Sunday, March 31, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Sinister Strange


Here is My Villain Review of Sinister Strange

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Senator Strange who is the minor supporting villain in 2022's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Explain why he has a small role in the film he is one of the best evil variants of a hero in the MCU. 

Origin- Now Sinister strange´s origin is very much the same as the original Doctor Strange´s origin because much like that one he lost his little sister during the winter and she fell through the ice and she drowned and passed away then he eventually became a surgeon he  fell in love with Christine any battled Thanos But unlike the original Doctor Strange he became sorcerer Supreme because this one was at wiped away by Thanos because he was from a different reality. I think the film does an excellent job of telling Sister strangers origin by keeping it just like the original, well changing a couple things. 

Character- Now unlike the original Doctor Strange, Sinister Strange is not a good guy. He is pure evil. He has read the dark hold which made him more powerful and corrupted his mind. His Christine died and he never got to spend a happy life with her. He has killed multiple variants of himself across the multiverse. I think the film does a fantastic job of  keeping some strange parts of the original Doctor Strange well, changing a lot of it up but it works extremely well. 

    Motivation- Now Sinister Strange´s  motivations are very entertaining because at first he tried to live a happy life with Christine but she died so that failed and he wants to kill the original Doctor Strange Kill alternate universe variance of themselves across the multiverse.  Which he succeeded in because he wanted to dreamwalk across the multiverse and live in a universe with another Christine. I think the film does an excellent job of giving Sinister Strange  a very powerful and interesting motivation. 

Best Scenes- Now Sinister Strange doesn't play a big role in the film and really doesn't have a lot of scenes. But he does have one long and awesome scene and that is the scene where he mentions to the original Doctor Strange He'll give him the dog hold if he gave him his Christine  and not only was it really intense but it made sense because Because his Christine died and he wants the original Doctor Strange to give him his so he can live a happy lifeIt is probably the most disturbing part of the entire film and it is all thanks to Benedict Cumberbatch is awesome and sinister performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Sinister Strange has done a lot of bad things in the film such as he harnessed the dark hold to grant him more power and magic abilities. He wants to kill the original Doctor Strange so he can have his Christine so he can be happy. He has killed every variant of himself across the multiverse. I think the film does a tremendous and outstanding job of showing how evil and how far Sinister Strange will go to achieve his goals. 

Conclusion- Even though Sinister Strange is not in the film that much he still works as a villain because not all villains need to be big or have a lot of screen time They just need to do awesome and intimidating things and Sinister  strange does  just that and I think he is the best minor villain in the MCU because his motivations are disturbing and very evil. But at the same time you understand where he's coming from. He wants to have the original Doctor Strangers Christine so he could be happy. It is all thanks to Benedict Cumberbatch´s dark and sister performance. I'm going to give Sinister Strange a 10/10. 

Here is My Villain Review of Strange Supreme

 Here is My Villain Review of Strange Supreme

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Strange Supreme who is the main supporting villain in what if season 1 and the main villain in what if season 2. and explain why he is such a tragic and very entertaining villain. 

Origin- Now  Strange Supreme´s  origin Is very tragic and very interesting because he was going on a date with his girlfriend Christine but unfortunately they got into a car accident she died so he kept on using  time stone to reverse time and tried to prevent her from dying but it didn't work so he decided to use dark magic to bring her back but eventually he goes mad with power and I think the show does they splendid job of telling this interpretation of strange´s  origin story and changing it for the better. 

Character- Strange supreme as a character is very tragic and very interesting because he loved his girlfriend Christine he always cared about her and ever since she died of that tragic car accident he has been wanting to bring her back and even know he's doing it in a horrific way in his life he thinks he is doing it in the right way because he wants to be reunited with her I think the show does a great job make you feel sorry for Strange supreme because she he lost the woman that he loved. 

Motivation- Now Strange Supreme´s Motivation is very simple but really tragic because he wants to be reunited with his love Christine and prevent her from being killed in that car accident so he decided to use the time stone to keep going back at time and trying to prevent her from dying but every time she did he failed so he decides to harness some of the darkest demons across the Multiverse to try to bring her back and Well his intentions are good because he wants to bring the love of his life back but he had actually doing it in a horrific way but at the same time you do feel very sorry for him because he had to watch Christine die right in front of him and in Season 2 his motivation the same he wants to bring Christine back and  I think the show does an excellent job of giving him a very tragic and understandable motivation. 

