Thursday, November 25, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Captain America the First Avenger

 Here is my movie review of Captain America the First Avenger 

So basically what the part is is that it tells the origin story of Captain America and it's up to him to take down Hydra and Red Skull and that's basically what the story is for this movie. 

The acting is still great. 

Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America. I still think he did an amazing job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic because when he loses his childhood friend it really scares him emotionally.  Fan Fact actors like Chris Pratt, Wilson Bethel, Chance Crawford, Dane Cook, Chris Pine, Channing Tatum, Joe Jones, Tom Hardy, Kellan Lutz, Ryan Gosling, Watt Russell, Scott Eastwood, Jason Ackles, Charlie Hunnam, Will Smith, Garrett Hedlound, Alexander Skarsgard, John Krasinski, Chris Hemsworth, Val Kilmer, Dolph Lundgren, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Sebastian Stan were all considered to play Captain America.

Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes. I still think he does an amazing job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really sympathetic. The friendship between him and Captain America is still great. I also like it when he falls off the train it sets up  Captain America the Winter Soldier. 

Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter. I still think she does a great job as this character. I still think she is really smart. The chemistry between her and Chris Evans is still great. 

Samuel L Jackson even though you only see him in the post credit scene I still think he does a great job as Nick Fury. I still think he is really smart. I like how it sets up the Avengers. 

Toby Jones as Arnim Zola. Even though he is not in the film that much I still think he does a great job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really intimidating. I like how it also sets up Captain America the Winter Soldier. 

Hugo weaving as the Red Skull. I still think he does a remarkable job as this character. I still think he is really smart and really menacing. I'll say this at least this Red Skull is a lot better than the one in Captain America 1990 because that one was all wrong because they made him Italian not German. My favorite quote is when Red Skull says Captain America. How exciting I'm a great fan of your films. I also like how he has a few funny jokes but he is mostly intimidating for the whole film.  

The directing, by Joe Johnston. Wha6 I like about his directing and that can basically get the origin story of Captain America straight out of the comic books.

The action scenes are still great. 

So in conclusion I still think this is a really underrated Marvel cinematic Universe film. I still think the friendship between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes is still great and I like how they develop the front between Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes in future Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. I still think more people should watch it especially if you like Captain America the Winter Soldier and Captain America Civil War. I give this movie a 10/10.

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