Friday, December 31, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Epic

 Here is my movie review of Epic 

So basically what happens is that you have this girl named M.K. and she is living with her dad. Then she gets shrunken down And she goes into a forest and she meets The leaf people. Then you have Mandrake Who wants revenge on the leaf people Because his son was killed in front of him. It's up to you M.K. and the leaf people to take down Mandrake and save the forest So she can go back to her normal size. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The voice acting in this movie is still great. 

Colin Farrell as Ronin. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really wise. He also reminds me of stoick from the How Train Dragon Franchise because they're both great leaders.   The chemistry between him and Amanda Seyfried is still really great. 

Amanda Seyfried as M.K. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic because She is coping with her mother's death And she doesn't want to live with her dad because She thinks that it isn't the same without her mother. 

Josh Hutcherson as Nod. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. The chemistry between him and Colin Farrell, Amanda Seyfied is still really great. 

BeyoncĂ© as Queen Tara. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really wise. The chemistry between her and Colin Farrell, Amandra Seyfried, and Josh Hutcherson is still great. 

Pitbull as Bufo. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. I still think he is a great side villain. 

Aziz Ansari and Chris O'Dowd as Mub and Grub. I still think they do a great job as these characters. I still think they're really funny and really smart. The chemistry between them and Colin Farrell, BeyoncĂ©, Josh Hutcherson, Amandra Seyfied is still really great. 

Jason Sudeikis as Bomba. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really funny. the chemistry between him and Amanda Seyfied is still readily great. 

Blake Anderson as Dagda. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic Because he is not really evil, he just wants to make his dad happy.

Christoph Waltz as Mandrank. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really intimidating. I still think he has understandable villain motivation because all he wants to do is get revenge on the leaf people for his son's death. I still think he is an underrated Blue Skies  Studios Villain. Fun fact actors like John Goodman, Kevin Spacey, Bryan Cranston, Ian Hoim, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Andy Garcia, Christopher Lloyd, Sean Bean, Benjamin Bratt, Willem Dafoe, Vincent D'Onofrio, Josh Brolin, Hugo weaving, Zachary Levi, Gerard Butler, Johnny Knoxville, and Gary Oldman were all considered to voice of Mandrake. 

The directing by Chris  Wedge. I still think he does a great job directing this movie. I still think he does a great job bouncing the humor with the emotional scenes really well. 

So in conclusion if you like Blue Sky Studio animated movies. Then I think you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Shazam


Here is my movie review of Shazam 

So basically what happens is that you have this kid named Billy Batson and he is in a foster home. Then one day he goes into this Temple where he finds a wizard Who gives him powers And  he becomes Shazam and he wants to find where his biological mother is. So Billy and his family must all team up to take down Dr Sivana and save the world. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is still Incredible because I still think that all the actors are having fun as their characters. This is still up there with Guardians of the Galaxy and one of the best Cast in a superhero movie.

Asher Angel plays Billy Batson In the film. I have to say he still does a terrific job as the character. What makes Billy Batson such an incredible character and that you really feel bad for him because He lost his mother at a young age and he doesn't feel like he fits in with his new family and he really wants to find out where his mother is. Probably the best moment with Billy Batson Is where he finally meets his mom after so long and not only is it really emotional but it made sense because he really wanted to find his mom and he succeeded and it's probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jack Dylan Grazer, Djimon Hounsou, and Falthe Herman is still tremendous

Zachary Levi plays Shazam In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. What makes to him such fantastic character is that at first he is being ego-eccentric using his powers just too receive fan and attention but later on in the film he starts to learn to be responsible and be the hero that everyone wants him to be. He really reminds me of Tony Stark / Iron Man from the MCU because he started out really self-centered and fame went to his head and he didn't care about being a hero but as the MCU went on he started to learn about being responsible and being the hero that everyone wanted him to be. Probably the best moment with Shazam is where he Is learning how to fly off of a skateboard ramp and he falls off multiple times and not only was it really funny but it made sense because he asked to learn how to use his powers it is probably the funniest Moment of the entire film.  Fun fact actors like Jack McDorman, John Cena, John Krasinski, Alan Richardson, Liam Hemsworth, Zac Efron, Armie Hammer, Lee Pace, Channing Tatum, Parker Young, Derek Theler, Joshua Sasse, and Billy Magnussun were all considered to play Shazam.