Best Scenes- Now  Strange Supreme has a lot of awesome and incredible scenes but if I had to pick one it'll be the scene where he is harnessing all that dark magic and saying to the original Doctor Strange we long for Christine and not only was it really intense and tragic but it makes sense because he wanted to bring the love of his life back. and it's probably the most suspenseful scene of the entire show and it is all thanks to Benedict Cumberbatch's dark and tremendous performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Strange Supreme has done a lot of horrible things. For example he kept on using the timeston to try and bring Christine back but in ripping apart the multiverse and the timeline. He tried to manipulate the watcher into bringing her back which the watcher can't really do. He also tries to kill the original Doctor Strange so he went to stop him from destroying the multiverse. Now well all the stuff he is doing is bad at the same Same time you understand why he is doing all of this he wants to bring the love of his life Christine Back to life so they can spend the rest of eternity together and I think the TV show does a great job make him evil but the same time very simple thank because you understand where he's coming from. 

Conclusion- Strange Supreme is one of the most tragic and powerful villains in the MCU his motivations are very tragic and very interesting. He just wants to be with the love of his wife Christine so he would do anything in his power to bring her back. The scene where he tells the original Doctor Strange that he Lungs for Christine at one of the most powerful and intense moments and it is all thanks to Benedict Cumberbatch´s tremendous performance. I'm going to give the Supreme Strange a 10/10. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Taskmaster


Here is My Villain Review of Taskmaster

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Taskmaster Who is the secondary villain in 2021's Black Widow and explain why she is one of the worst MCU villains and why she is completely inaccurate to her comic counterpart. 

Origin- Now Taskmaster´s origin is really weird and doesn't make sense So she is the daughter of General Dreykov and she had been trained in the red room and her dad experimented on her and weaponized her to become the most skilled marksman and assassin and See what they want in criminal for the organization field and that's it that is her entire origin and the film does a really terrible job of telling her orange and story. 

Character- Honestly the character of Taskmaster is  a mess because the movie makes you think that she is a guy under the costume and she has this ability that she can mimic other superheroes fighting abilities and that is kind of the only thing they got right and the comic accurate costume but  those two things she barely talks in the comics task mastery talks a lot he  also run a school to train other criminals to be skilled assassins but in this film she doesn't do that and for some reason that's filmed the agenda bend him into a woman and that didn't bother  me because I was okay with it but at the same time I feel like you didn't really need to gender bend the character you could just made Taskmaster like how he is in the comic so overall the film though they all for job of adapting the character of taskmaster as well because it gets everything wrong Aside from the costume and the mimicking the fighting style of other characters. Also the twist revealed that Taskmaster was a woman who was just really dumb and didn't really make sense and all is so predictable. I think it's up there with the Mandarin twist from Iron Man 3 as one of the worst MCU twist reveals ever. 

Motivation- Now Taskmaster’s motivations  Don't really make sense because she is tasked to bring black widow back to the red room so her dad  General Dreykov. That is there and to be honest This is one of the most boring villain motivations since Kro From the internals had the worst villain motivation well this one just doesn't make any sense because the film barely touches upon her motivation until the near end of the film so the film also doesn't do a terrific job I'll give you a proper villain motivation. 

Best Scenes- To be honest Taskmaster doesn't really have any  interesting moments. I guess if I had to pick one it'll be the scene where she fights Black Widow on the bridge. I think that was a really decent moment with the character. But the thing is over that you'll blink and you'll miss it. That's how rush that sync with one So memorable as it was it kind of not memorable because they just rushed through that action secret so fast. So the film also does an awful job of giving taskmaster any memorable moments because they're quickly over after they start. 

Evil Deeds- To be honest Taskmaster does kill a few people She's trying to get Black Window under her control but assigned from that I can't remember anything that the character did like with Ikaris from Eternals I can remember a lot of the evil stuff he has done but with taskmaster I just simply don't now don't get me wrong she is way more evil than Kro from the eternals because that villain was so forgettable to stupid that I couldn't remember any evil stuff he did. Well Taskmaster is still bad, at least I sort of remember what evil will stuff she did in the film. I think the film also Doesn't do a good job showing how evil Taskmaster is because they don't show we're doing evil stuff. 

