Saturday, September 14, 2024

Here in Our Movie Idea for Road to North Dakota


Here in Our Movie Idea for Road to North Dakota

So basically what the story would be about that you have this guy named Harold Schreiber and he is under a lot stress because he owns money to this Loan shark named Mark Quan who is a crazy Chinese gangster who lives in North Dakota and he threatens to kill Harold Schreiber if he doesn't give him the money which is 12,000000. Who also has a girlfriend named Cassandra Olsen. So Henry Schreiber enlist his friend name Tony Poulter who is this alcoholic who likes to drink a lot and Kill a lot of people.  It's up to Henry Schreiber and Tom Potter to go to North Dakota to give Mark Quinn his money and avoid being killed by him and His girlfriend. That's basically what the  story is going to be about. 

Now the cast is really interesting because it's a bunch of actors that haven't starred in a movie together. 

For Henry Schreiber He is going to be really funny but also kind of sympathetic because he want to pay off Mark Quan so he did get killed by him and he is going to be like the straight man to Tom Poulter's stupidity and crazy antics in the film. For that I'm going to go with one of my favorite actors of all time and that is Paul Rudd because at an actor he is really funny and he can react to a lot of Weird the characters like in Avengers End game where he was talking to Rocket Raccoon and that led to a really Funny moment where Ant-Man Ask Rocket Raccoon if the planet they were going to was human. It can lead to a lot of Over the top and really funny moments with Tom Polter. There could be a really funny moment where Henry Schreiber says to Cassandra Olson Wow you are really Attractive.¨ Then Mark Quan Nice try Henry Schreiber but she is all mine and you can't fuck her even if you wanted to.¨

Now  Tom Poulter In the film is shown to be very Violent and very over the top and he likes to drink and say a lot of dirty things. For that I'm going to go with Nicolas cage because any movie you see him goes completely over the top and I think he and Paul Rudd will have magnificent chemistry together. There could be a really funny moment when Henry Schreiber says Well here we are North Dakota.¨ Then Tom Poulter says you mean North Dickota because the state looks like a large dick with two balls. It'll probably be really funny though because of Henry Schreiber's reaction to the whole thing. 

Now Mark Quan In the film Is shown is very crazy and very violent. Now this is going to be a really weird choice But I'm going to say anyway. I'm going to say Ke Huy Quan because we are so used to seeing him play good guys like Short Round In Indiana Jones and Temple of Doom and Data In The Goonies and OB in Loki Season 2. But it would be interesting to see Ke Huy Quan playing a straight up villain. Now Mark Quinn is essentially this movie's interpretation of Mr Chow from Hangover, how he is very unstable and he is a crazy Chinese gangster who just wants Henry Schreiber to give him the money which is 12.00000 million Dollars and threatened Kill Henry Schreiber if he doesn't give him the money. There could be a really funny moment where Mark Quan steals Henry Schreiber's wallet  and Henry Schreiber says Give me back my fucking wallet you little shit.¨ Then Mark Quan says Oh you can have your wallet back all right after you suck on these little Chinese nuts.¨ Then Henry Schreiber says yeah I'm not fucking doing that can t give me back my wallet.¨ Then Mark Quan says fin you can have your stupid wallet why  did you have to ruin all the fun For me?¨ Now do you have my money?¨ Then Henry Schreiber says well we had your money but we lost it.¨ Mark Quan says You fucked me you fucked me good and hard you dumb fuck.¨ Find me the money or I will shoot your friend squar in the fucking forehead.¨  Probably the funniest moment of the entire film.

Now Cassandra Olson In this film in the century Mark Quan's love interest and helper. Now she wants to help Mark Quan kill both Henry Schreiber and Tom Poulter because they didn't give Mark Quan his money like he wanted. Now I'm going to pick an actress that is very much new and that is going to be Emma Carrin Because I think she can playoff Ke Huy Quan really well because I think they'll have perfect chemistry throughout the film. Also you can finally make this joke I guess Data has finally met Cassandra Nova. There could be a scene where Cassandra Olsen says Okay Mark Quan Get on Top give me the old Beanstalk.¨ Mark Quan Says you got.¨ They start having sex and then Cassandra Olsen says Oh harder daddy get into my Castle and lay me a giant  Goose egg.¨ Then Mark Quan says You got it, the golden egg has been laid.¨ Oh yeah It feels so great to have you spread your sexy bird wings.¨ It'll probably be one of the dirtiest moments of the entire film. 

William Jackson Harper Will play a guy named Ethan Trevor in the film. Now Ethan Trevor as character is showed to be very sleazy and very selfish and he is the one Henry Schreiber and Tom Porter have to get their money back from because Tom Poulter gambled away all of their money to him. There could be a scene where Henry Schreiber says excuse me me and my friend accidentally gave away all our money to you so do you think we can win it back to pay off this long shark who is trying to kill us.¨ Then Ethan Trevor says yeah go fuck yourself you can't get your money back. Then Tom Pouter says hey listen fuck face we just want our money back so we don't get fucking murdered by this crazy psycho.¨ Ethan Trevor says okay fine you can get your money back if you beat me in a game of poker.¨

Gary Oldman is going to be in the film and he is going to be reprising his role Drexi Spivey from True Romance and much like with that film he's going to have a small role. There could be a really dark scene where Mark Quan says Find Henry and Tom and fucking Kill them and get my fucking money back. It'll probably be one of most Intense moments of the film


Now this film is going to be a road trip crime comedy film. Now the rating for the film will be Rated R for strong violence and language throughout in crude Sexual content. The runtime will be 2 Hours and 32. Now the style of this film is going to be like Martin Scorsese a Film. It'll be kind of a mix of Casino Robert De Niro and Due Date Robert Downey Jr. 

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