Sunday, March 24, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Lord Shen


Here is My Villain Review of Lord Shen

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Lord Shen who is the main villain in 2011's Kung Fu Panda 2 and explain why he's one of the best Kung Fu Panda villains and one of the best DreamWorks villains. 

Origin- Now Lord Shen´s origins or actually very tragic but really interesting because when he was younger he wanted to rule Gangnam City but his parents Just on them due to him growing more darker and more sinister so So he was banished and was told never to rule Gong men city and he had the one that is responsible for killing Po's mom. I think The film does a remarkable job of giving Lord Shen a very interesting story because you understand where he's coming from. He wants to rule Gangnam City and wants to weaponize fireworks to wipe out kung fu forever. 

Character- Now Lord Shen as a character is very incredible because he is one of the darkest comfort panda villains because he had no good in his heart whatsoever and he wanted to rule Goman City and weaponize fireworks and psychologically abuse Po as much as possible. I think the film does a fantastic job of making you sympathize with Lord Shen because he is very tragic  but at the same time it also does a great job of making you hate him because of all the evil that he does. 

Motivation- Now Lord Shen motivations are very incredible and very entertaining because he wants to wipe out Kung Fu forever he wants to weaponize fireworks and he wants to psychologically torture Po and he actually succeeds in doing that he actually emotionally traumatized his Pi because he mentioned that he was the one that killed his mother and I did the film does they brilliant job of giving him a very powerful and incredible motivation.

Best Scenes- Now Lord Shen has a lot of really powerful and incredible moments in the film. Like for example where he says to Po how did you learn peace I took away your parents I scared you for life. Not only was it really intense. but it makes sense because he emotionally broke Po. But my absolute favorite moment with Lauren Shen is where He says to Master Rhino you want to see it.¨ Well it is gift and it will part  you.¨ part of  you there part of you part of you way over there Staining the wall.¨ Not only was it really funny but it made sense because he wanted to kill Master Rhino right now and It is a tremendous use of dark humor and it is all thanks to Gary Oldman's magnificent performance. 

Evil Deeds- Lord Shen Does a lot of evil things in this film like for example he breaks Paul by psychologically abusing him but at the same time you understand where he's coming from he wants to weaponize fireworks and he wants to take over Gangnam City and wants to psychologically abuse Po as much as possible to the point that he can scar him emotionally. I think the film does a spectacular job how evil and disturbing he is as a villain. 

Conclusion- Lord Shen is one of the best DreamWorks villains ever. His motivations are really sinister but you understand why he does the things that he does because he wanted to take over Gangnam City. The scenes between him and Po are some of the darkest but some of the most incredible moments in the Kung Fu Panda franchise and his one of the best Kung Fu Panda villains of all time and that is thanks to Gary Oldman brilliant and powerful performance. I'm going to give Lord Shen a 10/10. 

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