Jack Dylan Grazer plays Freddy Freeman In the film. I have to say he still does an excellent job as the character. What makes Freddy Freeman such an amazing character is that he basically wants to help Shazam become a real hero. Probably The best moment with Freddy Freeman is where he tells to them that he's not being responsible with his powers and just giving them to get fame and attention and not only was it a really strong moment but it makes sense because he is basically calling out to them for being fall himself. It is probably the most exquisite scene of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Asher Angel Is still great. Also the chemistry between him and Zachary Levi is still great. 

Djimon Hounsou plays the Wizard In this film. I have to say he still does an outstanding job as the character.  Now the Wizard is not in the film a whole lot but he basically serves as the voice of reason to tell Billy Batson to say the name Shazam to become the hero. Also I like how he explains that black Adam was there biggest mistake and not only was a really intense moment but I actually foreshadow the movie Black Adam which they mentioned that in that movie as well. Fun fact actors like Alan Alda, F. Murray Abraham, Michael Keaton, Tony Shalhoub, Ron Cephas Jones were all considered to play The Wizard. The chemistry between him and Asher Angel Is magnificent.

Grace Fulton plays Mary Bromfield In the film. I have to say she still does a spectacular job as the character. What makes Mary Bromfield And that you can tell that she really cares for her younger brother Billy Batson is that wants him to fit in with his new family. Probably the best moment with Mary Bromfield Is where she first needs Shazam for the first time and ask him how does he know her name and not only was it really funny but it makes sense because they have never met before and this is the first time they meet each other it is probably the funniest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Asher Angel is really magnificent. Also the chemistry between her and Zachary Levi is exquisite.

Falthe Herman plays Darla Dudley In the film. I have to say she still does a Terrific job as the character. What makes Darla Dudley Is that you can tell that she really cares for her older brother Billy Batson and wants to help Shazam take down Dr. Sivana. Probably the best moment with Darla Dudley it's where she finds out that Billy Batson Is actually Shazam and not only was it really interesting but it made sense because she didn't know that her older brother is a superhero. It also reminds me of the scene in Ant-Man where Cassie Lang finds out that her father Scott Lang is Ant-Man. The chemistry between her and Asher Angel is still excellent. Also the chemistry between her and Zachary Levi is still fantastic

Mark Strong plays Dr Sivana In the film. I have to say he still does an exciting job as the character. What makes Dr Sivana Such an interesting villain is that he had a really understandable villain motivation he wants to harness the power of the seven deadly sins and give them to get revenge on his family and kill Shazam. Also his backstory is very interesting because when healed a kid Dr Sivana Was mistreated by his older brother and his father and when he visited the Wizard he told him that he would never be worthy. Probably the best moment with Dr Sivana is where he got revenge on his brother and father fighting in the seven deadly sins too kill them and not only was it really dark but it made sense because he wanted revenge on them for mistreating him when he was a kid. It is probably the most disturbing scene of the entire film. The rivalry between him and Shazam is astonishing. The chemistry between him and Zachary Levi is remarkable.

The directing by David F. Sandberg Is really brilliant because what I like about his directing is that he gives Shazam a really interesting character arc because at first he is reckless with his powers he's only using them to get fame at attention but at the film goes on he starts to learn the power of the being responsible and being a real hero. I still think it is really marvelous of how he did that. Fun fact director Sam Raimi expressed interest in directing this film.

So in conclusion i still really enjoy this movie because it bounces the tone between comedy and emotional moments and some very dark and horrifying moments very well. This movie is up there with Ant-Man and The Wasp as one of the funniest films of the 2010s. This is still in my top 10 favorite movies of 2019. Also the character arc that Shazam goes on is probably the the best part of this entire film because at first he is in over his head and only using his powers to get attention by the film goes on he learns from his mistakes and learns to be a real hero. Also Zachary Levi as Shazam is probably up there with Paul Rudd as Ant-Man and one of the best superhero performances. Also Dr Sivana Is up there with Mysterio from Spider-Man Far from Home as one of the best villains of 2019. I have to say if you enjoy Ant-Man with Paul Rudd then I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Logan


Here is my movie review of Logan 

So basically what happens is that You have Logan working day and night shifts as a limo driver to provide money for Charles's medication and medicine. Then they meet This girl named X23 and Logan find out that she is has biological daughter So and Charles must do everything that they can to protect her from mercenaries. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

I still think This movie out of all the X-Men movies has the best acting. 