Conclusion- Taskmaster is a terrible MCU villain and the character is a mess. Her origin is not accurate to the comics. The only thing I enjoyed was the bridge fight between her and Black Window even though it was forgettable. The costume looked accurate and her ability to mimic other superheroes fighting styles was a decent idea on paper but it didn't fully work and the gender bending was really weird and didn't make sense. Now the actress that played Taskmaster Olga Kurylenki was really bad because it feels like she'll just sleep walking throughout her performance and it felt like she didn't really want to be in the movie she just did this for a simple paycheck. Also the twist revealed that  Taskmaster was revealed as a woman was just really stupid and does not any make sense. Also Taskmaster will go down the worst comic to movie adaptation  you will ever see. I'm going to give Taskmaster a 2/10. 

Here is My Villain Review of Kaecilius


Here is My Villain Review of Kaecilius

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Kaellius Who is the secondary villain in 2016's Doctor Strange and explain why he is a  really underrated MCU villain but also explain why they could have done so much more with him. 

Origin- Now  Kaecilius´s origin Is not explained a lot in the film But for what we do know Baron Carl Mordo explains to Dr Strange that Kaecilius was found by the Ancient One lost everyone that he ever loved And he was taught in the master of the Mystic Arts by the Ancient One and he was one of her best students He was proud and had strong rejected the ancient ones teaching methods and left Kamar-Taj and lead his evil army in the pursuit of dark magic to be like I did the phone does a decent job of showing his origin story. But I think they should have explained it more More about his past life. 

Character-Now Kaecilius Other character is really interesting they do some interesting stuff what sound like his hatred for the ancient one and how he was trained in the power of the mystic arts for 20 years but again the film could have dived in  to that more but they really does´t it. But I think the film does a decent job of giving him character I'll say this he had more character than Kro in Eternals. I could say that at least this character had a personality. 

Motivation- Now  Kaecilius´s Motivation is really Interesting because he wants revenge on the ancient one who was responsible for his son's death. He wants The Dark Lord AKA Dormammu to Earth though he can wreak havoc and destroy all life in the universe. I think the film does give him a very awesome and interesting motivation. You understand where he's coming from because he wants vengeance on The Ancient One for killing his son.  

Best Scenes-  Now Kaecilius has a lot of interesting and very entertaining moments but if I had to pick one it'll be the scene where he's battling Doctor Strange and he mentions that dormant is coming and not only was it really Intense but it made sense because he used dark magic to release all the Zealots and Dormammu and Royce a portal that led into the dark dimension It is probably the most suspenseful moment of the entire film and it did all things to Mads Mikkelson´s Fantastic and entertaining performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now  Kaecilius   Has done a lot of bad things in the film like he killed the ancient one to take revenge on her for killing his son. He is black magic to  open a portal to the dark dimension. He killed many sorcerers. To be honest I think the film does a terrific job of showing out evil and disturbing Kaecilius is. 

Conclusion- Kaecilius Is a very interesting MCU villain because his motivations make a lot since he wants vengeance on the ancient one for killing his son He had a lot of entertainment but to be honest the character had a lot more potential I think  he is a really underrated MCU villain but he could have done a lot more in the MCU but I think for what MCU has done to him I think it did a decent job of adapting this villain to the big screen although to be honest he's 1,000 times more better than than the wrecking crew from She Hulk because at least he had an on-screen presence. I'm going to give Kaecilius  a 7/10. 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Here is My Movie Review of In The Tall Grass


Here is My Movie Review of In The Tall Grass

So Basically what happens is that you have this couple named Cal DeMuth and Becky DeMuth They are off to the hospital because Cal´s Wife Becky Is pregnant and  then they hear this kid screaming for help in the grass so they decide to go find and rescue him but they get stuck in the grass as well and they find out the kids name is Tobin Humboldt and he tells them that he know the way out but they eventually find out that the grass is possessed by a demon spirit and there is this rock when you touch it it tells you that you'll have to be stuck in there for a long time so it's up to Cal DeMuth and Becky DeMuth  and Tobin Humboldt To find the way out of the tall grass and that is basically what the story is for this film. Now the story in this movie is completely accurate to the book the exact same thing happened they get stuck in the tall grass and they find out that the grass has the mind of its own they have to get out and I have to say the film does they excellent job of adapting the story from the book to the big screen. 

