Saturday, June 29, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of Quantum Quest


Here is My Movie Review of Quantum Quest 

So basically what happened today you have this phone time and Dave and he is playing this Game with his friend Ranger and then Emerald recruits them to help them fight back and get the evil fear who wants to kill all the photons In the galaxy and it's up to Dave to take down Fear and save the galaxy and that's basically what the story is for the film. Now the Storyline in this movie it just so bland and not really interesting at all because if the same saving the galaxy type plot then we say millions of times yes it has work in films like the guardians of the galaxy movies and Avengers Infinity War but the difference is that those movies made destroying line really interesting but this movie does not whatsoever. 

The voice acting in this movie is really weird and really bad because this  has a really big cast having the actors don't really get to do anything. 

Chris Pine voices Dave in the film. Now Chris Pine as an actor I really enjoy. I like him in the two Wonder Woman films as Steve Trevor. I really liked him as King Magnifico from Wish and my favorite performance that he has done is Jack Frost from Rise of The Guardians. But in this movie I'm sorry to say he is really bad as Dave because it just feels like he is just reading off of a script. It doesn't feel like he is having fun in the film. It is really disappointment because Chris Pine is a terrific after a few watch him in the films that I just mentioned you can tell that he can really give really powerful and entertaining performances but I don't know what happened in this film It feels like he just did the film just to get money That's exactly what it feels like because he is not having fun and when you watch him and Rise of The Guardians you can tell Chris Pine is having fun in that filmBut we watch him in this you just it does it feel like he is having fun at all I feel like he's very bored he just wants to get this over with. But luckily Chris Pine did redeem himself when he voiced Jack Frost in Rise of the Guardians. Now the character of Dave is just so bland he just asked a lot of question that he wanted to know why he is chosen to take down fear and you just don't really buy his character arc because to be honest he doesn't really have a character because when you compare him to a character like Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians he does have a character arc from beginning to end. But Dave just said we didn't know you honestly don't care about him because he is just so funny and one dimensional and just not entertaining in the slightest. The thing where Dave is fighting against fear is just so laughably down that kind of not really entertaining to come as laughably silly. The chemistry between him and James Earl Jones, Samuel L Jackson, William Shatner, and Amanda Peet Is decent. 

However the most wasted actor in this entire film is James Earl Jones who voices Ameril in the film. I just feel like he is giving a very dull and flat performance and what's really surprising that this is the same actor who voiced Mufasa in both the original Lion King and Lion King 2019 so he knows how to give a really good voice performances and he also voiced Darth Vader from Star Wars so it proved that he can give really powerful and memorable performances but in this it just feels like he's just reading lines Off of the script It doesn't feel like he wants to be here and much like Chris Pine they are both really great actors but in this film it just feels like they did did this movie for money. Now the character of Admiral is a nothing character He is just here to give exposition and die That's it that's his entire character Nothing more nothing less The scene where he dies I just didn't really feel any emotion because They rushed it because they just wanted to ask them off and if you want to see a Better character death than go watch the Lion King because when Mufasa dies in that film it is really sad and really depressing but it works a whole lot better than Amerald's death in this film. The chemistry between him and Chris Pine is okay. 

William Shatner voices  Core in the film and his performance is nothing. He's only in one scene he doesn't really do anything. What's really disappointing is that William Shatner is a great actor if you've seen him in the Star Trek TV shows. If you have seen him in The Wild You can tell that he can give really awesome end powerful performances but in this film it just feels like he is sleepwalking Throughout the performance. To be honest the only thing that he is anyway and talk to David of what he has to do and it took him up is boring exposition doesn't really do anything. The chemistry between him and Chris Pine is okay. 

Samuel L Jackson Voices Fear in the film. I have to say he was the only good performance in this entire film because he is hamming up the entire time  Not taking any of it seriously and it feels like he is the only actor that is having fun In the film. No fear as a villain is rather doll but did you Samuel L Jackson's Over the top performance s he somewhat managed it to give Fear a little bit personality the same way he died is just unintentionally funny. He screams a lot and it's just hilarious and all the wrong ways because this is Samuel L Jackson's worst movie he has ever done but his performance is the only somewhat good performance in the entire film. The chemistry between him and Chris Pine is decent.

