Thursday, October 21, 2021

Here is My Movie Review of Batman Versus Superman Dawn of Justice

 Here is my review of Batman versus Superman: Dawn of Justice.  

So basically what the Pilot the movie takes place after Man of Steel left off people think Superman is a villain and you have other people thinking is a hero. then you have  Batman who wants to kill Superman. That is basically what the story is for this movie. It is a more confusing and more boring as fuck story than the movie Eternals at least that movie had a simple story to follow. Well this movie´s story is just fucking garbage it is just a cluster fuck of a movie and it makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

The acting in this movie is by doubt the worst acting I have ever seen in a superhero movie. People say that X-Men Origins Wolverine had bad acting now don't get me wrong that movie has really bad acting. But at least you had Huge Jackman and Live Schreiber to give decent performances in that movie.

Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne / Batman I still think he does a really bad job as this character.  when he plays Bruce Wayne does a good job. But when he  is  Batman he just  goes way  over to the top and he sounds like Nicolas Cage throughout the whole movie and the scene where he tries to kill Superman with the kryptonite spear It is probably the most laughable and dumbest scenes and superhero movie history.  

Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/SuperMan I still think he does an  okay job and this character. I think when he is Clark Kent he does  a good job. But when he is Superman he just goes way over to the top and also sounds like Nicolas Cage in the film. Which by the way fun fact Nicolas Cage was going to play Superman in Tim Burton's Superman Lives movie but it got canceled due to creative differences.

Gal Gadot as Diana Prince/Wonder Woman I still think she  does an amazing job as this  character. I still think she is  really brave and really smart. But the problem is that they put Wonder Woman in the movie with no build up. Now I guess Gal Gadot is kind of the saving grace of this movie. But the movie is still awful.

But by far the thing I hate about this movie is the runtime because the runtime is 2 hours and 33 minutes. It was really stupid that a lot of people say that the movie Eternals was boring because it was 2 hours and 37 minutes but it managed go by way faster than I was expecting. This movie is 2 hours and 33 minutes It felt like 48 hours and 19 minutes. That's how fucking bored I was well watching this fucking waste of a film. 

Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. I still think he does an awful job as this character. I still think this might just be one of the worst villain casting choices in a superhero movie ever. I think he is just too funny. He is not Lex Luthor, he is just playing  a more dumber version  of Ant-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. At least Paul Rudd as Ant-Man was able to balance humor and emotional scenes very well. I feel like WB wanted to cast Paul Rudd as Lex Luthor. I still think that would have been a better choice than Jesse Eisenberg. Also if you seen the movie Mute Paul Rudd plays a really intimidating villain named Cactus Bill. When I saw the movie I can kind of actually see the potential of him as Lex Luthor. But even if Paul Rudd did play a perfect Lex Luthor, the script will give him jack shit to work with. By the way, never cast Jesse Eisenberg as a comic book movie villain ever again. Also Vinnie Jones as  the juggernaut it's really bad but at least you can have fun with this character because  of how dumb it is. Corey Stoll as Dan Cross / Yellow Jacket/M.O.D.OK. A lot of people say that Corey Stoll gives a really bad performance as that character. I actually still think he does an amazing job as this character because he is  really menacing and really intelligent and his costume is really cool and his motivations make sense. If he was cast as Lex Luthor. I still think he would have done a phenomenal job as Lex Luther. I still think Nolan Sorento from Ready Player One is a way better villain then Lex Luthor because he's is threatening really smart and really arrogant and he's straight up acts like Lex Luthor from the comics. Also if Ben Mendelsohn was cast as Lex Luther he would have nailed it as the character and I would have been actually impressed. If Brian Cox was cast as Lex Luthor  in this movie. I'll be actually really happy with that because he does a tremendous job as Colonel William Stryker from X2 X-Men United because he was really terrifying and really smart. You know what fuck it they should cast Trey Parker as Lex Luther because at least with that you can have fun with Trey Parker's performance because it'll be the most entertaining part of this awful fucking movie. Mysterio from Spider-Man Far from Home What a way better villain then Lex Luthor in this movie because at least with Mysterio he was entertaining and his motivations made a lot more sense and his design and personality were all accurate to the comics. Jake Gyllenhaal was cast in this movie as Lex Luthor now I don't think he would redeem the movie but he'll make it a little more entertaining. But the problem is much like Paul Rudd If he was cast in this movie as Lex Luthor the script would give Jake Gyllenhaal jack shit work with. I'm going to say this is by doubt the worst comic to screen adaptation ever because if you think M.O.D.O.K from Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania is awful at least that one looked like the character from the comics even though they did change things from the original comics at least he was funny. But with this this is an absolute insult to the character because they took a very awesome and intelligent villain in just made him really dumb. Also the worst scene in this entire movie is where Lex Luthor plays basketball and it is so cringy that it reminded me of that horrible Jazz Club scene in Spider-Man 3 That's how bad the scene is and I'm going to say this this is even more Cringy than the scene in Ant-Man the Wasp Quantum Mania where M.O.D.O.K admitted that he was a dick and unlike the scene in this movie. That scene was actually funny and it was relevant to the story because Cassie Lang Told Darren Cross to stop being a dick and it was actually entertained to watch And it was relevant to the story in that film. But with this scene it has nothing to do with the story and it is another force and stupid joke that they put in the film Fun fact actors like Tom Hanks, Adam Driver, Gene Wilder, Matt Damon, Dustin Hoffman, Zachary Levi, Jean Dujardin, Jack Nicholson, Bradley Cooper, Idris Elba, Billy Zane, Denzel Washington, Robert Downey Jr., Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Strong, Ralph Fiennes, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alexander Skarsgard, Bill Skarsgard, Michael Fassbender, Michael Checklist, Jason Isaacs, Jim Carrey, Hugh Laurie, Bryan Cranston, George Kennedy, and Johnny Depp were all considered to play Lex Luther.