The acting in this movie is terrific. I think everybody does an awesome job and their characters. 

Avery Whitted plays Cal DeMuth In the film. I have to say he does a spectacular job as the character. What makes Cal DeMuth such Incredible character is that he desperately wants to get out of the tall grass. Probably the best moment with Cal DeMuth  Is when  he and Becky DeMuth Get separate in the tall grass and trying to find each other and not only was it really intense but it made sense because they are worried that they'll never be able to get out of the tall grass. It is probably the most disturbing scene in the film. The chemistry between him and Will Blue Junior, Patrick Wilson, Harrison Gilbertson, Laysla De Oliveira Is perfect. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Laysla De Oliveira as Becky DeMuth. What makes Becky DeMuth such a tremendous character that out of all the characters she is the one that is suffering the most stress because she had the baby on the way and she is trapped in the all grass and see the way that she would never Be able to escape it and be reunited with her husband Cal DeMuth. Probably the best moment with Becky DeMuth is where she is getting attacked by the grass. Not only was it really intense but you could just see how scary she was. She is screaming she's worried that the grass is going to possess her and it is probably the most disturbing and Nail biting moment of the entire film. The chemistry between her and Avery Whitted  Is fantastic. 

Now for this being Will Blue Junior´s Very first movie he starred in. I have to say he does a marvelous job as Tobin Humboldt. What makes Tobin Humboldt Such a remarkable character is that he really wants to get out of the tall grass and never get trapped in there again. Probably the best moment with Tobin Humboldt Is where he tells Cal DeMuth and Becky DeMuth  Not to go in the tall grass and not only was it really dark but it made sense because the grass was possessed by evil demonic experience that wanted you to stay with it for the rest of your life and it's probably the most suspenseful moment of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Avery Whitted Is terrific. 

Patrick Wilson plays Tobin Humboldt´s dad Ross Humboldt In the film. I have to say he does a brilliant job as this character. What makes Ross Humboldt  Such an interesting character is that at first he wants to get out of the tall grass But unfortunately the Demonic Spirits of the grass Decide to possess him And he tries to kill his son and  Cal DeMuth and Becky DeMuth. Probably the best moment with Ross Humboldt  is when he tries to get his son to touch the rock and stay in the tall grass. Not only was it really scary. But it made sense because he was possessed by the evil demonic spirits that lived in the tall grass It is probably the darkest and the most disturbing scene of the entire film. The chemistry between him and Avery Whitted Is wonderful. 

Harrison Gilbertson Plays Travis McKean In the film. I have to say he does a Outstanding job as the character. What makes Travis McKean is that he really wants to help Cal DeMuth, Becky DeMuth and Tobin Humboldt get out of the tall grass. Probably the best moment with Travis McKean is where he is asking Tobin Humboldt If he has seen Cal DeMuth and Becky DeMuth And not only was it really important but it made stuff because he needs to find them and get them out of the toilet and it displays the most suspenseful moment of the entire film The chemistry between him and Avery Whitted is incredible. 

The directing by Vincenzo Natali is perfect because what I like about his directing is that he gets everything right from the book. The storyline and the characters and even the lines that they say in the film are pulled directly from the book. I also like how I got the ending proactive because most of the characters do get trapped in the tall grass and do die inside of it. I think it is really Interesting of how he got the ending completely accurate to the book.

So in conclusion I really enjoyed the film. I think it is the perfect Stephen King adaptation because it gets everything right from the book. I think this is up there in 1922 as one of the best Stephen King adaptations. Also I think both Avery Whitted and Laysla De Oliveira Have very strong chemistry with one another. This is easy in my top 10 best movies of 2019. I think this is up there with Hellboy as the most underrated film of 2019. I think more people should watch this film especially if you like 1922 with Thomas Jane. I give this movie a 10/10. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