Amanda Peet Voices Ranger in the film. I have to say she'd probably get the most fly and one of the most boring performances of the entire film. The character of Ranger is not really that interesting because he's there to give exposition She's barely in the movie You see her will be in the middle and you see her towards the end and she's just a blend and forgettable character The scene where she explains to Dave what is going on just feels like filler and goes on for way too long The chemistry between her and Chris Pine is okay.

The directing by Dan St. Pierre and Harry Doc Kloor Is it really bad because it feel like Then try and make this movie like Guardians of the Galaxy with the alien and having it take place In out of space but the difference being is that guardians of the galaxy were they awesome movie and another characters were wasted the jokes were funny and it went by much faster but with this film the Characters are wasted the jokes are funny and they tried to make this like a drama film in the beginning and it just does it really work. So overall I think they did a really bad job of directing this film. 

So in conclusion I did not like the film. The storyline was really bland and unnumbered. Half of the cast felt like they were bored, most of the actors are completely wasted the only actor that gives someone of a good performance was Samuel L Jackson as Fear because he felt like he was having the most amount of fun just overacting just going over the top as possible and it was really entertaining to watch. But unfortunately this is still Samuel L Jackson's worst film he has ever done.  But the CGI animation was really bad It felt like a really bad early PS2 game The accuracy went to the really boring This movie has very little action to begin with the way it happens it doesn't entertain you in the slides This is one of the worst films of 2010 just skip it and go watch Wish with Chris Pine because he gives a much more powerful and entertaining performance as King Magnifico is way more memorable than Then the character of Dave in this movie I give this movie a 2/10. 

My Ranking of All 5 Mad Max Films Ranked from Good to Terrific

 My Ranking of All 5 Mad Max Films Ranked from Good to Terrific 

5. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome 

4. Mad Max 

3. Furiosa A Mad Max Saga

2. Mad Max Fury Road 

1. Mad Max 2 The Road Warrior

Friday, June 28, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of The Bikeriders


Here is my Movie Review of The Bikeriders 

So basically what happens is that It tells the real life story of Kathy who recaps her events with this biker gang known as The Vandals and their leader Johnny who is the one that formed the biker gang but then More members join the gang and it gets out of hand and they have one of the members Benny who doesn't want to be a part of the biker gang he wants to live in normal life And it's basically the rise and fall of  The Vandals  and how they drifted apart and that's basically what the story is for the film. 

The acting in this movie is probably the best acting for a film of the entire year and this is probably up there with the acting in The Menu from 2022 at one of the best acted films of the 2020s everyone gives flawless and perfect performances as their characters. 

Jodie Comer plays Kathy In the film. I have to say she does a terrific and wonderful job as this character. Now the character of Kathy Is really interesting because she recaps her events of the time she was with this biker gang, the time she fell in love with Benny and it's some of the best stuff of the entire film. Probably the best moment with Kathy is where she is being forced to go upstairs by these two bikers and she is demanding them to stop and not only is it really disturbing but it makes sense because they want to sexually abuse and is also really disturbing because in real life this did actually happen to her. It's probably the darkest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Austin Butler, Michael Shannon, Tom Hardy, Emory Cohen is excellent. 

But the actor who steals the entire film from beginning to end is Tom Hardy as Johnny. Now Tom Hardy as an actor is really awesome because I like him in Inception as Eames. I also like him in Venom as Eddie Brock/ Venom. But I have to say this is probably the best performance that Tom Hardy had ever done in his career. Now the character of Johnny is pretty scary. He constantly kills people he wants Benny to carry on his legacy and he emotionally manipulates Kathy. Probably the best moment with Johnny is where He is in the bar with his crew and tells them to try to get Benny to stay in the gang and not only is it really surprising but it makes sense because in real life Johnny was a really dark and disturbing biker. Also I didn't know this but without spoiling anything something happens to Johnny which really caught me off guard and the film did a great job with surprising me with that particular moment in the film. The chemistry between Him and Jodie Comer Is remarkable

