Thursday, December 14, 2023

Here is My Movie Review of Batman and Robin

 Here is My Movie Review of Batman and Robin

So basically what happens is that you have Batman  and Robin and they are having Problems with their partnership and then you have poison ivy who puts Robin under the spell so he'll turn against Batman and then you have Mr Freeze wanting to find a cure for his dying wife Nora. Then you have play the IV recruiting bane and she wants to turn all gotham into a tropical jungle and it's up to Batman and Robin and Batgirl to take down Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy and  Bane and that's basically what the story is for this movie.  Then you have Alfred dying and Batman has to find a character to save him. The way I can sum up this movie is even worse than the storyline in Spider-Man 3 because Spider-Man 3 is awful but at least there was one storyline I enjoyed. It was the stuff with Sandman with this that just felt like a jumbled up mess of a movie. 

The acting in this movie is probably the worst acting I've ever seen in a superhero movie and I'll say this I think the acting in Greenland turned from 20011 was a lot better than the acting this movie because as bad as the acting was in that film at least the actors were trying their best to give good performance and they were a few decent performances in there it was just the writing here there are no good performances at all. 

Now everyone has said that George Clooney is a terrible Batman and I 100% present agree with that statement. His performance is so terrible because he's not even playing Batman he just playing himself in a really horrible Batman suit. I'm going to say this as much as I don't like Green Lantern. I think Ryan Reynolds' performance as Hal Jordan / Green Lantern was a lot better because at least he was trying to give a great performance and there were a few good moments here and there where his performance was decent. but here this performance is one of the worst superhero performances of all time. Now the character of Bruce Wayne/Batman is  Is awful because in this film they make him way too silly way too handy to take seriously Batman is supposed to be a really dark character like Daredevil how both characters don't crack jokes but this film they go like oh lets have Batman be like Ant-Man from the MCU The only difference being that Paul Rudd was actually funny as Ant-Man and there were some moments in the trilogy where Ant-Man had to be serious and Paul Rudd did a great job of pulling that off really well. Probably the dumbest scene was Bruce Wayne/Batman is where he meets Mr Freeze and he says hi freeze I'm Batman And it's just really cartoony and the way Batman is about the introducing himself is when he said I am Batman but he doesn't have very serious voice in a very serious town not overly goofy or cheesy. There's surprisingly one good lion dialogue but it's still terrible. It's where Robin says I want a car chicks dig the car and Birth Wayne / Batman says this is why Superman works alone. But even that line is still a horrible land dialogue. The chemistry between him and Chris O'Donnell, Jeep Swenson, Alicia Silverstone, Urma Thurman, Arnold Schwarzenegger Is decent. 

Chris O'Donnell plays Dick Grayson/Robin. I have to say he is terrible as this character. He had way too over the top and she needed to be taken seriously as the character. Now the character of Dick Grayson/Robin Is horrible because all he does is argue with Bruce Wayne/ Batman for the majority of the film and for the most part he's just put under this spell by Poison Ivy and the storyline between him and Poison Ivy is one of the dumbest things in this entire film. Also they try to make him like Peter Quill / Star-Lord from the MCU But the only difference is that Peter Quill/Star Lord goes on an emotional character arc throughout the Gardens of the Galaxy Trilogy and also he was actually funny. Well Robin in the film is very annoying and not funny in the solidus. Probably the dumbest scene with Robin is when he falls in love with poison ivy for the first time. It just comes off really weird and really dumb and it has nothing relevant to the story whatsoever. The chemistry between him and George Cloney is fine. 

Now surprisingly there is one decent performance in the film and that is from John Glover as Dr Jason WoodrowI. I think out of all the performances in the film he is probably the least terrible because he was the only actor in the film that's having fun and he was the only performance  that's actually really entertaining to watch. 

Alicia Silverstone plays Barbara Wilson/Batgirl In the film. I have to Say she is still really bad as this character. Now the character of Barbara Wilson's wife Barbara Gordon is completely wrong because Wilson is not her last name her real name is Barbara Gordon And she served no Romans to the story whatsoever She is just there to fight poison ivy and not that that's all she's here for. The chemistry between her and George Clooney is average. 