My Ranked of All 35 2022 Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

 My Ranked of All 35 2022 Villains Ranked from Worst to Best

35. The Wrecking Crew from She Hulk

34. Stromboli from Pinocchio 2022

33. Honest John from Pinocchio 2022

32. Maya Sorian from The Adam Project

31. Argon from Secret Headquarters

30. Sean Irons from Secret Headquarters

29. Sabbac from Black Adam

28. Lulu From DC League Super Pets

27. Milo from Morbius

26. Verussa Bloodstone from Werewolf By Night

25. The Clandesttines from Miss Marvel

24. Najma from Miss Marvel

23. Miles Bron from Glass Onion A Knives Out Mystery

22. Lloyd Hansen from The Gray Man

21. Camderman from Miss Marvel 

20. Professor Marmalade from The Bad Guys

19. Danny Sharpe from Ambulance

18. Future Buzz from Lightyear

17. Braddock from Uncharted

16.  Santiago Moncade from Uncharted

15. Gorr The God Butcher from Thor Love and Thunder

14.  Arthur Harrow from Moonknight

13. The White Dragon from Peacemaker

12. Namora from Black Panther Wakanda Forever

11. Attuma from Black Panther Wakanda Forever

10. Namor from Black Panther  Wakanda Forever

9. Fjolnir The Brotherless from The Northman

8. Jean Jacket from Nope

7. Queen Gudrun from the Northman

6. Goldilocks, Big Jack Horner, and Death from Puss In Boots The Last Wish

5. Chef Slowik from The Menu

4. Colonel Miles Quaritch from Avatar The Way of Water

3. The Riddler from the Batman

2. Joy Wang from Everything Everyone All At Once

1. The Scarlet Witch from Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of Ghost


Here is My Villain Review of Ghost

Now I'm going to discuss the character of Ghost who is the main villain in 2018's Ant-Man and The Wasp and explain why she is such a tragic and misunderstood villain as also one of the most underrated villains in the MCU. 

Origin- Now Ghost´s origin is really sad and very tragic but really interesting because her name is Ava Star the daughter of Elias Starr who was a scientist working on Quantum Energy and trying to explore the quantum realm but in the machine malfunctioned and it killed him and his wife and she got caught in the blast of the quantum energy however it didn't kill her instead it gave her faithing in powers and when she was an adult she was forced by S.H.I.E.L.D to become a stealth operative and they weaponized her and eventually she was adopted by Bill Foster who would become her adopted father  I think the film does a wonderful job of making you feel bad for her because her origin is really tragic and the film handles it tremendously. 

Character- Now Ghost as a character that you can feel really bad for her because she had to watch her family be killed In front of her by quantum energy and she  wants to be cured of her faithing. I think the film does tremendous job of making you feel sorry for and make you feel sad but they tore them because you understand what where she's coming from she wants to be cared for her disease and wants to have her body be repaired and be fixed. 

Motivation- Now Ghost´s motivation is very interesting because she wants to absorb the quantum energy from Hank Pym's wife Janet Van Dyne so it can care her ever faithing ability But unfortunately this will kill Janet Van Dyne but at the same time you understand where she is coming from she's in a lot of pain she wants to be fixed and in her eyes she thinks she's doing the right thing but she's actually doing a harmful and deadly manner and I did the film to the great job of giving her a very tragic but understandable motivation because she just wants to be fixed. 

Best Scenes- Now Ghost has a lot of Powerful and beautiful scenes  But if I had to pick my favorite scene it'll be the scene were She tells Ant-Man about her past and And explains why she needs to absorb the Quantum Energy from Janet Van Dyne and not only was it really Really powerful but it makes sense because she lost her parents in a quantum realm experiment accident and she needs the quantum energy in order to cure her body of her faithing and it is probably the strongest moment of the entire film. It is all thanks to Hannah John Kamen´s excellent performance. 

Evil Deeds- Now Ghost does a lot of evil things in this movie like for example she mainly tries to absorb all the quantum energy from Janet Van Dyne which would kill her. She thinks of killing Ant-Man's daughter Cassie. She also Manipulates her adopted father Bill Foster to help her find Care. She does try to kill Ant-Man and she also tries to kill Hank Pym when he is in the Quantum Realm. Now well all the stuff that she is doing is bad but at the same time you sort of understand why she is doing all this she wants to be cured from her faithing so her body be back to normal and and her eyes see actually things that she is doing the right thing but she's actually going about it in a dangerous and horrific way and I think the film that they spectacular job of making her evil also making you feel bad for her because she just wants to be normal again. 

