Saturday, December 14, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest


Here is My Movie Review of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

So basically what happened you have this guy named Randall McMurphy who has been charged with sexual abuse of a 15-year-old girl so to avoid jail time he decides to go to this mental institution run by Nurse Ratchet. But when he is there he meets the other mental patients and they tell him that nobody leaves the mental institution under Nurse Ratched's orders. So he decides that he doesn't want to be in this mental institution with the other mental patients and together they decide to break out of the Mental Hospital without Norse Ratcheted noticing. So it is up to Randall McMurphy to escape the mental institution with the other patients and that's basically what the story is for the film. I have to say the storyline in this film is actually really interesting because Randall McMurphy Just wants to escape from the mental institution and be free. 

Now the acting in this movie is tremendous because all the actors do a Star job with their performance and then to be honest is up there with The Shining as we're the best acted films of all time. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Jack Nicholson as Randall McMurphy Because there are moments where his performance is really funny but there are other times where his performance is really serious. It works to the film's benefit because this is kind of a really powerful and emotional film. Now the character of Randle McMurphy is really tragic because you really feel sorry for him because he doesn't want to spend his whole life in a mental institution but he has to in order to avoid jail time but he just wants to be free and live out his normal life. The scene where Randle McMurphy Is playing with his new friends and he sprays them with water and not only is it really funny but it makes sense because Randal McMurphy sort of a prankster because he plays  jokes on them. It is probably the funniest moment of the entire film. Fun fact actors like Gene Hackman, James Caan, Burnt Reynolds, and Marlon Brando were considered to play Randle McMurphy. The chemistry between him and Brad Doraf, Danny DeVito, Will Stampson, Louise Fletcher, Christopher Lloyd Is brilliant. 

Brad Doraf plays Billy Bibbit In the film. I have to say out of all the performances he is probably my favorite in this entire film. Out of all the characters in this film Billy Bibbit Is my favorite character in the film because much like Randle McMurphy you also feel bad for me because he also doesn't want to stay in this mental hospital with Norse Ratchet he just wants to leave and he also has a stutter. The scene where Billy Bibbit has to say goodbye to Randle McMurphy Is probably the most powerful moment in the film because Billy Bibbit really cared about him. The chemistry between him and Jack Nicholson is terrific.

William Sampson plays Chief Bromden In the film. I have to say he still does a spectacular job as the character. Now Chief Bromden as a character is really interesting because he did not say many words throughout the movie but he really wants to help Randle McMurphy and the rest of the patients out of the hospital. The scene where Chief Bromden Suffocates Randle McMurphy with a pillow it's probably the most disturbing moment of the film because North Ranchet lobotomized him and Chief Bromden couldn't stand to see him like that so he decided to put him out of his misery by killing him. It is probably the most disturbing moment in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jack Nicholson is fantastic. 

Danny DeVito plays Martini In the film. I have to say he still does an excellent job as the character. Now the character of Martini Is really interesting because much like the rest of the patients he wants to get out of the mental Institution run by Norse Ratchet and wants to live a normal life. The scene where Martini and the rest of the patients escape and go about is probably one of the most entertaining moments of the entire film because not only is it really Incredible but it makes sense because he and the rest want to be free from the mental hospital. It is probably the most powerful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jack  Nicholson is perfect. 

Christopher Lloyd plays Max Taber In the film. I have to say he still does a terrific job as the character. Now The character of Max Taber Is really interesting because much like the rest of the mental hospital Patience and wants to live a normal life. The scene where Max Taber sees a broken window and none of that one of the patients has escaped did that give them the bright idea to get out of the mental institution and not only are they a really powerful moment but it makes sense because he along with everybody else wants to leave. It is probably the most Important moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jack Nicholson is glorious.

Louise Fletcher plays Nurse Ratched In the film. I have to say she still does a magnificent job as the character. Now the character of Nurse Ratched  is really dark because she doesn't want the patients to leave the mental asylum, she wants them to stay there and wants them to follow her orders at all cost so she can make them suffer in there as much as possible. The scene where  Nurse Ratched lebanonized Randle McMurphy  so he would die in the mental asylum and not only is it a really dark scene but it makes sense because she doesn't want him to leave and it is probably the most twisted moment of the entire film. Fun fact actresses like Jeanne Moreau, Angela Lansbury, Jane Fonda, Colleen Dewhurst, Geraldine Pange, Anne Bancroft, and Ellen Burstyn were all considered to play Nurse Ratcheted. The chemistry between her and Jack Nicholson is excellent. 

The directing by Milos Forman Is terrific because what I like about it directly that he did a terrific job of adapting the story from the book because the exact same thing happened in the book where you had Randle McMurphy  gets take into a mental asylum to avoid jail time and the place was run by Nurse Ratched  Who want an all the patience to stay in there and follow her orders. I think it is really terrific of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoy this film because the storyline evolving around Randle McMurphy  surviving in a mental hospital works well for the film because you feel the most bad for because he doesn't want to stand there any longer he just wants to leave and have a happy life. This is definitely in my top 100 favorite films. This is also my favorite Jack Nicholson film of all time. This is also up there with Eraser head as one of the best films of the 1970s. I highly recommend you watch this film especially if you like The Departed with Leonardo DiCaprio. I give this movie 10/10. 

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