Jeep Swenson plays Bane In the film. I have to say it is not really a performance because all he does in this film is grunt and growls throughout the entire film so he's a zombie. Now in concept Jeeps Swenson is the perfect choice to play Bane because he's really big and muscular but execution-wise it was a total misfire. Now the character of Bane is supposed to be really smart and really strong and he's supposed to be a master strategist and in this film he's just there to follow Poison Ivy around and that's all he does. But luckily we got more accurate interpretation of the character in the Dark Knight Rises from 2012 played by Tom Hardy because that one even though he was smaller than he was in the comics and he actually talked and he was actually very smart. I'm going to say this This is probably one of the worst comic to screen adaptations and yes I said I think it's worse Than Kingpin in Daredevil 2003 because well that interpretation is bad  at least Michael Clark Duncan tried to give a good performance. The chemistry between him and George Clooney is fine. 

Uma Thurman plays Poison Ivy In the film. I have to say she is still awful and the character. Now boy then Ivy at the character is just there for Batman and Roman to fight over and she's just there to look attractive and her motivation does not make sense because Mr Freeze wants to find a cure for his wife Nora well she wants to tear down Gotham City and turn it into a tropical jungle with her giant plant. They tried to make her like Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman from Batman Returns but the only difference being that Michelle Pfeiffer gave a way better performance and she was actually relevant to the story and you felt bad for her. Her introduction seen It's a ripoff to the riddles introduction saying Batman Forever where he proposed this idea to Bruce Wayne about helping to improve the brain's potential for Bruce Wayne shut down and he becomes the villain because Bruce Wayne ignored him The only difference being  The Ridder´s  motivation sort of makes sense because he wanted to be the smartest person on Earth. Well Poison Ivy's Introduction s comes off as a carbon copy of The Riddler's introduction scene. The chemistry between her and George Clooney is average. 

But by far the worst performance in this entire film is Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze because he is so over the top and cheesy  that you can't really take its performance seriously at all. Now the character of Mr Freeze is really awful because in Batman the animated series you felt really bad for him because he wants to find a cure to save his wife and Nora but in this film you simply don't because he is so over the top and cheesy. But by far the worst part of the character are the ice puns. These jokes are not funny, they're just really cringe worthy and really dumb. The only good thing about Mr Freeze is the ice effects that he has his ice gun to freeze his victims. Those looked okay. Those were probably the least horrible effects in the film but other than that this is probably the worst comic to screen adaptation. I'm going to say that I hate this more than M.O.D.O.K from Ant-Man The Wasp Quantum Mania because  M.O.D.O.K  was way more accurate to the comics even though they took Darren Cross from the first movie. Also he was still a scientist and he was still played for laughs as well as being really menacing when he wears his mask in the film. Also Corey Stoll gave a way better performance. The chemistry between him and George Clooney is average. Fun fact actors like Hulk Hogan, Sylvester Stallone, Ed Harris, Anthony Hopkins, and Patrick Stewart were all considered to play Mr Freeze.

But By far the worst thing about this movie in the directing by Joel Schumacher It feel like he don't understand Batman because he thinks Batman is this character who cracks jokes but he's not need this super dark and serious character but he decided to make him into a joke character. Also I feel like he don't know who Mr Freeze is he thinks he is supposed to be this overly goofy character but he thought about being overweight silly. He's supposed  to be this sympathetic and he is a villain who wants to bring his wife back to life. Also I'll say this at least he apologized for making this movie because It wasn't his intention to make a terrible movie he just wanted to entertain.

So in conclusion this is still one the worst superhero movies ever made. There is only one good performance that was from John Glover as Dr Jason Woodrow. But even he can't redeem this movie. The storyline is just as bad as Spider-Man 3 it is a mess of a film. The character of Mr Freeze is completely wrong. he is Supposed to be really serious but he is really goofy. I still think he's up there with Taskmaster from Black Widow as one of the worst comic to movie adaptations. I say just skip this movie and go watch Ant-Man with Paul Rudd because that movie is actually funny. It has an awesome storyline. Also it has more Interesting characters and it actually has a really great villain. I give this movie a 0/10.

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