For this being Hugh Jackman's last role as Logan I still think he does an awesome job as this character. This is a really different portrayal of Logan Because in the older X Men movies He is mostly happy and he cracks jokes. But in this movie he doesn't make any jokes because He is really old and really grumpy and his healing powers Don't really work because they're starting to wear off and he can barely heal himself. 

For this being Patrick Stewart's last role as Charles. I still think he does a great job as this character. Now for some reason in this movie They make him make jokes isn't a bad thing, I just feel like it is out of place. But I understand why they did it because he is getting really old. Also He can't really control his telepathic abilities as much as he used to. I would say that When Charles dies in this movie It is a lot better Then how they didn't in X3 X-Men The Last Stand because in that movie they just kind of treated it as a silly joke. Well in this movie When he dies it is really sad. the chemistry between him and Hugh Jackman is probably the best chemistry they had in an X-Men movie since X2 X-Men United. 

Boyd Holbrook as Donald Pierce. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really intimidating and really smart. I think of all the X-Men movie villains Donald Pierce has probably the second best death Because The X-Men movie villain that has the best death is Sebastian Shaw from X-Men First Class. 

Dafne  Keen as Laura/X-23. I still think she does an awesome job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic because when her father Logan is killed by the Logan clone you can see how hard it affects her because she lost someone She started to know. The chemistry between her and Patrick Stewart  and Hugh Jackman is still really great. 

The action scenes are still awesome. I think of all the X-Men movies I think this movie has the most glory action scenes ever in an X-Men movie. 

My favorite part is where Laura and the mutant kids shave Logan's beard and he looks in the mirror and he says not funny.¨ I still think that scene is the funniest scene in the movie because in all  honesty the rest of the movie is really depressing. Not that is a bad thing. I think the movie does a good job with Handling the subject of  losing  someone you love. 

The directing by James Mangold. I still think he does a great job directing this movie. I still think he does a great job bouncing the drama with the emotional scenes really well. 

So in conclusion I still think this is a great ending for Logan's character Because Hugh Jackman has been playing this character for 17 years. I give this movie a 9/10.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Here is My Tv Show Review of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier


Here is my Tv Show review of Falcon and the Winter Soldier

So basically what happens is that it takes place after Avengers Endgame left off And Sam Wilson is conflicted if he should take up the mantle of Captain America However Bucky Barnes says that He doesn't deserve The Shield Because he believed that he should have Take up the mantle of Captain America instead of Sam Wilson. Then they meet Helmut Zemo And together they must take down John Walker/ US Agent And the terrace group the flag smashers. That is basically what the story is for this show

The acting in this show is still great for the most part. 

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson/ The Falcon. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic because he is conflicted on if he should become Captain America. I still think the Captain America costume he wears in the final episode still looks really cool. 

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes /The Winter Soldier. I still think he does a phenomenal job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic because Unlike Sam Wilson who is conflicted of being Captain America Bucky doesn't want him to be Captain America because he doesn't think that he deserved the Captain America shield and he thinks He should have taken up the mantle of his best friend. The chemistry between Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie is still really great.  


Daniel Bruhi as Helmet Zemo. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really intimidating. I like how he allies himself with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in order to help them stop the spread of the super soldier serum Because he hates superheroes because he thinks that if a human decide to be a superhero they are supremacist. I still think that was really cool how the show did that. I like how he wears his purple mask and he wears the jacket from the comics. My only problem is that he doesn't wear the mask enough. Also the mask doesn't get burned onto the most face because they're the scene where he then are burning building and you think that's going to burn the mask but no he miracles with advice that and it's really weird and really dumb because I was hoping we were going to get a full accurate interpretation because he wears his jacket like he does in the comics. I like how he has more to do in Captain America Civil War But he is also kind of wasted because at the end of the show they just take him back to jail. I just wish that he had a lot more to do in the show.  The scene where Zemo dances I don't think it was that bad like I'm glad that they didn't drag it  out for too long. My favorite quote is where Helmet Zemo says to Bucky Barnes Hello James.¨ But the problem is they don't make Zemo the main antagonist of the show because leading up to all the marketing you believe that he is the main villain but no the main villains are Karli Morgenthau and Sharon Carter that was just really stupid because Zemo should have been revealed to be the power broker instead of Sharon Carter.