Conclusion- Ghost is a very tragic and misunderstood villain in MCU  because you feel really sorry for because she just wants to be cured of her faithing and have her body be back to normal. So you understand where she is coming from because she just wants to be cared for and she doesn't want to deal with all the pain in her body from quantum energy. She is one of the most tragic villains in phase 3 in the MCU and it is all thanks to Hannah John Kamen´s Powerful and emotional performance. I'm going to give Ghost a 10/10.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Here is My Villain Review of The Joker

  Here is My Villain Review of The Joker

Now I'm going to discuss the character the Joker who is the main villain in the 1989's film Batman  and explain why he has a Near perfect interpretation of the character and explain why he has won the most iconic movie villains. 

Origin- Now Joker's origin is very interesting because in the comics it's not fully explained of what his origin is sometimes he makes stuff up about his past life but in this film Yes gangster Jack Napier the right hand man to Carl Grissom and he falls into a bed of chemicals with bleach as a skin white in terms of his hair green and he decides to get revenge on Carl Grtham and take over Gotham  plunged it into chaos and that's basically his origin story to be on that did the film that they wonderful job of explaining the Joker's origin story really well. 

Character- The Joker as the character is basically really accurate in the comics he they sick psychopathic clown with a morbid sense of humor he enjoys killing people and causing chaos and I think the film handle the character of Joker very accurately. He does the same stuff as he does in the comics. 

Motivation- Now Joker's motivation in this film is very interesting because he doesn't want to spread a message he is simply enjoying himself of killing people and causing horrible things to happen in Gotham and does very accurate to the comics how Joker likes to cause a lot of chaos and destruction around Gotham and I think the film handles his motivation really well.

Best Scenes- No Joker had a lot of amazing scenes but if I had to pick one of my favorite scenes it'll be the scene where Joker says to his boss Carl Gantham ¨Jack is dead my friend.¨ You can call me Joker and as you can see I'm a lot happier.¨ Now it is really intense because Joker shoots his boss in the face but the same time it is  really funny and that is all thanks to Jack Nicholson's iconic and tremendous performance. 

Evil Deeds- Joker does a lot of evil stuff in this film he killed his boss called rhythm in the face he poisons Gotham with Joker laughing Gas. He tried to kill Batman's girlfriend Vicki Vale. I think The film does a wonderful job of showing how evil and disturbing the Joker is. 

Conclusion- The Joker is one of the best villains of the 1980s. He is very dark but also really funny. He has a very simple and interesting motivation. My only problem with him is that Him being the killer of Bruce Wayne's parents was just very dumb and didn't make sense. But other than that here he is near perfect joker he is unpredictable he has very smart and it is all thanks to Jack Nicholson´s powerful and entertaining performance. I'm going to give The Joker a 9/10. 

Here is My Movie Review of Batman 89


Here is My Movie Review of Batman 89

So basically what happens is that you have Bruce Wayne/Batman his protecting the city of Gotham By fighting crime and then there is this guy named Jack Napier who is Who is Task to Still the money from Is chemicals but then his boss Carl Grissom double crossers him and he sees Brice Wayne / Batman and they fight and he falls into the chemicals and his skin becomes bleached and he comes back renaming himself Joker and he decides to This joint gone to my evening Joker laughing gas and plunged the whole city in the chaos and it's up to Bruce Wayne / Batman at take down Jack Napier /The Joker and save Gotham and that is basically what the story is for this film.

The acting in this movie is still fantastic. I still think all the actors are very entertaining as their characters. Also i can tell that they were having a lot of fun In this film. 

Michael Keaton plays Bruce Wayne / Batman in this film. I have to say he still does an excellent job as the character. Now the character of Bruce Wayne / Batman is really incredible but there are some stuff that don't make sense for one he killed a lot of people in this movie and Batman is a character that is now out to kill anyone But in this they just have him like kill Jack Napier / the Joker which is really weird He says the dumbest line in this movie let's get nuts It's just a very cheesy and ridiculous Line of dialogue which Was just out of character because Bruce Wayne / Batman doesn't crack a lot of jokes he's very serious but there are a lot of great moments with him like his introduction scene where he says to one of Carl Grtham Henchmen I am Batman and that is probably the best scene of the film because not only that really intense but it made sense because he is striking fear into the hearts of his criminals and it's Really accurate to the comic books because he said I am Batman. Other the thing like he confronts Jack Napier/The Joker near the end of the film is a really intense and powerful moment. But that being said I do think that Robert Pattinson's Batman is a lot better written and a lot better acted. But Michael Keaton's Batman is still really entertaining. The chemistry between him and Jack Nicholson, Billy Dee Williams, Kim Basinger, and Michael Grau Is still terrific. 