Michael Shannon plays Zipoc in the film. Now Michael Shannon as an actor is really interesting because there are a lot of films that he was in that were  really awesome. I liked him in Knives Out as Walt Thrombey. He was also Colonel Richard Strickland in the shape of water and he was really excellent in that film but I have to say this is probably his best performance because he is completely Unstable and over the top and you can tell that he is having a blast as this character you can tell he was having a lot of fun in this film. Now the character of Zipoc Is pretty crazy he's full of rage he is excited to beat someone up in a fight even when he attacks random bikers at a family picnic of all places and it's very scary because he goes born rightful whoever something doesn't it go away he decides to beat the living crap out of bikers to just prove how tough and scary he is as a person. Probably the best moment with Zipoc Is where he and the rest of the biker that are at this family picnic and he gets mad at one of the other bikers Trying to Prove that they are better than Johnny And his gang and other though he beats what the bikers almost to death and not only the really shocking but it makes sense because in real life Zipoc  Was known for being rageful and killing anyone who gets him and his team´s Way. It is probably the most violent scene of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jodie Calmer Is outstanding.

Emory Cohen Plays Cockroach in the film. Now Emory Cohen as an actor I haven't seen much of him I saw him in the movie War Machine and in that movie I just thought he was very wasted and I don't even remember the character that he played and that's how forgettable he was in that movie then I saw him in one other movie Shot Caller where he played Howie and he did a terrific job as that character. I have to say he does a Incredible job as the character. Now the character of cockroach is really interesting because at first he starts out as a member of Johnny's biker gang The Vandals But then after I realized that the gang have gone too violent he decides to drift away from them and become a police officer I think that is the strongest aspect of the entire film. Probably the best moment was cockroach is where he tells Johnny that he doesn't want to be a part of the gang anymore and he wants to become a police officer and not only were they really powerful moment but it makes sense because in real life after Cockroach with a part of this biker gang he decided to not be with them and become a police officer instead and he arrested the rest of the bikers for the crimes that they have committed. It is probably the strongest moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Jodie Comer is fantastic. 

Austin Butler plays Benny Cross In this film. Now Austin Butler as an actor I haven't seen much of him in anything. So this is my first movie that I saw him in. I have to say out of all the performances He is probably my favorite performance in the entire film. Now the character of Benny Cross is really tragic and emotional and he is probably my favorite character of the entire film because at first he wants to join Johnny's biker gang but as he soon realized if he doesn't want to be a part of it because it's been becoming way too violent and brutal for him to join and he decides to leave the gang and living normal life. Probably the best moment with Benny Cross is where he is talking to Cassie and tell her that he has to Stay with Johnny and the rest of the gang and not only that really tragic but it makes sense because he really doesn't want to stay with them but Johnny is forcing him to and he you can just see that he does want to live a normal life. It's probably the most heartbreaking moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Jodie Comer is wonderful. 

But the best thing about this movie is the directing by Jeff  Nicholas  because he  really captured the '70s and the '60s because those decades had a lot of biker movies, especially the one with Marlon Brando called The Wild One.  I also like how he got the real life story of Kathy and Johnny because in real life she was a victim of being tortured by the biker gang and Johnny was the leader of that gang and He has done a lot of terrible things with that gang And I also like how the film is really serious Because all of the stuff that happened in real life was really dramatic and disturbing And I'm happy that the film didn't have any funny jokes because the stuff that happened in this movie was really dark and disturbing in real life. I think it is really perfect of how he did that. 