Wiley Russell as John Walker/US Agent. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really intimidating and really smart. My favorite part of the show is where John Walker takes his shield and kills one of the members of the Flag Smashers. I also like it when after he kills one of the members of The organization. Also you can see  blood on the shield. I think that was really cool how they did that. 

Emily Van Camp as Sharon Carter. I still don't think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really boring as the villain. Also when it is revealed that she is The power broker it was just so disappointing because I was hoping it was Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin that was going to be the power broker or I actually thought that Zemo was going to be revealed as the power broker. I think that would have been a way better choice because Zemo is supposed to be the main villain of this show. I think if the show that it would have been really cool to see that. Or maybe if it's not Shannon Carter it is probably Mystique from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants because If they did that Then you can say that the X-Men are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

The directing by Kari Skogland. Now I do have mixed feelings about her directing of this show Now I would say this All the things evolving around Zemo is actually really great That one great thing about the show. Another thing I work ever cried that she does dive more into Bucky Barnes because he still has PTSD of being the Winter Soldier because he remembers those he has hurt and killed So I still think she does a great job developing Bucky Barnes out of character. Now all the things that I didn't like about what she did to the show. Now well I do enjoy what she does with Zemo in the first half of the show is great. I still stand by now all the things with Zemo are entertaining. But what I don't like about it is that she completely waste the character of Zemo because all I have is it to him at the end it that he goes back to jail which is out just really dumb because all that we're hoping they were going to have his purple mask be burnt onto his face. another thing I didn't like what she did was to make Sharon Carter the main villain / the power broker because I think it would been way better if she made Zemo the power broker / the main villain because all the marketing to the show clearly hinted that Zemo was going to be the primary antagonist But no the main villain is Karli Morgenthau was really dumb because I was really looking forward to seeing them at the primary antagonist of this show.

So in conclusion I think this is a mixed Disney Plus Marvel show. I enjoyed the first half of the show all the stuff that has to do with Zemo is still great. But the last bit of the show was kind of wasted because he went to jail. I hope that in this new Thunderbolts movie that Zemo is going to be the main character. I would say it is better than Hawkeye because that show was just really boring. However This show is not good as Loki or WondaVision. I give this show a 7/10.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer


Here is my movie review of Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer. 

So basically what happens is that it takes place after the first movie left off and you have Reed Richards Who wants to propose to the storm. Then you'll have Dr Doom Who is teaming up with the military. Then you have the Silver Surfer Who is with Galactus but then he learns that Galactus is coming to earth So it is up to you The Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer to take down Dr Doom and Galactus and save the world. That is basically what the story is for this movie.  

Now the acting in this movie is kind of mixed there are some performances that I like well that is one performance I still don't like.  

Ioan Gruffudd plays Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic In the film. I have to say he still does a great job as the character. What makes Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic Such an interesting character is that He really wants to get married to Susan Storm/the Invisible Woman And take down Dr. Doom and Galactus save all of humanity. Probably the best moment with Reed Richards/Mr. Fantastic is during the final battle of the film where Dr Doom kills Susan Storm/the Invisible Woman Read Richard / Mr Fantastic actually breaks down crying and not only what it really said but it may sense because he had to watch the love of his life be killed by Dr Doom and it is probably one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, Joanne McMahon, and Lauren Fishburne Is still terrific

Jessica Alba plays Susan Storm/Invisible Woman In the film. I have to say she still does a decent job as the character. What makes Susan Storm/Invisible Woman such an interesting character is that She really wants to be married to Reed Richards/ Mr. Fantastic and take down Dr Doom and Galactus and save on humanity. Probably the best moment with Susan Storm/Invisible Woman Confronts the Silver Surfer and asks why he is attacking earth and he explains that he's doing it for his master Galactus. Not only was it really interesting But it made sense because she wanted to know why he was causing problems on earth. It is probably the most emotional moment in the film. The chemistry between her and Ioan Gruffudd Is still excellent.

