Saturday, March 16, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of The Chameleon


Here is My Villain Review of The Chameleon

    Now I'm going to discuss the character of The Chameleon who is the main villain  in 2024´s Kung Fu Panda 4

Origin- Now The Chameleon came from humble beginnings and she wanted to learn how to do kung fu but she was rejected due to her being too small so She began to grow bitter of the fact her dreams were crushed so she decided to turn to sorcery Instead. So she Adopted then in Tucker and as her own when she found her as an orphan stealing stuff from others because she was a thief to be always I did the film that they excellent job of handling her origin story though I will say that her origin story is not as perfect as Lord Shen´s origin story was in Kung Fu Panda 2. but it is still a very effective and very interesting origin.

Character- Now The Chameleon as a character is actually very interesting because she wants to harness all the powers of the kung fu masters and become the most powerful sorceress of all. I think the film handles her as the character really well because you understand why she's unhappy because she was denied the chance of becoming a Kung Fu warrior. 

Motivation- Now The Chameleon's motivation is really interesting so she wants to steal Po spirit staff and get all of the previous masters out of the Spirit Realm and take their key and their kung fu and harness it for herself and her motivation actually is very interesting she want to become this all powerful sorcerers and she actually succeeds in doing that she actually harnesses all the power of the Kung Fu warriors she even does harness Po´s power. I think the film handles her motivations extremely well though I will admit that her motivations are awesome. I do think Lord Shen´s  motivations from Kung Fu Panda 2 are a lot stronger and a lot more understandable. 

Best Scenes- Now the chameleon has a lot of fantastic  moments In the film and they are all entertained but if I had to pick my favorite moment with The Chameleon Is where she tells Po that Zhen was with her all along and not only was it really intense. But it made sense because she raised her as her own and it is all thanks to viola Davis's excellent and Incredible performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now The Chameleon has done a lot of bad things She stole all of The Kung Fu Master´s Chi. She tries to kill Po and Zhen during the climax of the film. She manipulates  Zhen into joining her. I think  the film does an incredible job of showing how evil and despicable she is as a villain.

Conclusion- The chameleon is a very interesting and a really fun villain because her backstory makes sense. You understand why she is unhappy because she was denied the chance of becoming a kung fu warrior. So that is why she turned to sorcery instead. Though to be honest I don't think she is as perfect and spectacular as Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2. But as a villain she works really well and Viola Davis's performance is tremendous and very entertaining to watch. I'm going to give The Chameleon a 9/10. 

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