So in conclusion I was really surprised by this movie because I watched the trailer and I was like this looks really interesting I wonder how it's going to be and I watched it and I ended up loving this film even more Then I thought I would. I love the storyline. I love all the Intense moments in this film. But the thing that makes me love this film is Tom Hardy's brilliant and nail biting performance as a Johnny you can tell that Tom Hardy had a lot of fun in this movie and you can tell that he was really into doing this movie. This is one of the best Tom Hardy movies of all time It's right up there with Inception as the best movies of all time and this is probably one of the best movies I have ever seen this year. This is one of the best films of the entire 2024. If you really like The Outsiders with Tom Cruise then I highly recommend you go see this movie there you will not be disappointed with this film. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of The Snowman


Here is My Movie Review of The Snowman

So basically what happens is that you have this guy named detective Harry Hole and he and his group Investigators are Investigating this serial killer called The Snowman killer Who is Snowman to identify who he is and they are worried that he might kill again so they have to do everything in their power to try to stop the snowman killed before he killed again during the next snowfall and that's basically what the story is for this film and the storyline in the film is so uninteresting the way you can describe it that it's basically a boring and uninteresting version of Zodiac from 2007 because both of them have to deal with serial killers the only difference is that zodiac´s storyline with a lot more engaging and more entertaining and interesting to watch because it was based off of a real life serial killer. 

The acting in this film is probably up there with the acting in The Circle as one of the worst acted films of 2017 because much like that film most of the actors are very wasted, they don't really do much at all as their characters are really weird and uninteresting. 

Michael Fassbender plays Detective  Harry Hole  In the film. To be honest he is the only actor that actually gives Somewhat of a good performance but that being said this is probably the worst performance Michael Fassbender has ever done and with really disappointing and that he is really great actor even in X-Men Apocalypse a movie that I really hated he was the best part he played Magneto Perfectly despite the really bad writing. But the character of Detective Harry Hole is really weird because he wakes up on park benches. He smokes a lot. He gives exposition and that's it. That's his entire character Because This is probably the most boring character that Michael Fassbender has ever played in his career. The scene where Detective Harry Hole is looking for clues of The Snowman Killer is just really boring and to be honest I thought it was more entertaining in Zodiac where the detective were trying to look at the Zodiac killer´s letter than tries to figure out the codes in the letters because it was really interesting and deal with accurate to real life but In this film the detective aspect of the sewage is very bland and very boring. The chemistry in between him and Rebecca Ferguson, Val Kilmer, J.K. Simmons, Toby Jones, Jonas Karlsson Is decent. 

Rebecca Ferguson plays Katrine Bratt In the film. I have to say she gave a really boring and really bad performance as this character because I feel like she is just sleepwalking throughout the performance and it just feels like she just did this movie for a paycheck and Was it.  Now the character of Katrine Bratt is really bland because She's just there to help detective hairy hole figure out who is The Snowman killer is. She is just there  to be Detective Harry Hole´s love interest and the two characters do not have good chemistry. They feel like they were just together just because the movie wanted to force her to be his love interest. The scene where She First meets detective Harry Hole is just so bland and it feels like it's there too bad out the runtime. It's probably the most feel heavy moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Michael Fassbender Is okay. 

Now a lot of people have mentioned this performance and I will mention anyway Val Kilmer's performance as Rafto Is really weird and doesn't make a lot of sense  and you Probably know why he wasn't in the trailer because he had cancer in his tongue so he can't really talk really well so what did they do they use another actor to dub his voice but the actor sounds nothing like Val Kilmer and to be honest I think he could have played the character silent like the character could have been mute and it wouldn't be that bad but because they cast him in this movie anyway it's just kind of depressing because of the state Val Kilmer was in at the time. The character of Rafto  Is not really a character because he barely does anything this movie he should the gun in the middle of the snow and that's it That's his whole character and He is Trying to help Detective Harry Hall figure out who is the snowman killer boy doesn't really do anything again he's said they wasted character period the chemistry between him and Michael Fassbender Is okay. 

J.K. Simmons Plays Arve Stop in this film and he is completely wasted in this movie because hidden performance He's just there to give exposition what's really disappointing is that JK Simmons is a really tremendous actor If you watch him in Whiplash as Terrence Fletcher and if you've seen him in Kung Fu Panda 3 as Kai he can give some really powerful and awesome performances. But in this It feels like he just did this movie for a paycheck and the character of Arver Stop doesn't really do anything he just is in one scene for expedition and if you take J.K. Simmons's character out of the film would not be any different. The chemistry between him and Michael Fassbender Is okay. 