Chris Evans plays Johnny Storm/The Human Torch in the film. Now much like what I said in my review of Fantastic Four 2005. I still think he does a terrific job as the character. What makes Johnny Storm/The Human Torch such an excellent character is much like the rest of the team of the fantastic boy he also wants to take down Galactus and Dr Doom and save all of humanity. Probably the best moment with Johnny Storm/The Human Torch during the final battle of the film where Johnny Storm / the Human Torch uses all the other members of the fantastic 4's abilities to battle Dr Doom. Not only was it really amazing but it made sense because he needed to harass all the powers of the Fantastic 4 To take down Dr Doom and save the world. It is probably one of the best action sequences in the film. The chemistry between him and Ioan Gruffudd is still awesome.

Michael Chiklis voices Ben Grimm/The Thing. I have the thing much like in my Fantastic 4 2005 review He is still up there with Chris Evans as Johnny Storm / the Human Torch as one of the best performances in these movies. What makes Ben Grimm/the Thing such a great character that much like the rest of the team he also wants to take down Dr. Doom and Galactus save the world. Probably the best moment with Ben Grimm/The Thing Is where he and Johnny Storm/the Human Torch switch powers for the first time and Ben Grimm is human again and Johnny Storm is made out of rocks and Johnny Storm is freaking out and not only was it really funny but it made sense because Ben Grimm wanted to be turned back into a human. It is probably the funniest moment in the film. The chemistry between him and Ioan Gruffudd Is still excellent.

Joanne McMahon plays Von Doom/Dr Doom In this film. I have to say much like what I said in My Fantastic 4 2005 Review he is still bad as the character. Now I will give credit this is not the worst villain performance I have seen because the worst villain performance is still Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. The character of Dr. Doom in this movie Is still really bad because again much like the first film he cracks jokes he says really dumb things in the film. I don't know why Marvel can't get Dr Doom right on the big screen because a fan film called Von Doom gave us the perfect Dr Doom. Now I will give credit there is one good scene with Dr Doom in the film and that is when he confronts the Silver Surfer for the first time. But that being said it's not enough to redeem the character Though I will say this one is slightly better than the one from the 2015 film. but that's not saying much because Even in the 1994 Fantastic 4 movie they still got him wrong. The rivalry between him and the fantastic 4 is decent.

However the absolute big stand out of the entire film is Laurence Fishburne as The Silver Surfer. What makes The Silver Surfer such an incredible character is that he isn't evil he is just Trying to impress his master Galactus by finding planets that he can consume for power. Probably the best moment with The Silver Surfer is where turns against his former master and sacrificing himself to kill Galactus not only was it a really powerful moment but it made sense because He wanted to redeem himself too save all of humanity. It is probably the most emotional moment in the entire film. I still think this is up there with Kelsey Grammer's performance as the Beast from X3 X-Men The Last Stand as one of the best superhero casting choices. Fun fact actors like Gary Sinise, Djimon Hounsou, and Timothy Olyphant Were all considered to voice the Silver Surfer.

Now well the film does a great job of making Silver Surfer accurate to the comic books and In terms of h motivation and design. Unfortunately the film got Galactus completely wrong because in the comics and in the cartoons Galactus is this giant celestial being that consumes the planet energy to grow more powerful. But in this film he's not even a celestial Galactus is just a looming cloud in space. This Probably up there with the wrecking crew from She Hulk as one of the worst Comic to screen adaptations of a fan favorite Marvel character. Also there was a Phantom called Silver Surfer herald of Galactus and that gave us a perfect interpretation of Galactus even though he was a bit smaller than was in the comics he was always accurate to the source material.

The directing by Tim story Is kind of mixed I will say much like in the first film he does get the dynamic between The fantastic for extremely well. Although I will say this he does get the silver surfer really closely accurate to the comic books even though it is a little different but it is still the Silver Surfer. But that being said he still gets galactic wrong like It could have gotten a actor to voice and do the motion capture of Galactus.

