Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Rango

 Here is  my movie review of Rango

So basically what the story is about Rango arriving in this town called Dirt and be  comes the new sheriff and  up to him to take down Rattlesnake Jake and that's basically what the story is for this movie. 

The voice acting in this movie is perfect because all the actors are giving powerful terrific performances. I think the acting in this movie is up there with the acting in Rise of the Guardians at one of the best actied films of the 2010s.

Johnny Depp voices Rango In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. Now Rango as a character is really interesting because he goes through Character arc because at first he says that he is the new Sheriff and he agrees to help the rest of the town find the water but he latter revealed that he is not the sheriff and Goods band from the town and he has to find his identity and he comes back to save the town from Tortoise John and to find the water. Probably the best moment with Rango is where He first meets Beans for the first time. Not only was it really powerful but it makes sense because at first she didn't like him but as the film goes on She starts to like him. It is probably the most entertaining moment of the entire film.

Isla Fisher voices Beans In the film. I have to say she still does a terrific job as the character. Now Beans as a character is really interesting because she is very serious she doesn't take nonsense from anybody she wants to find the water and her backstory is really sad because she finds out that her father was trying to find the water he died of a mysterious illness and she wants to complete the The mission that her father was never able to finish. Probably the best moment with Beans is where she Confesses her feelings towards Rango and kiss him and not only that they really emotional and Powerful scene but it makes sense because at first beans didn't like rainbow bad the phone go on they started to get along. It's probably the sweetest moment of the entire film. Fun fact 12 years after this film came out Isla Fisher would eventually going to voice the dog Maggie from Stray in 2023. The chemistry between her and Johnny Depp is spectacular.

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Bill Nighy as Rattlesnake Jake. Now Rattlesnake Jake are the character is really interesting because at first he starts out as the villain wanted to kill Rango but he does have a change of heart after he find out that Taurus John wants to kill him so you could say that he go through a really interesting character arc because he starts out bad but then he redeemed himself and turns them more into an anti-hero. Probably the best moment with Rattlesnake Jake Is where he attacks Tortoise John and drags him away not only is it a really awesome and Powerful scene but it makes sense because Rattlesnake Jake figured out that Taurus John was just using him so he can take over the town of dirt and make it the way he want it to be period is probably the most powerful and Entertain moments of the entire film.

Now Tortoise John is voiced by Ned Beatty In the film. Now Ned Beatty voiced Lotso in Toy Story 3 and I did not like him in that film because he took the role way too seriously he didn't go over the top. But I'm happy to say in this film he still does a tremendous job as the character because I'm actually happy that he took this role very seriously because Tortoise John in the corrupt mayor and politician. Now tortoise John as a character is really interesting because at first he starts off all knife and friendly toward the rain go he wants to help him get the water back to the town of dirt but add the film goddamn you start to see how corrupt and narcissistic he is and his motivation is actually really interesting because he wants to tear down the town of dirt and rebuilding into something he wants which Refers to the new town as the future Also I think his Villain turn makes more sense than Lotso´s villain in turn in Toy Story 3 because they just rushed it and it was just a really bad villain twist well with this they act they built it up somewhere to Ikaris's villain turn from Eternals. Probably the best moment with tortoise John is what he mentions Rango Of how he wants to change the town for the and not only they really suspenseful scene but it foreshadows how tortoise John is going to turn evil. It's probably the most important moment of the entire film. Fun fact actors like Kelsey Grammer, Gary Oldman, Alec Baldwin, Bill Nighy, John Lithgow, Christopher Walken, Robert Downey Jr., Paul Giamatti, Rupert Everett, Christopher McDonald, Jason Alexander, David Cross, James Cromwell, Willem Dafoe, Jeffrey Tambor, Tommy Lee Jones, Jeff Bridges, Patrick Stewart, and Ian McKellen were all considered to voice Tortoise John.

The directing by Gore Verbinski Is really interesting because what I like about his directly and that he gives a lot of the characters really powerful Character Arks like Rango starts off Experience because he thinks he had the sheriff of dirt so he essentially pretends to be something that he is not but then he realized that he lied to everyone and he wants to fix his mistake by helping beans and the rest of the townspeople of Dirt to find the water. Also Rattlesnake Jake also go through a character arc because he starts out at a villain but toward the end of the film he figured out how evil and cruel Tortoise John really is so he started to have a change of heart and health Rango get the water back. Even Tortoise John goes through a bit of a countdown because he starts out nice but then he has a motivation because you want to destroy the town of dirt and remake it into something better. I think it is really terrific how he did that.

So in conclusion i still really like this movie because of the really awesome and interesting storyline revolving around Rango helping the citizens of dirt find the water to and the drought problem in the town. Also the character Arc that Rango goes through is really interesting because he starts off but waiting that he is the sheriff of dirt but then he come to realize that he is pretended to be something that he has not and he has to admit that he was lying but he eventually helps everyone find the the water to solve the drought problem in the town of Dirt. Also rattlesnake Jake works really well as anti hero because at first he is bad but then toward the end of the film he does redeem himself and has a change of heart. Also Bill Nighy gives such a powerful and entertaining performance. This movie is probably up there with Ries of the Guardians as one of my favorite anime films for a long time. Also Tortoise John works really well at the Twist of villain because he starts off really nice and down to earth but as the film go one he starts to become more corrupt and narcissistic to the point that he had revealed to be the main villain. Also he is really similar to Lewis Strauss from Oppenheimer because both of them are corrupt politicians. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like Rise of The Guardians with Jude Law. I give this movie a 10/10.


  1. Fantastic movie! Can't believe I waited so long to see it! Great review!

    1. Glad you liked the review Lou. I think Rango is a really underrated animated movie from 2011.


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