Now much like why I said about J.K. Simmons Toby Jones is completely wasted in this film as DC Svensson because he is barely in this movie he is only in one scene and You know that  he does not really contribute much to the story of Detective Harry Hole trying to figure out the identity of the snowman killer It felt like Toby Jones did this movie just for a paycheck much like the rest of the actors. What is really disappointing is that Toby Jones is a really excellent and wonderful actor. If you've seen him in the Captain America movies as Arnim Zola or if you've seen him in Tetris as Dr. McBrearty You can see that he can give really entertaining and interesting performances. The chemistry between him and Michael Fassbender is decent. 

Jonas Karlsson  Plays Mathias AKA The Snowman Killer in this film. I have to say he is really bad and really boring as this character because he doesn't really give much of a performance because he's barely in the movie and doesn't really speak a lot of lines in the film. The character of Mathias AKA The Snowman Killer and a really boring and very bland villain because his motivation In concept is really interesting He wants to kill Detective Harry Hole and other Detectives  So they don't figure out who he is but Execution however it does not work because he is just there to kill people that's all he is therefore he is probably up there with Snoke from Star Wars the List Jedi as one of the most boring villain of 2017. The scene where Mathias AKA The Snowman Killer tries to kill Detective Harry Hole is so dumb and we are the way he dies is also really stupid because he just fell through the ice and drowns in the water and that's how he died that's probably the most dumbest villain death of all time because it's not really interesting Because the characters not interesting to watch and all. The chemistry between him and Michael Fassbender is average. 

The directing by Thomas Alfredson is really bad because it is a mess because I don't know what he wanted to be a horror film or do he want this to be a drama film about the character of Detective Harry Hole. Or did he want this to be a mystery film like Zodiac because if he wanted it To be that it completely fails because the movie is Zodiac was about a real life serial killer and the actors gave better performances and the story line was very interesting But the way he develops the mystery in this film is just really slow-paced and not interesting. So overall I think he did a really bad job directing the film. 

So in conclusion I did not like the film. It was really boring. The acting was very bad because most of the actors were really underutilized. Even Michael Fassbender, who I did say gave an okay performance he's not enough to redeem this boring and uninteresting film. I will give credit to a few things I think the snowy landscape looks really awesome to cinematography with the whole winter theme and the effects for the snowman look decent they don't look that bad but aside from those things this movie is really terrible Val Kilmer is really weird in this movie and it's not his fault it's the mainly the studio that cast him. The storyline is just a really bland rip off of Zodiac in terms of trying to figure out who the killer is.This is in my top 10 worst films of 2017. Also Mathias AKA The Snowman Killer In such a bland and boring and his death is so weird and really cheesy that you can't take it seriously. I say skip this movie and go watch Murder On The Orient Express with Michelle Pfeiffer. That movie is a much better mystery film or go watch Zodiac with Jake Gyllenhaal. That movie had a much better serial killer mystery and better acting and much more Interesting moments. Than this film. I give this movie a 2/10.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Top 25 Movies That I like That Are Rotten On Rotten Tomatoes