So in conclusion I don't think this movie is necessarily bad. I did think it has a lot of good qualities like the chemistry between the fantastic 4. Chris Evans as Johnny Storm / The Human Torch and Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm/The Thing are the two best performances in the film. Also I do still think Laurence Fishburne is a near perfect Silver Surfer. I will t say that the action sequences in this movie are a little better than the action sequences in the first film. But unfortunately Julian McMahon is still terrible as Dr Doom. Also the character of Dr. Doom is still completely wrong. Also Galactus is the most inaccurate character of the entire film. So despite all the good things I have to say about the film. But overall the film could have been a lot better I would say it's not as bad as Daredevil 2003 because with this movie it has better acting. But I have to say this is a decent Marvel film because It had some good things and some bad things in it. I give this movie a 7/10.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Dinner for Schmucks


Here is my movie review of Dinner for Schmucks 

So basically what the plot is that you have Barry and he likes to make dioramas with dead mice. You also have Tim who is having relationship problems. They're boss Thurman Invite them to a dinner But what they don't know is that it is a dinner to make fun of the dumbest person and Barry has to beat his boss at mind control. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is still great. 

Steve Carell as Barry. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really sympathetic because he didn't know that the dinner was  made to make fun of him when Tim tells him the truth you understand that he is not really happy that Tim lied to him. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Paul Rudd as Tim. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really sympathetic because He wants to propose to Julie but he just didn't know how she would feel about him. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd is still really great. I still think this is Paul Rudd´s most underrated movie. 

Bruce Greenwood as Lance Fender. I as still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. The chemistry between him, Steve Carell and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Ron Livingston as Caldwell. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. 

Jermaine Clement as Kieran. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. The chemistry between him and Steve Carell and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Jeff Dunham as Lewis. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. Probably my favorite scene in this movie is where Lewis has his ventriloquist puppet because it is a really funny scene in the movie. 

Stephanie Szostak as Julie. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic because she doesn't know if Tim wants to propose to her. The chemistry between her and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Zach  Galifianakis as Thurman. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny. Probably the funniest running joke in the film is where Thurman constantly states that he can control people's minds. The rivalry between him and Barry is still really funny. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd and Steve Carell is still really great. I think this is Zach Galifianakis ´ s most underrated movie.

The directing by Jay Roach. What I like about his directing and that he does a great job attacking the subject of the higher class system because basically what the film is talking about it the difference between a smart person and a really dumb person. I think it is really cool how he did that. I also like how he adds this lesson in the film that teaches you about just being yourself and it doesn't matter if people judge you, just be yourself and everything will be okay. I think that is a really great lesson to teach people because there are people who are self-conscious about their intelligence and they don't want other people to make fun of them.

So in conclusion I think this is a really underrated movie of 2010. I think this is a really underrated comedy. I also think this is a really underrated Paul Rudd movie. I also think this is a really underrated Steve Carell movie. I think more people should watch it. I give this movie a 10/10.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Here is My TV Special Review of Regular Show the Christmas Special


Here is my tv show special review of Regular Show The Christmas Special. 

So basically what happens is that you have Mordecai and Rigby and the park ganin celebrating Christmas and Mordecai and Rigby they find Santa in skips´s garage And he tells them the story of Quillgin of how he wants to destroy Christmas. So Mordecai and Rigby and the park gang  Team up to take down Quillgin destroy the evil Christmas present and save Christmas. That is basically what the story is for this special. 

The characters are still great. 

Mordecai is still a great character. I still think he is really smart. Also unlike in the movie He had not unlikable in this special. 

Rigby is still a great character. I still think he is really smart. 

Benson Is still a great character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. Probably the funnest part of the special is where the park gang are at the first challenge and Benson says we just go around.¨ Then skip says don't.¨ Then Mordecai says this must he one of the booby traps.¨ Then Benson says I'm not stepping on one those things again.¨

Pops is still a great character. I still think he is really sweet and really smart. 

Skips is still a great character. I still think he is really smart and really wise. 

