Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Joker


Here is my movie review of Joker. 

So basically what happens is it tells the story of this guy named Arthur Fleck Who after experiencing a very bad day he snaps, goes crazy and becomes the Joker. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is Is tremendous because all the actors are doing a fantastic job at the characters and this movie is probably up there with Avenger then game as one of the best active films of 2019 and also one of the best active films of the 2010s 

However the absolute standout of the entire film is Joaquin Phoenix at Arthur Fleck/the Joker. Now Arthur Fleck/the Joker as a character is really disturbing but also really interesting because everyone Trades him like garbage they don't pay attention to him they just walk over him. Also when he tried to tell everyone that he wanted to be a stand-up comedian everybody laughed at him so you can Understand why Arthur Fleck will go crazy and go on math killing spray. Probably the best moment with Arthur Fleck/The Joker It's where he is on Murray Franklin's Talk show and get so mad to the point that he shoots him in the face. Not only was it really shocking and disturbing but it makes sense because Murray Franklin Traits him like garbage so that was his breaking point to kill him. It is probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Francis Conroy is still fantastic. Fun fact actor Leonardo DiCaprio was considered to play The Joker.

Robert De Niro plays Murray Franklin In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. Now Murray Franklin is a pretty disgusting character because he treats Arthur Fleck/The Joker like garbage saying that he'll never be a comedian. Probably the best moment when Murray Franklin is where Arthur Fleck/The Joker makes a joke about a child is killed by a drunk driver and Murray Franklin says that he can't joke about that and not only was it really disturbing but it just shows how sick and twisted Arthur Fleck / the Joker is. It is probably the most creepy and disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Joaquin Phoenix Is excellent.

Zazie Beetz plays Sophie Dumone in The film. I have to say she still does an outstanding job as the character. Now Sophie Dumone as a character is really interesting because she really cares about Arthur Flack / The Joker to the point that she starts to fall in love with him but she also wants to help him hear him of his mental illness which is PBA. Probably the best moment with Sophie Dumone is where she is asking Arthur Fleck/The Joker if he was one following her all day. Not only was Really important but it makes sense because she wanted to know why Arthur Flack/The Joker following her around all day here it is probably the most important scene of the entire film because foreshadows the scene where he confesses his feelings towards her. The chemistry between her and Joaquin Phoenix is excellent.

Francis Conroy plays Arthur Fleck/The Joker´s mother Penny Fleck In the film. I have to say she still does a terrific job as the character. Now Penny Fleck as a character is shown that she is very sick she needs to be taken care of and her son Arthur Fleck / the Joker to take care of her. The thing where Penny Fleck tells her own son that she is not his real mother and Arthur Fleck / the Joker doesn't take it really well to the point that he literally suffocates her with a pillow which end up killing her and not only was it really shocking but it makes sense because he figured out that his mother has been lying to him The whole time and he just wants her to die already. It's probably the most disturbing moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Joaquin Phoenix is perfect.

But the best thing about the entire movie is The directing by Todd Phillips because what I love about his directing is that he really Does a glorious job of Showing how Arthur Fleck Snapped and became the Joker Because everyone in Gotham Treated him like garbage because everyone just walked all over him and not paid attention to him. So it makes Arthur Fleck´s transformation into the Joker much more believable. I think it is really incredible how he did that. I also like how he made this movie like a Martin Scorsese Film because of the dark Gothic Corners and the disturbing but really awesome storyline. I think it is really awesome how he did that.

So in conclusion i still really love this film because of the storyline revolving around Author Flack going crazy and eventually snaps and becomes the Joker of him game Revenge on the people of Gotham who mistreated him. This is still one of my favorite movies of 2019 because of how dark and disturbing it is. Although Joaquin Phoenix completely steals the show as Arthur Fleck/The Joker because you can tell he is having a lot of fun as the character. I also like how the film discusses the topic of mental illness and what affects it can have on a lot of people. Also the scene where Arthur Fleck /The Joker kills the three people on the train is probably the best film moment of 2019. Also both Joaquin Phoenix and Robert De Niro playoff with each other extremely well they have such magnificent chemistry. This is either in my top 5 favorite movies of 2019. Also this movie is probably up there with The Lighthouse with Willem Dafoe as one of my favorite movie of 2019. I have to say if you enjoy the movie Good Fellas which also stars Robert De Niro you'll definitely enjoy this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

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