ronin the Accuser by casting Lee Pace but he does absolutely nothing. 
14. It had a really boring soundtrack. 
13. It wastes Ben Mendelsohn by casting him  as the most boring  Marvel Cinematic Universe villain. 
12. It tries to be a prequel.  
11. It forces way too many political agendas.

10.  It has a really boring superhero origin.   

9. It has a really boring story. 

8. It has really bad jokes. 

7. It has really average action sequences 

6. It recommend Captain America The Winter Soldier 

5. It has way too much exposition. 

4. It has a really bland child performance. 

3. It has really average special effects. 

2. It is too long. 

1. It wastes Jude Law by casting him as one of the worst Marvel Cinematic Universe villains. 

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