Sunday, December 26, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Dinner for Schmucks


Here is my movie review of Dinner for Schmucks 

So basically what the plot is that you have Barry and he likes to make dioramas with dead mice. You also have Tim who is having relationship problems. They're boss Thurman Invite them to a dinner But what they don't know is that it is a dinner to make fun of the dumbest person and Barry has to beat his boss at mind control. That is basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting in this movie is still great. 

Steve Carell as Barry. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really sympathetic because he didn't know that the dinner was  made to make fun of him when Tim tells him the truth you understand that he is not really happy that Tim lied to him. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Paul Rudd as Tim. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really sympathetic because He wants to propose to Julie but he just didn't know how she would feel about him. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd is still really great. I still think this is Paul Rudd´s most underrated movie. 

Bruce Greenwood as Lance Fender. I as still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. The chemistry between him, Steve Carell and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Ron Livingston as Caldwell. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. 

Jermaine Clement as Kieran. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. The chemistry between him and Steve Carell and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Jeff Dunham as Lewis. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny and really smart. Probably my favorite scene in this movie is where Lewis has his ventriloquist puppet because it is a really funny scene in the movie. 

Stephanie Szostak as Julie. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart and really sympathetic because she doesn't know if Tim wants to propose to her. The chemistry between her and Paul Rudd is still really great. 

Zach  Galifianakis as Thurman. I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really funny. Probably the funniest running joke in the film is where Thurman constantly states that he can control people's minds. The rivalry between him and Barry is still really funny. The chemistry between him and Paul Rudd and Steve Carell is still really great. I think this is Zach Galifianakis ´ s most underrated movie.

The directing by Jay Roach. What I like about his directing and that he does a great job attacking the subject of the higher class system because basically what the film is talking about it the difference between a smart person and a really dumb person. I think it is really cool how he did that. I also like how he adds this lesson in the film that teaches you about just being yourself and it doesn't matter if people judge you, just be yourself and everything will be okay. I think that is a really great lesson to teach people because there are people who are self-conscious about their intelligence and they don't want other people to make fun of them.

So in conclusion I think this is a really underrated movie of 2010. I think this is a really underrated comedy. I also think this is a really underrated Paul Rudd movie. I also think this is a really underrated Steve Carell movie. I think more people should watch it. I give this movie a 10/10.

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