 Top 25 Movies That I like That Are Rotten On Rotten Tomatoes

25. Mute With 21%

24. The Gray Man With 45%

23. Wish With 48%

22. Argyle With 33%

21. Spaceman With 50%

20. Venom With 30%

19. Black Adam With 38%

18. Godzilla X Kong New Empire With 54%

17. Eternals With 47%

16. Geostorm With 18% 

15. Uncharted With 40%

14. Cherry With 37%

13. The Dark Tower With 15%

12. In The Tall Grass With 36%

11. Tron Legacy With 51 %

10. Breaking News In Yuba County With 11%

9. Ghost Rider With 27%

8. Kronk's New Groove With 0%

7. Racing Stripes With 35%

6. The Shaggy Dog With 26%

5. Bubble Boy With 33%

4. Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania With 46%

3. Renfield With 58%

2. The Tomorrow War with 52%

1. Wonder Woman 1984 With 58%

Top 20 Underrated Films With Great Actors

 Top 20 Underrated Films With Great Actors

20.  Ryan Reynolds in The Voices

19. Antonio Banderas in Uncharted

18. Tom Hanks in Finch

17. Hugh Jackman in Reminiscence 

16. Tom Holland in Cherry

15. Oscar Isaac in The Card Counter

14. Dylan O'Brien in Love & Monsters

13. Bill Skarsgard in The Devil All The Time

12. Colin Farrell in After Yang

11. Willem Dafoe in Inside

10. Jake Gyllenhaal in Roadhouse 2024 

9. Richard Madden in Eternals

8. Harrison Ford in The Call The Wild

7. Matthew McConaughey in The Dark Tower

6. Hugh Jackman in Chappie

5. Paul Rudd in Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantum Mania

4. Ethan Hawke in Predestination 

3. Nicolas Cage in Renfield

2. Paul Giamatti in The Catcher Was A Spy

1. Chris Pratt in The Tomorrow War

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of The Circle


Here is My Movie Review of The Circle

So basically what happened that you have this woman named Mae Holland and she gets this job at this tech company called The Circle and it's barely this place where you're being watched 24/7 and at first she doesn't mind the job she actually likes it but then she starts the real way that the circle has some dark and disturbing secrets about it and she also at the deal with the fact that her father Vinnie Holland has a muscular dystrophy She has to do everything that's power to try to find a cure for him and that's basically what the story is for the film and It is so weird because it doesn't make any sense but at the same time the storyline is just not really Interesting because nothing really much happens in the storyline and in the film not much happens. 

Now the acting Is not really good because a lot of the actors are just underutilized or they just have nothing to do. The script doesn't give them good material to work with and what's really disappointing is that this has a lot of awesome actors who are very much really talented. They are just here to play really bland and unmemorable characters. 

Emma Watson plays Mae Holland  In the film. I have to say her performance was not bad but just really flat. I guess she is the only actor in the film that gives a decent performanceI. But the character of May Holland is so bland and so unmemorable because she at first likes working at The Circle but then she starts to question what the purpose of it is. Then she has to take care of her father Vinnie Holland who has muscular dystrophy. The scene she see her friend Mercer dies in a car accident And it just comes off as very sappy and no dramatic because you have to love the feel bad for but in this film you simply don't because out of character Mea Holland is really unlikable  Because she is so self-centered as a character that you don't really care for her in the film. The chemistry between her and Tom Hanks, John Boyega, Patton Oswalt, Karen Gilligan, Bill Paxton Is decent. 

Tom Hanks Plays Eamon Bailey In the film. Now his performance is really flat because he almost has nothing to do and what's weird is that the trailers and when you look at the poster you'll think that Tom Hanks will be in this film more but he is not he's only like I say like five scenes but most of it he's off to the side and what's really disappointing is that Tom Hanks is a tremendous actor I like him in movies like the Toy Story films Castaway and the Greyhound. But in this it feels like he is sleepwalking. Now I will admit he is trying to give a good performance but due to the really bad script he doesn't really do much in the film. Also keep in mind he is  playing the main villain in the film, this evil CEO owner of The Circle but yet he doesn't really do anything and this is why Tom Hanks doesn't play a lot of villains because when you look at him you don't think of him as a villain. But when you look at actors like Gary Oldman and Bill Nighy and you're like yeah that's a villain actor. But when you look at Tom Hanks you're like Oh he's way too nice to play a villain and that is exactly the case in the film. But the character of Eamon Bailey is really weird because he's obsessed with the idea of having no privacy to him employees he believes that If you don't have privacy your life will get better and he's not even anything other than each other guy that gives like monologue the scene wouldn't introduce itself It's so bland and it doesn't really contribute much to the story. The chemistry between him and Emma Watson is okay. 

However the most wasted actor in this entire movie is John Boyega as Tyler  In the film. I have to say his performance is probably the most branded out of everybody because he just gives exposition and feel like he sleepwalking throughout the performance and what's really disappointing is that John Boyega is a very talented actor if you watch him in the small acx series in Red White and Blue or if you watch him in Imperial Dreams you can tell that he is very talented as an actor but in this movie much like Tom Hanks he doesn't do anything he's just there to give exposition. But the character of Tyler is just bland; he was just there to give exposition; he is supposed to be May Holland's friend but he just doesn't really do anything. The chemistry between him and Emma Watson is fine. 