The action scenes in this movie have got to be some of the worst action scenes I have ever seen in a superhero film. People say that the action in Eternals is god awful. At least that movie I was entertained by the action sequences.  well this movie  I didn't give a fuck about the action scenes in this movie because it is a big slog to get through. The final battle in this movie is probably the worst final battle I have ever seen in a superhero film. People say that the final battle in Iron Man 2 is bad. At least with that film much like the accuracy is in eternals I was really entertained by the final battle. Well in this film  much like the action scenes in the film. I didn ´ t give a fuck about the climax because again it is really boring and  such a fucking swag to get through. 

    The special effects in this movie are quite possibly the worst special effects I have ever seen in a superhero movie I think the effects are on par with Superman 4 the Quest For Peace. Yeah that's how bad the effects are. Also the budget of this movie was about $250- $300 million dollars. But the budget felt like it was $1.23. 

    The directing by Zack Snyder. I still think he does an awful job directing this movie. The problem with his directing is that the movie is way too dark. By the way never let Zack Snyder direct any more superhero movies he Should be done directing movies in general. Also he does it understand who Lex Luther really is he thinks Lex Luther is like the Riddler cracking jokes and that's clearly not the fuck case because Lex Luther is supposed to be really monotone really intelligent and really manipulative. What is really weird is that Zack Snyder is a big comic book fan but he gets everything wrong.

I guess the only good thing about this fucking garbage of a film Is that it is fun to rant about  how awful it is. It is fun to make fun of how atrocious the film is. I also think that this is like a blueprint of what not to do will make a superhero movie. 

    So in conclusion. This is still the worst movie I have ever seen The story line is a crappier version of Captain America Civil War because that movie had to do with politics but did it really well well this movie day awful and it did a way that was so boring that I didn't give a shit. Also the action sequences are awful I seen better action sequences in The Dark Tower from 2017 because that movie at least had really great action sequences with it that weren't perfect but they were a million times better than the action sequences in the film. Also by the way i'm not even kidding What I saw this movie for the first time I thought I was watching Hulk 2003 that's how horrible it was and also if you think Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantum Mania is a horrible superhero film at least that film with a lot shorter than this film and it was actually funny and utilized it's dark tone in a proper way and didn't make it dark for no reason. Also this movie is so horrendously terrible that it makes Eternals look like the Godfather in comparison that's how bad this movie is and Doomsday looks like a bad interpretation of Arishem The Judge from Eternals and Lex Luthor think of Two Face for Batman Forever mixed with Mephisto from Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance and you get this movie´s Lex Luthor he will go down as one of the worst comic to movie adaptations you will ever see and also the best part of the movie is where Batman says save Martha it is the only funny moment of this entire film. Just skip it and go watch Eternals or Ant-Man and the Wasp with Paul Rudd because at least with those movies they go by a lot faster and they are more entertaining. Than this fucking piece of shit of a movie. Also the quote comic book guy from The Simpsons worst superhero movie ever.¨ I give this movie a 0/10.


  1. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you really, really, REALLY didn't like this movie!

    1. Yeah you're right Lou I really hate Batman Versus Superman Dawn of Justice In fact I hate it more than Spider-Man 3 because at least with that movie Sandman was the best part of that movie. I said this I'd rather watch Captain Marvel but that's not saying much because even that movie is pretty boring but it's just watchable than this movie. If Paul Rod was cast as Luther He'll be the most entertained part of the garbage film. I'll still hate it but at least I'll say Lou ¨ Just go watch it for Paul Rudd's phenomenal performance as Lex Luthor.

  2. A good actor can certainly elevate a bad script.

  3. I agree with you because for example Paul Rudd as Lex Luthor despite the bad script I guess I could say that be would be trying his best with the material he is given. I mean he would be the most entertaining part of the film.


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