Santa Claus Is still a great character. I still think he is really smart. The chemistry between him and Mordecai and Rigby and the park gang is still really great. 

Muscle Man is still a great character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. 

Quillgin is still an awesome character. I still think he is an amazing villain. I still think he is really smart. He has a really great backstory. It is established that he had this idea of a Christmas gift that if you opened it you can have anything you can ever dream of but after Santa and his crew tested the gift they figured out it has evil powers Santa turned it down and then Quillgin snaps and decides to destroy Christmas. Also fun fact he is voiced by Thomas Haden Church and he still does a great job voicing the character. Now is this my favorite Thomas Hayden Church performance? Well it is my second favorite performance. My favorite performance is Sandman from the Spider-Man movies. My favorite part of the special is the opening action scene where Quillgin and Santa fight in the Sleigh.  

The action scenes are still awesome. especially the final battle in the climax of the special. 

My only problem with the special is that it is only 22 minutes long. I think it is way too short. I think what they should have done is to make this special an 1h and 25 minutes. 

So in conclusion I think it is a really great Christmas special. I think this is one of the best episodes of Regular Show. Also I feel like this felt more like a Regular Show movie than a Regular Show The Movie because that one had a really crappy villain well this special had a really great villain. I think more people should watch the special especially if you're a fan of Thomas Hayden Church. I give this special a 10/10.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of The Map Of Tiny Perfect Things


Here is my movie review of The Map of Tiny Perfect Things 

So basically what the plot is. Is that you have Mark Who made this girl named Margaret and he starts Have feelings for her Then they realize that they're in a time Loop so in order to end it They have to find 10 perfect little things. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is still great. 

Kyle Allen as Mark. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. I like how he learns the lesson of thinking of others then just himself. 

Kathryn Newton as Margaret. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic because the reason why she Made the time loop is because her mother was dying of cancer and she didn't want to say goodbye. That is why she made the time loop so she can see her again and again. The chemistry between her and Kyle Allen is still really great.

Jermaine Harris as Henry. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. That chemistry between him and Kyle Allen and Kathryn Newton is still really great. 

Cleo Fraser as Emma. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart. I like how she teaches Mark about thinking of others rather than thinking about yourself.  The chemistry between her and Kyle Allen is still really great. I hope to see her in other movies. 

The directing by Ian Samueis. I still think he does a great job directing this movie. I still think he does a great job bouncing the humor with the emotional scenes really well. 

I like how the movie teaches you a lesson about thinking of others then just yourself because if you just think about yourself then you're just being selfish and not caring about others. But if you think about others then you'll have an easier time making new friends. 

So in conclusion if you like Amazon original movies. Then I think you'll like this one. I give this movie a 10/10.  

Thursday, December 23, 2021

My Ranking of All 6 Actors That Were Considered for the Role of Nick Wilde Ranked from Least Likely to Most Likely to Voice Him

 my ranking of all 6 actors that were considered for the role of Nick Wilde ranked from least likely to most likely to voice him

6. Bruce Willis 

5. Matt Damon 

4. Jon Hamm 

3. Chris Pratt

2. Seth Rogen 

1. Paul Rudd 

Here is My Movie Review of Captain America Civil War


Here is my movie review of Captain America Civil War 

So basically what happens it takes place after Ant-Man left off and the Avengers are pitted against each other by the government of the Sokovia Accords  and you also have Baron Zemo who Turned Bucky back into the Winter Soldier It is  up to Captain America to take down Iron Man and Zemo. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting is still great. 

Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark/ Iron Man. I still think he does a phenomenal job as this character. I still think he is funny and really sympathetic. Now in this movie he does go a bit too far because he is kind of like the secondary villain of this movie. But you understand why he does the things he does because he is still traumatized over the events of The Avengers. 

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/ Captain America. I still think he does a phenomenal job as this character. I still think he has really smart and really sympathetic because he really wants Bucky Barnes to go back to being good again. The rivalry between him and Tony Stark is still really great because you understand both sides. 

Scarlett Johansson as Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic. The chemistry between her and Chris Evans is still really great. 

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic because he is still traumatized from his brainwashing by HYDRA. The chemistry between him and Chris Evans is still really great. 

Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson/the Falcon. Even though he is not in this movie that much I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart. 

Don Cheadle as James Rhodes/War Machine. Even though he is not in this movie that much I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart. 

Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton/Hawkeye. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart. The chemistry between him and Chris Evans is still really great. 

Chadwick Boseman as T´Challa/Black Panther. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic Because when he sees his father die you can see how hard he is affected by it. 

Paul Bettany as Vision. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart. The chemistry between him and Elizabeth Olsen is still really great. 

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff / the Scarlet Witch. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic. The chemistry between her and Paul Bettany is still really great. 

Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/ Ant-Man. Even though he is not in this movie a whole lot. I still think he does an amazing job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. My favorite scene is where he meets Captain America. It is probably the funniest scene in this movie. My other favorite part is where he turns into  Giant Man for the first time. The chemistry between him and Chris Evans is still great. My favorite line is where Scoot Lang/Ant-Man says Hank Pym always told me you can never trust a stork¨. Then Tony Stark says I'm sorry who are you. Then Scoot Lang/Ant-Man says Come on man.¨  Fun fact this was my first Paul Rudd movie I ever saw.

Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man. Even though he is not in this movie a whole lot. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. The scene where he gets recruited by Tony Stark is still really funny. The chemistry between him and Robert Downey Jr is still great. 

Daniel Bruhl as Baron Zemo. I still think he does an amazing job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic because you can understand why he heated the Avengers because he saw his family get killed in Sekovia during the Ultron attacks. Probably the saddest scene in this movie is where Zemo is where be is listening to his wife's voicemail messages on his phone and he tries to take a gun and tries to kill himself because he misses his family. Now at first when I watched this movie. I did not like Baron Zemo because I just thought he was a really boring villain. But I watched the movie again. I really like him as the villain now. I still think he has the most underrated Marvel Cinematic Universe villain. My favorite quote from Zemo is where he says to Steve Rogers/Captain America. Now that you're standing here I just realized they're a bit of green in the blue of your eyes.¨ Also if you think about it Baron Zemo actually succeeded at the end of the movie because he managed to tear the Avengers apart from the inside. The rivalry between him and the Avengers is still great. I'm looking forward to seeing him in the new Thunderbolts movie hopefully as The leader of the team like in the comics.

Fun fact originally the studio wanted Hope Van Dyen to suit up as the Wasp. Now it was unknown if she would be on side of Captain America side or on the side of Iron Man. But the studio scrapped the idea and decide to wait until Ant-Man and the Wasp so she can suit up in that movie

The rivalry/chemistry between The Avengers is still really great.

The action scenes are still great. my favorite action sequence in this movie is the opening fight scene between Captain America and Black Widow fighting Crossbones. The final battle in this movie might just be the best climax on the Captain America trilogy because you literally have Captain America and Iron Man going to head because Iron Man wants revenge on the Winter Soldier for killing his parents. I also like how every time Captain America gets knocked down by Iron Man he always gets back up and says I could do this all day which implied that Captain America will never give up.

I like how this doesn't feel like a Captain America movie but rather like Avengers 2.5 because you have characters like Ant Man, Vision, Iron Man, Spider Man, Wanda Maximoff, The Falcon. I still think this movie has the largest selection of characters out of The Captain America trilogy. I like how they have all these characters. But I like how they were able to give each character the spotlight. I think it is really cool how they did that.

The directing by Joe and Anthony Russo. What I like about their directing if that they manage to make Tony Stark not necessary a villain per say but he is an antagonist of the film because he is still traumatized of the destruction from Ultron so you can understand why he siding with the government and General Ross. I also like how they balance the tone in the film Because one minute you can have a really funny scene like Ant Man meeting Captain America for the first time. But then you can have a really dark scene like Tony Stark watching a video of the Winter Soldier brutally killing his parents.

So in conclusion I still think this is one of my favorite phase three movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I still think this is the best out of the three Captain America movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I still think this movie probably has the most underrated Marvel Cinematic Universe villain that is Zemo. I give this movie a 10/10.

Here is My Movie Review of Quantum Quest

  Here is My Movie Review of Quantum Quest  So basically what happened today you have this phone time and Dave and he is playing this Game w...