Karen Gilligan plays May's best friend Annie and much like everybody else in this film she is wasted she doesn't really do much in her performance to feel like she is Just wanted to do this movie just for a paycheck and then feel like she wasn't really happy when she did this film and again Karen Gilligan is a terrific actress If you seen her in the MCU as Nebula she is very talented or if you seen her in The Call The Wild as Mercedes It showed that she they tremendous actress who can give really powerful and entertaining performances. But the character of Annie is just so flat and unmemorable. She's just there to be May Holland's best friend and that's it. There's not much I could say About her because she's just that flattened forgettable. The same where they talk in the bathroom is just weird. It's just there to Give Expedition and that's it. The chemistry between her and Emma Watson is okay. 

Patton Oswalt plays Tom Stenton In the film.Now much like I said with everybody else he's just completely wasted in this film He had nothing to do and it feels like he was just there to get a paycheck much like Karen Gilligan It feels like he also didn't want to be in this film. What's really disappointing is that the rest of this cast is very talented, like if you watch him In Ratatouille as Remy or if you've seen him in In the secret life of Pets 2  he is a very talented actor. The character of Tom Stenton Is nothing, he's just there much like the rest of the character just to give exposition about the workplace The Circle and that's it that's all he is Therefore just to give exposition. The same way  introducing himself to Mea Holland is just there to Introduce the two characters so he  gives exposition to her and it is just there Pad   out the runtime with unnecessary filler. The chemistry between him and Emma Watson is okay. 

Bill Paxton Plays Mea Holland's father Vinnie Holland In the film. Much like I said with everybody else his performance is just very bland and unmemorable because he has nothing to do in this entire movie. He's just there to give exposition. That's his entire performance throughout this entire film. Now much I said about everybody else In the film Bill Paxton  they are really talented actors if you watch him in Apollo 13 as Fred Haise or if you watch him in Titanic as Brock Lovett. You can tell that he is a very talented and terrific actor. But the character of  Vinnie Holland  Is ain't nothing character because all he is is the guy with muscular dystrophy who is really sick and needs help to get better and that's his entire character he doesn't really deal much in the film. The scene where he tells his darn Mea Holland that she needs to quit the job with just really bland and unnecessary filler. The chemistry between him and Emma Watson is fine. 

The directing by James Ponsoldt Is really  weird and really bad because I don't know what he wants this film A drama about a woman caring for a dad or a sci-fi film about how technology came bigger I just don't really get in the message of the film is that technology is evil it could be taking over the universe and it just does not make any sense the characters he tried to flush out don't really do anything. I have to say he does a really bad job of directing the film.

So in conclusion  this was a really bad film because the characters were very boring. The actors are really talented but they just have nothing to do in this entire movie they're pretty much under utilized for the whole film. The message in this movie is really bad. This is probably in my top 10 worst films of 2017. It is probably in My Top 20 Least Favorite Films. I suggest you skip this movie because it is really bland and not really interesting. If you want to watch a better movie about technology then go watch Searching with John Cho. It's the lot more entertaining and all the actors have a lot more to do in that film. I give this movie a 2/10. 

Top 20 Most Boring Movies Ever Made

 Top 20 Most Boring Movies Ever Made

20. The Snowman

19. Accidental Love

18. Ava

17. Ghosted

16. Napoleon 

15. Madame Web

14. Replicas

13. The Counter

12. Terminal

11. The Woman In The Window

10. Polar

9. Infinite

8. Poltergeist 2015

7. Music

6. Velvet Buzzsaw

5. Death Note 2017

4. The Circle

3. War Machine

2. Batman Versus Superman Dawn of Justice

1. Fantastic Four 2015

Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid

  Here Is My Movie Review Of Beau Is Afraid  Now when I saw the trailer for this movie I legitimately thought I was high  because of all the...