 Billy Dee Williams Plays Harvey Dent now even though he doesn't play a big role in the film. He still does a great job as the character. Now I do wish he came back in Batman return so we can see his interpretation of two-faced but that being said it was interesting to see him in this film and you can tell that he does have good intentions he wants to protect Gotham City and the scene where he mentioned that he wants to do that is one of the  Best moments in the film. The chemistry between him and Michael Keaton is still remarkable. 

Kim Basinger plays Brice Wayne / Batman's girlfriend Vicki Vale in the film. I have to say she still does a terrific job as the character.  Now the character of Vicki Vale In this film it relatively interesting she really is in love with Bruce Wayne/ Batman and the moments that they do have with each other are Probably some of the best moments in the film such as when She first meets Birth Wayne / Batman for the first time and he shows her his house and not only was it really emotional but it made sense because they start to fall in love and it's probably the strongest moment of the entire film The chemistry between her and Michael Keaton is still marvelous.

Michael Gough plays Alfred in the film. I have to say he still does an excellent job as the character. Now the character of Alfred is relatively comic book accurate; he is there to assist Bruce Wayne/Batman. Help him relieve his stress but Tell me all I do is prefer our friend from the Batman played by Andy Sarkis. I think that one is better written but this one is still really entertaining. Now Alfred does have a lot of interesting moments in this film such as the scene where he ask Bruce Wayne / Batman wants on his mind and it's one of the best moments in the film because he wants to know what is concerning Bruce Wayne / Batman and shows how much he does care about him and it's probably the most powerful moment in the film that chemistry between him and Michael Keaton is marvelous. 

However the absolute big standout of the entire film is Jack Nicholson as Jack Napier/The Joker. What makes Jack Napier slash the Joker such a spectacular villain in that unlike the other Joker interpretations like the Heath Ledger's Joker from the Dark Knight or Joaquin Phoenix Joker from the movie Joker This one does it want to spread a message he is simply enjoying himself being just rebels in the fact that he likes to cause chaos and Killing people. But that being said I do think that Joker from the Dark Knight is a much better written Joker and a lot more scarier but there are a lot of Entertain moments with Jack Napier / Joker such as his introduction scene where he says to Carl Grantham Jack is dead my friend.¨ You can call me Joker and as you can see I am a lot happier. Now this scene is very disturbing because it features Jack Napier / Joker killing his boss. But also very funny because the way Jack and Nicholson delivered this monologue It's just so hilarious and entertaining. Another moment that I like from Jack Napier / the Joker is where he kills one of his henchmen with his joy buzzer and he says you are a vicious bastard and he says I'm glad you're dead and He is just laughing at the fact that one of his henchmen is dead. It just shows that Jack Napier / Joker has no sympathy for human life and just enjoys killing people It is probably one of the best darkly comedic moments of the film. Now as fun as Jack Napier / Joker is in this movie there is one thing that I never liked about this interpretation of Joker and that is him being the one that killed Bruce Wayne´s parents It just felt out of character because the real person that was responsible for the death of Bruce Wayne's parents was Joe Chill. But aside from that this is a near perfect interpretation of the Joker. The chemistry between him and Michael Keaton is still wonderful. 

The directing by Tim Brian is interested because he gets some stuff right but a few things wrong One of the things he does get right is the Joker at the character because the Joker in the comics is insane clown who enjoys killing people and causing a lot of chaos and I think he handled that really well as well as Bruce Wayne / Batman's introduction scene when he says I am Batman but there are things he gets wrong is that Batman is not allowed to kill But in this film he makes him kill For some reason. having the Joker be the one killing Bruce Wayne's parents with also really weird Out of character. But other than that I think he did a decent job of directing the film. 

So in conclusion I still really enjoyed this film. It's not a perfect Batman movie. It does have problems but is still a very entertaining comic book film. Jack Nicholson obviously steals the entire movie as Jack Napier/Joker. Michael Keaton Still played the very entertaining Bruce Wayne / Batman. Now I do think the Robert Pattinson from The Batman is much better written and unlike this one he doesn't kill people. I still think if you like Batman Returns I'm sure you're going to like this one. I give this movie a 8/10. 

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