Friday, June 28, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of The Bikeriders


Here is my Movie Review of The Bikeriders 

So basically what happens is that It tells the real life story of Kathy who recaps her events with this biker gang known as The Vandals and their leader Johnny who is the one that formed the biker gang but then More members join the gang and it gets out of hand and they have one of the members Benny who doesn't want to be a part of the biker gang he wants to live in normal life And it's basically the rise and fall of  The Vandals  and how they drifted apart and that's basically what the story is for the film. 

The acting in this movie is probably the best acting for a film of the entire year and this is probably up there with the acting in The Menu from 2022 at one of the best acted films of the 2020s everyone gives flawless and perfect performances as their characters. 

Jodie Comer plays Kathy In the film. I have to say she does a terrific and wonderful job as this character. Now the character of Kathy Is really interesting because she recaps her events of the time she was with this biker gang, the time she fell in love with Benny and it's some of the best stuff of the entire film. Probably the best moment with Kathy is where she is being forced to go upstairs by these two bikers and she is demanding them to stop and not only is it really disturbing but it makes sense because they want to sexually abuse and is also really disturbing because in real life this did actually happen to her. It's probably the darkest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Austin Butler, Michael Shannon, Tom Hardy, Emory Cohen is excellent. 

But the actor who steals the entire film from beginning to end is Tom Hardy as Johnny. Now Tom Hardy as an actor is really awesome because I like him in Inception as Eames. I also like him in Venom as Eddie Brock/ Venom. But I have to say this is probably the best performance that Tom Hardy had ever done in his career. Now the character of Johnny is pretty scary. He constantly kills people he wants Benny to carry on his legacy and he emotionally manipulates Kathy. Probably the best moment with Johnny is where He is in the bar with his crew and tells them to try to get Benny to stay in the gang and not only is it really surprising but it makes sense because in real life Johnny was a really dark and disturbing biker. Also I didn't know this but without spoiling anything something happens to Johnny which really caught me off guard and the film did a great job with surprising me with that particular moment in the film. The chemistry between Him and Jodie Comer Is remarkable

Michael Shannon plays Zipoc in the film. Now Michael Shannon as an actor is really interesting because there are a lot of films that he was in that were  really awesome. I liked him in Knives Out as Walt Thrombey. He was also Colonel Richard Strickland in the shape of water and he was really excellent in that film but I have to say this is probably his best performance because he is completely Unstable and over the top and you can tell that he is having a blast as this character you can tell he was having a lot of fun in this film. Now the character of Zipoc Is pretty crazy he's full of rage he is excited to beat someone up in a fight even when he attacks random bikers at a family picnic of all places and it's very scary because he goes born rightful whoever something doesn't it go away he decides to beat the living crap out of bikers to just prove how tough and scary he is as a person. Probably the best moment with Zipoc Is where he and the rest of the biker that are at this family picnic and he gets mad at one of the other bikers Trying to Prove that they are better than Johnny And his gang and other though he beats what the bikers almost to death and not only the really shocking but it makes sense because in real life Zipoc  Was known for being rageful and killing anyone who gets him and his team´s Way. It is probably the most violent scene of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jodie Calmer Is outstanding.

Emory Cohen Plays Cockroach in the film. Now Emory Cohen as an actor I haven't seen much of him I saw him in the movie War Machine and in that movie I just thought he was very wasted and I don't even remember the character that he played and that's how forgettable he was in that movie then I saw him in one other movie Shot Caller where he played Howie and he did a terrific job as that character. I have to say he does a Incredible job as the character. Now the character of cockroach is really interesting because at first he starts out as a member of Johnny's biker gang The Vandals But then after I realized that the gang have gone too violent he decides to drift away from them and become a police officer I think that is the strongest aspect of the entire film. Probably the best moment was cockroach is where he tells Johnny that he doesn't want to be a part of the gang anymore and he wants to become a police officer and not only were they really powerful moment but it makes sense because in real life after Cockroach with a part of this biker gang he decided to not be with them and become a police officer instead and he arrested the rest of the bikers for the crimes that they have committed. It is probably the strongest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Jodie Comer is fantastic. 

Austin Butler plays Benny Cross In this film. Now Austin Butler as an actor I haven't seen much of him in anything. So this is my first movie that I saw him in. I have to say out of all the performances He is probably my favorite performance in the entire film. Now the character of Benny Cross is really tragic and emotional and he is probably my favorite character of the entire film because at first he wants to join Johnny's biker gang but as he soon realized if he doesn't want to be a part of it because it's been becoming way too violent and brutal for him to join and he decides to leave the gang and living normal life. Probably the best moment with Benny Cross is where he is talking to Cassie and tell her that he has to Stay with Johnny and the rest of the gang and not only that really tragic but it makes sense because he really doesn't want to stay with them but Johnny is forcing him to and he you can just see that he does want to live a normal life. It's probably the most heartbreaking moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jodie Comer is wonderful. 

But the best thing about this movie is the directing by Jeff  Nicholas  because he  really captured the '70s and the '60s because those decades had a lot of biker movies, especially the one with Marlon Brando called The Wild One.  I also like how he got the real life story of Kathy and Johnny because in real life she was a victim of being tortured by the biker gang and Johnny was the leader of that gang and He has done a lot of terrible things with that gang And I also like how the film is really serious Because all of the stuff that happened in real life was really dramatic and disturbing And I'm happy that the film didn't have any funny jokes because the stuff that happened in this movie was really dark and disturbing in real life. I think it is really perfect of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I was really surprised by this movie because I watched the trailer and I was like this looks really interesting I wonder how it's going to be and I watched it and I ended up loving this film even more Then I thought I would. I love the storyline. I love all the Intense moments in this film. But the thing that makes me love this film is Tom Hardy's brilliant and nail biting performance as a Johnny you can tell that Tom Hardy had a lot of fun in this movie and you can tell that he was really into doing this movie. This is one of the best Tom Hardy movies of all time It's right up there with Inception as the best movies of all time and this is probably one of the best movies I have ever seen this year. This is one of the best films of the entire 2024. If you really like The Outsiders with Tom Cruise then I highly recommend you go see this movie there you will not be disappointed with this film. I give this movie a 10/10. 

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